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中国国际进口博览会邀请函(11/5-10/2022 上海国家会展中心)
2022/6/14 14:09:12 | 浏览:1765 | 评论:0

中国国际进口博览会邀请函(11/5-10/2022 上海国家会展中心)
  中国国际进口博览会邀请函(11/5-10/2022 上海国家会展中心)

The 5th China International Import Expo to be held in Shanghai

中国国际进口博览会邀请函(11/5-10/2022 上海国家会展中心)

China International Import Expo(CIIE)is the world’s first import-themed national exhibition. The 5th CIIE will be held in Shanghai from November 5 to 10 this year. 

The registration deadline for the CIIE has been extended till July 31, 2022. At present, 120 U.S. enterprises have registered in the Enterprise & Business Exhibition.

To encourage enterprises’ participation, the CIIE released several favorable measures to help exhibitors of the Enterprise & Business Exhibition. 

Exhibitors that set up their own booths will be entitled to a 300-yuan subsidy for each square meter of their exhibition space. The subsidies, which shall be no more than an exhibitor's actual spending on setting up the booth, can be redeemed directly or used to offset booth fees at the sixth CIIE or costs incurred during the fifth CIIE, including those concerning forums, activities, hotels and advertisements. Details about application procedures will be released later.

(The final interpretation of above-mentioned policies is at the sole discretion of the CIIE Bureau.)

Click the following picture to find more about the Enterprise & Business Exhibition

中国国际进口博览会邀请函(11/5-10/2022 上海国家会展中心)
中国国际进口博览会邀请函(11/5-10/2022 上海国家会展中心)
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