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UCLA CCS 中国研究中心:Isolation & Connection(11/3/2923)
2023/10/28 1:38:34 | 浏览:2473 | 评论:1

UCLA CCS 中国研究中心:Isolation & Connection(11/3/2923)

Isolation and Connection:New progress and interpretation of Sanxingdui culture

Sammy Lee Seminar

UCLA CCS 中国研究中心:Isolation & Connection(11/3/2923)

Friday, November 3, 2023
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Bunche Hall, Rm 10383

The archaeological discoveries made at the sacrificial area of the Sanxingdui site in 1986 led to the recognition of the importance of the Sichuan Basin in the Chinese Bronze Age civilisation system. However, as the site was not fully excavated at that time, it also gave rise to a series of long-standing controversial issues. With the help of new excavation methods and techniques, a new round of archaeological excavations at the Sanxingdui site in 2021-2022 yielded more comprehensive archaeological information. These materials provide us with a more accurate understanding about the date of the sacrificial area, the formation process of the deposit in the sacrificial pits, as well as new clues for speculating on the possible historical background leading to the formation of the sacrificial area. The formation process of the deposit in the ritual pits shows obvious human activities with the attitude of respect and orderliness, which should be a stage of conscious ritual activities carried out by the ancient people, rather than a consequence of conflict and war. The C14 dating of the large number of bamboo charcoal samples in the sacrificial pits confirms that a single and large-scale sacrificial event took place around 1050 BC, which was also the time of the major political change in the Central Plains. Whether there is a connection between the two has also given us new room for imagination. In addition, in conjunction with the discovery of Bronze Age sites in other parts of China, we can see a wide range of cultural links between Sanxingdui and Central Plains, middle reaches of the Yangtze River, Northwest of China, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and the more distant coastal regions. Sanxingdui may have played the role of a central hub for early Chinese economic networks in the Southwest region.

Zhao Hao is an Associate Professor at the School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University. He received his B.A. and M.A. degrees in history from Peking University from 2004 to 2011, and his Ph.D. degree in archaeology from Stanford University in 2017. He was awarded the annual dissertation prize by the Society for American Archaeology(SAA)in 2019. His main areas of research are Bronze Age archaeology and handicraft archaeology. He has participated in the field excavation and research of important archaeological sites such as the Western Zhou bone workshop site at Yuntang, the Eastern Zhou bronze foundry at Guanzhuang and the Proto-Qin culture site at Dabaozi. Since the February 2021 to the present, he has been leading the Peking University archaeological team to participate in the excavation of the Sanxingdui site in Guanghan, Sichuan Province, and has been mainly in charge of the field excavation and research of the sacrificial pit No. 8.

Sponsor(s): Center for Chinese Studies

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WACM说:留言于2023-11-26 18:36:52(第1条)
Dear Zhenying Jiang,
Greetings, hope you have a great day!
We are inviting you to give an oral speech at The 10th Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials (WCAM-2024), which will be held during May 20-22, 2024 in the beautiful city of Osaka, Japan. Would you please send us your answer at your early convenience? Thank you.

WCAM has recognized as a brand international conference in the field of materials. Building on the success and good feedback received of previous years, it has attracted more than 6,000 participants from over 50 countries and regions. This year, we plan 3 days conference to organize 30+ sessions with more than 200+ participants from industry and academia. If you are interested in us, please kindly forward a Potential Speech Title, and as soon as we receive this information, we will then finalize the details for your presentation.

The Following are our Sessions for Your Reference:
Block 1: Frontiers of Advanced Materials and Technology
Session 101: AI, Next-Generation Robotics and Automation
Session 102: 3D/4D Printing & Additive Manufacturing
Session 103: Advanced Technology and Materials for IT & ICT
Session 104: Sensors and Actuators
Block 2: Electronic, Photonic and Magnetic Materials
Session 201: Laser, Photonics and Optical Materials
Session 202: Terahertz, Plasmonics and Metamaterials
Session 203: Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials
Session 204: Display Materials and Imaging Devices
Session 205: Advanced Packaging Materials and Technology
Session 206: Microelectronics, Integrated Circuit and Semiconductors
Session 207: Magnetic, Multiferroic Materials and Superconductors
Block 3: Advanced Functional Materials
Session 301: Metal, Alloys and Metallurgy
Session 302: Advanced Ceramics and Glass
Session 303: Fiber, Textiles and Wearable Technology
Session 304: Novel Polymer Materials
Session 305: Composite Materials
Session 306: Catalytic Materials and Catalysis
Session 307: Thin Films and Coatings
Session 308: Biomedical Materials, Devices and Medical Diagnosis
Block 4: Nanomaterials Research and Development
Session 401: Nanoparticles, Nanopowders and Nanocrystals
Session 402: Nanotubes, Nanowires, Nanofibers and Nanocomposites
Session 403: Nano-Fabrication, Nanotechnology and Microtech
Session 404: Carbon Materials, Graphene and 2D Materials
Session 405: Topological Materials and Quantum Technology
Block 5: Green Materials for Energy and Environment
Session 501: Environmental Materials and Technology
Session 502: Photovoltaics, Solar Energy Materials and Devices
Session 503: Batteries, Fuel Cells and Electrolyer Technology
Session 504: Clean Energy Technology
Session 505: Energy Harvesting, Conversion, Storage and Transport
Block 6: Fundamental Science and Engineering of Advanced Materials
Session 601: Materials Design, Synthesis, Processing, Modeling and Simulations
Session 602: Testing, Analysis and Advanced Methods for Characterization
Session 603: Mechanics & Physical Behavior of Materials and Surface Science
Block 7: Industrial Applications on Advanced Materials
Session 701: Advanced Materials for Automotive and Aerospace Engineering
Session 702: Advanced Materials for Civil Engineering and Architecture
Session 703: Advanced Manufacturing Technology

We are looking forward to your active support and participation.
Yours sincerely,
Contact: calista@materials-2024congress.com
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