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UCLA CCS 中国研究中心 | 與虹影有約:從小說到電影(10/30/2023)
2023/10/28 1:49:07 | 浏览:2382 | 评论:1

UCLA CCS 中国研究中心 | 與虹影有約:從小說到電影(10/30/2023)

An Afternoon with Hong Ying:From Fiction to Film

UCLA CCS 中国研究中心 | 與虹影有約:從小說到電影(10/30/2023)

Monday, October 30, 2023

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Bunche Hall 10383

This event will be conducted entirely in Chinese.

This event will be conducted entirely in Chinese.

The UCLA Center for Chinese Studies is proud to welcome award-winning writer Hong Ying for a career-spanning conversation about her fiction, the writing process, and her debut film Moonlight Warrior. The first half of this event will feature Hong Ying in dialogue with UCLA Professor of Contemporary Chinese Studies, Michael Berry before opening up to the audience for questions. Please join us for this rare opportunity to hear Hong Ying speak in an intimate setting about her incredible body of work.


UCLA CCS 中国研究中心 | 與虹影有約:從小說到電影(10/30/2023)

Hong Ying was born into a sailor's family in Chongqing on the Yangtze River in southwest China. She is best known in the English-speaking world for her literature, her photography and her gourmet cooking. Her representative works include her autobiography Daughter of the River and her novel K:The Art of Love, which won the Primo de Rome prize in 2005 in Italy. Her six major novels have been translated into more than 30 languages and published in Europe, America, Israel, Australia, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam. Many of her works have been adapted into film and television. Her novel Death in Shanghai was adapted by Lou Ye into the film Saturday Fiction, starring Gong Li. Saturday Fiction was also shortlisted in the main competition unit of the 76th Venice Film Festival in 2019. Moonlight Warrior is the first film to be produced and directed by Hong Ying.

虹影 著名作家、編劇、詩人、美食家。中國女性主義文學的代表之一。
曾獲紐約《特爾菲卡》雜誌“中國秀短篇小說獎”。長篇自傳體小說《饑餓的女兒》獲臺灣1997年《聯合報》讀書人書獎。《K:英國情人》被英國《獨立報》評為2002年Books of the Year十大好書之一。2005年獲義大利的奧斯卡文學大獎“羅馬文學獎”。《好兒女花》獲《亞洲週刊》2009年全球中文十大小說獎。2009年被重慶市民選為重慶城市形象推廣大使。

Sponsor(s): Center for Chinese Studies

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