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南加州大学校友会简讯 USC Trojan Family 2023年11月刊
2023/11/21 13:48:16 | 浏览:2429 | 评论:1

南加州大学校友会简讯 USC Trojan Family 2023年11月刊

The latest on USC life for alumni, parents and more

南加州大学校友会简讯 USC Trojan Family 2023年11月刊

Paws and claws at the Coliseum
Sunny, Mom and Wallicia:Meet the feline workforce keeping rodents at bay at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.
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南加州大学校友会简讯 USC Trojan Family 2023年11月刊

A century of Trojan pride
Read about the USC Alumni Association’s key milestones and moments that shaped a legacy of unity, community and enduring Trojan spirit since 1923.
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南加州大学校友会简讯 USC Trojan Family 2023年11月刊

Pedals of change
How a Keck School of Medicine of USC student created the One Bicycle Foundation and embarked on an inspiring journey that transformed lives across three continents.
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南加州大学校友会简讯 USC Trojan Family 2023年11月刊

How old is too old to be president?
The candidates’ ages are a concern for many ahead of the 2024 elections, but significant life experience has its advantages, USC experts say.
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南加州大学校友会简讯 USC Trojan Family 2023年11月刊

Newly minted Trojans
From a record-breaking number of first-generation college students to a surge in the number of Trojan twin sets, the new enrollees at USC are a truly exceptional cohort.
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南加州大学校友会简讯 USC Trojan Family 2023年11月刊

‘My mind is my best friend and worst enemy’
Elyn Saks, a renowned expert in mental health policy and law, became a fierce advocate for mental health after being diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 28.
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南加州大学校友会简讯 USC Trojan Family 2023年11月刊

Want to be happy? Be grateful.
USC Dornsife scholars who study gratitude science say the emotion has physical and mental health benefits ranging from decreased stress to lower inflammation and heart rate.
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南加州大学校友会简讯 USC Trojan Family 2023年11月刊

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ACTEX说:留言于2023-11-26 19:00:39(第1条)
Thank you for a fantastic year in 2023. Your support has been instrumental in our many achievements this year. We greatly value your contributions and appreciate collaborating with so many dedicated members of the actuarial education community.

Together, we further advanced our mission as a benefit corporation. In 2023, we expanded access to affordable learning solutions, implemented new environmental sustainability practices, and enhanced our partnership programs.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we want to further express our gratitude to you by increasing our annual charitable donation to the Actuarial Foundation. Gifts like ours help the Foundation offer free education and financial literacy programs, resources, and scholarships.
Enjoy the holiday season!

ACTEX Learning
PO Box 69, Greenland, NH 03840, (603) 430-1252
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