2018年诺贝尔经济学奖得主Paul Romer教授,曾于2015年在AER, PP上公开发文批评经济增长理论中的数学滥用问题“Mathiness in the Theory of Economic Growth”。
注意,这里的滥用主要指的是“毫无根据地用数学来解释经济学现象。”在这篇文章中,Paul Romer列举了5篇存在数学滥用现象的文章,具体如下:
①Prescott and McGrattan(2010):Romer says that this paper includes a term that the authors label "location," but that doesn't correspond to any real measure of location.②Boldrin and Levine(2008):Romer criticizes this paper for assuming that a monopolist would also be a price-taker, and for making various hand-wavey arguments.③Lucas(2009):Romer criticizes this paper for making a hand-wavey argument to dismiss the idea that investment in embodied technology(books, blueprints, etc.)can be a source of sustained growth, when there are well-known models in which it can. Romer also points out a random math error in the paper, and uses this to argue that reviewers don't pay close attention to math.④Lucas and Moll(2014):Romer criticizes this paper especially harshly. Lucas and Moll claim that their model, in which there is no creation of new knowledge, is "observationally equivalent" to models in which new knowledge arrives very slowly. Romer shows that the truth of this claim depends on which order you use when taking a double limit. He reveals that he told the authors about the problem, but that they ignored him and left it in the paper.⑤Piketty and Zucman(2014):Romer points out the by now well-known "gross vs. net" problem in Piketty and Zucman's definition of savings.
从上面论文的作者可以看出,Paul Romer批评的对象竟然都是享有盛誉的知名经济学家,还包括诺贝尔经济学奖得主Robert Lucas和Edward Prescott,以及研究资本主义社会不平等的著名法国经济学家Thomas Piketty和Gabriel Zucman(不愧是法国人, Zucman因逃税和财富不平等的研究获贝茨克拉克奖!)。在2015年Paul Romer还未获得诺贝尔经济学奖,但他就公开批评新古典经济学宗师级人物Robert Lucas和中流砥柱Edward Prescott,足见其大无畏的勇气!此外,我们也知道,Robert Lucas教授可不只是内生性增长理论的开创引领性人物(Paul Romer就是凭借他在JPE上的内生增长理论获得诺奖的),他更是Paul Romer在芝加哥大学读经济学博士时的博士生导师。在AER PP文章中Paul Romer公开点名批评自己的博导不止1篇,而是2篇文章都存在数学滥用问题,这样的罕见行为可不得把Robert Lucas气炸了!很可能与Robert Lucas没有听取曾经的博士生Paul Romer的修改意见就把论文发表到TOP5刊JPE有关,即Lucas当初并没理会这一位将来会获得诺贝尔经济学奖的博士生。
After reading their working paper, I told Lucas and Moll about the discontinuity in the limit and the problem it posed for their claim about observational equivalence. They left their limit argument in the paper without noting the discontinuity and the Journal of Political Economy published it this way. This may reflect a judgment by the authors and the editors that at least in the theory of growth, we are already in a new equilibrium in which readers expect mathiness and accept it.
而最让人诧异的是,Paul Romer本科读的是数学,其博导Robert Lucas本科读的是历史,作为学习数学的Paul Romer竟然批评学习历史的Robert Lucas,在经济增长理论中过多地使用数学刻画经济现象。确实很有意思,Robert Lucas的数学到底在哪里学的呢?为什么他几十年前写的经典文章,至今还让很多国内博士生望而生畏呢?现在,这些都不重要了,因为所有的争议都在Robert Lucas教授逝世后单方面被宣告终结。尽管如此,他对宏观经济学的深刻影响一定会一代代的延续下去。
悲痛的消息:新古典宏观经济学革命性大师诺奖得主Robert Lucas逝世了!
罗伯特·卢卡斯(Robert E. Lucas,1937-2023),美国芝加哥经济学派代表人物之一、1995年诺贝尔经济学奖得主,被广泛认为是新古典宏观经济学发展的灵魂式革命性人物,差不多凭借一己之力就扼住了当时盛行了近40年的凯恩斯主义的命脉 。
凯恩斯:宏观政策有效 VS 卢卡斯:宏观政策无效
之前还提及过,卢卡斯还是“就写作而言, 写出最好的经济学术论文的经济学家写作大师”。
- Robert Lucas