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加州州立大学北岭分校中国所研讨会:Harold F. Giedt Lecture Series
2021/10/8 17:48:40 | 浏览:1281 | 评论:1

    加州州立大学北岭分校中国所研讨会:Harold F. Giedt Lecture SeriesChina Institute

    Harold F. Giedt Lecture Series

  • 加州州立大学北岭分校中国所研讨会:Harold F. Giedt Lecture Series
  • Artivism in Taiwan
  • Dr. Meiqin Wang, Professor of Art, CSUN 

Time: 2-3:30 PM, Oct. 22nd, 2021(Friday)
Register for this Zoom Webinar at: 


Abstract:This talk will share my observations conducting field research in Taiwan as a Fulbright scholar, centering on a recent public event pulled off by progressive intellectuals and grassroots social organizations in the island as a critical response to Taiwan government’s heightened censorship and political control over its citizens since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Named Mass Burial:Culture in Action, it gathers leading professionals in art, architecture, theater, film, and other cultural domains, for a successive 10-day public performative event remembering lives lost in the pandemic and engaging the public for conversations about Taiwan's deteriorated political and cultural environments in a society long applauded for its liberal and democratic system. It is also an unprecedentedly ambitious endeavor bringing art and activism together in which some of the most critically-minded Taiwan artists, cultural activists, and veteran social activists collaborated to advance a civil discourse that seeks to open up free spaces where marginalized voices can be heard, justice can be pursued, social and political problems can be discussed, and critical reflections on Taiwan’s journey towards liberty and democracy can be made. A Short Bio:Meiqin Wang is a professor of art history at California State University Northridge. Her research focuses on contemporary art from China in the context of commercialization and urbanization of the Chinese world. She has written on topics such as art and cultural industries, art and urbanization, and socially engaged art. She has published numerous articles and three books:Socially Engaged Art in Contemporary China(2019), Visual Arts, Representations and Interventions in Contemporary China(edited, 2018)and Urbanization and Contemporary Chinese Art(2016). This event is sponsored by CSUN China Institute and the College of Humanities. It is free and open to the public.



加州州立大学北岭分校中国所研讨会:Harold F. Giedt Lecture Series


Our lifetime honorary director of China Institute, Dr. Justine Su will give her talk, “Comparative Education as a Career:Reflection on 40 Years of Experiences,” will be held online on Nov. 12. Please register in advance with the information below:

Time: 2-3:30 PM, Nov. 12, 2021(Friday)
Register for this Zoom Webinar at: 

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