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中華科工會獎學金申請(1/31/2011 截止)
中華科工會獎學金申請(1/31/2011 截止)
来源:北美華人社區新聞 | 作者:李怡萱 | 2010/11/14 15:08:43 | 浏览:3226 | 评论:2


中華科工會獎學金申請(1/31/2011 截止)


  2011年科技研討會主題為「促進增長與發展的科技前沿」(Frontiers in Science & Technology for Growth and Development),科工會與南加多個科技協會團體將共同推出包括能源、交通、環保、太空、信息技術及生物科技等眾多課題的研究成果,介紹相關科技對民生及各產業與經濟的影響,並探討其他熱門話題。除科技研討會外,也將邀請具影響力傑出華人學者專家專題演講。活動情況,請查詢中華科工學會網站www.cesasc.org


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E Pluribus Unum Prizes Application说:留言于2010-11-23 05:39:03(第2条)
The E Pluribus Unum Prizes is national awards program recognizes immigrant integration initiatives and rewards four winners with a $50,000 prize. The application is open to all types of organizations and initiatives can range from adult education and job training and ESL to civic engagement to economic development, and many other areas of immigrant integration. We know there are many great initiatives happening in higher education, particularly at the community college level and we would like to invite them to apply.
Below is general information about the program. If you have any questions about the Prizes or would like to receive additional information, you can reach Monica Arciga by phone at 202-266-1922 or via email at marciga@migrationpolicy.org.
E Pluribus Unum Prizes: Recognizing Exceptional Immigrant Integration Initiatives
The E Pluribus Unum Prizes national awards program provides four $50,000 prizes annually to exceptionally successful immigrant integration initiatives. The program highlights and rewards outstanding efforts that help immigrants and their children join the mainstream of US society or that bring immigrants and the native born together to build stronger, more cohesive communities. Winners are recognized at event in Washington, DC each May. The E Pluribus Unum Prizes are coordinated by MPI''''s National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy.
WHO CAN APPLY? The application is open to individuals, nonprofit and community organizations, businesses, religious groups, and government entities, agencies, or officials operating in the United States. See 2010 winners.
DEADLINE: The deadline to apply is December 15, 2010 at 5 pm EST.
HOW TO APPLY: Application rules and procedures can found at http://www.integrationawards.org/.
Download a PDF with background information, selection criteria, and instructions.
QUESTIONS about the E Pluribus Unum Prizes should be sent to awardsinfo@migrationpolicy.org.
E Pluribus Unum Prizes
The E Pluribus Unum Prizes national awards program provides four $50,000 awards annually to exceptionally successful immigrant integration initiatives. http://www.integrationawards.org
U.S. Immigrant Integration Network
To sign up go to: http://immigrant- integration.ning.com/

Kathy Carroll
Executive Secretary for BARRY A. RUSSELL
Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
California Community Colleges Chancellor''''s Office
1102 Q Street, Sacramento, CA 95811
916.322.6881 (Business) 916.324.6701 (Facsimile)

大波士頓地區台大校友會说:留言于2010-11-18 08:28:32(第1条)
大波士頓地區台大校友會將於本月20日(周六)晚間6時30分,假勒星頓鎮揚子江飯店(25 Depot Square, Lexington, MA)舉辦「2010年終校友聚餐」。會員及家屬每人22元,學生會員及家屬15元,非會員或臨時報名者25元、學生及家屬20元。該校友會會費15元,終生會員150元。聯絡及查詢可洽:陳盈靜(會長)(978)470-1967,pontuchi@gmail.com;許翠玲(會籍)(781)898-3283;夏治平(秘書)(781)453-0086;曾宓(財務)(781)915-8112。

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