If you are wondering which major or career path to choose, and would like to get advice from experts in the field, then this event series is for you. CESASC proudly presents the first season of Profession Insights for New Generation Talks starting Octorber 22, 2022. We will be inviting seasoned professionals from different fields to introduce their daily lives, their experiences, and the current trend in their fields. Each PING Talks session will be an online zoom seminar, starting with about 15-20min of interviews, and following up with about 30min of Q&A time.
Please feel free to download and import the following iCalendar(.ics)file to your calendar system for the entire season one. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZAkc-uoqD4oHNdyL1ukNLwpbLVpjHQrF5t2/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGspz8oGtKQsh-ERpwIHY-ga_TwpiVBgo1ZhTO0Fit9ThTmNM50IrhXIcr2 Zoom Meeting Information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84942065263?pwd=c2R3RFkwVlJDbFRHWkJzTThzQUtvZz09 Meeting ID: 849 4206 5263 Passcode: PING_1962 All four speakers of Season One are prior recipients of the CESASC Scholarship. Since 1984, the CESASC Scholarship Program has been running for almost four decades, supporting the younger generations of engineers and scientists with not only scholarship awards, but also mentorship and opportunities to showcase their work. For more information about the CESASC Scholarship Program, please click here. The first session of the PING Talks features Dr. Stanley Chang from Wellesley College.
Dr. Stanley Chang
Professor Chang has been teaching pure mathematics at Wellesley College outside of Boston since 2001. His research centers around a subfield of topology called surgery theory. His research monograph on this subject, entitled “A first course in surgery theory,” was published in 2021 in the Princeton Annals of Mathematics Study. Professor Chang’s PhD was received from the University of Chicago in 1999, which he attended after receiving his undergraduate degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and his master’s degree from the University of Cambridge, where he studied after being selected as a British Marshall Scholar. Other than mathematics research and pedagogy, he has a great passion for classical piano music and ancient and modern languages. |