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Invitation:CSUN 2023 Chinese New Year’s Celebration Party
2023/1/27 17:15:11 | 浏览:2570 | 评论:1

CSUN China Institute and CSSA invite you to attend

 2023 Chinese New Year’s Celebration Party

4:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 4th, 2023

Grand Salon, University Student Union, CSUN

Dear friends of CSUN China Institute and CSSA,

CSUN China Institute and CSSA(Chinese Students and Scholars Association)cordially invite you to 2023 Chinese New Year party. This is our first on-campus celebration since 2019, and we will celebrate the Year of the Rabbit together. The first day on the Chinese calendar falls on January 22nd, and our party is one night before the Lantern Festival.  The Rabbit is a symbol of energy, positivity, and productivity in Chinese culture, which are what we need as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

 Entertainment program s featuring Chinese cultures and gourmet Chinese dinner will be provided. All friends of China Institute and their family members are welcome!

 Location and Directions: Grand Salon is located in the University Student Union Complex(USU), CSUN.  The USU is located just west of Parking Lot G4(a valid parking permit is required).  From Nordhoff Street, take Zelzah Avenue North and pass Prairie Street.  Entrance to Lot G4 is right on your left. CSUN campus map is available at http://www.csun.edu/csun-maps 

Reservation form:      



CSUN Department/Office & mail code(if applicable)___________________________


Do you like to receive email announcements of the China Institute’s activities? _______

Ticket price

Adult:$30 per person;                                    Child:$15 per child(kids under age 3 are free);

CSUN student:$15 per person;                      CSUN Visiting scholars:$15 per person; 

Please indicate the number of people in your party:_______________________

Check enclosed in the amount of $______________(Please make your check payable to CSUN

CSUN China Institute welcome donations to our organization, and we greatly appreciate your support.

Please mail the reservation form before Jan. 27th to:

Dr. Weimin Sun, Department of Philosophy

California State University, Northridge

Northridge, CA 91330-8253

Campus mail drop:8253       

You may also email the registration form to Dr. Weimin Sun(weimin.sun@csun.edu)(so that we can put your group on the reservation list), and bring the check to the party and submit it at the gate.

Further Contact Information:

Dr. Weimin Sun, Director of CSUN China Institute


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CSUN说:留言于2023-02-04 15:23:06(第1条)
Hi, all friends of CSUN China Institute,

Many hanks to you all who have registered for CSUN Chinese New Year celebration event. Check-in starts at 4:30 and you will be assigned a table number at the gate. Please find attached the program for the party.

If you have not registered, some seats may still be available but they are not guaranteed.

Best wishes for the year of the Rabbit!

Dr. Weimin Sun
Professor of Philosophy and Director of CSUN China Institute
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