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Chinese Government Scholarship:留学中国
2023/11/26 21:44:01 | 浏览:2538 | 评论:1

Chinese Government Scholarship:留学中国 Chinese Government Scholarship:留学中国 Chinese Government Scholarship:留学中国 Chinese Government Scholarship:留学中国

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8th Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2024说:留言于2023-12-02 21:50:18(第1条)
8th Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2024
June 12-14, 2024 / Budapest, Hungary

Dear Dr. Zhenying Jiang,
Wish all good wishes for a brilliant and happy New Year season. The Smart Materials-2024 committee invites you to make an oral presentation and exchange of fresh ideas on your research. Any interest, please kindly submit the speech title or paper to us.

The Smart Materials Conferences take place annually in different countries in Asia and Europe. The past seven conferences were held in Busan (South Korea), Singapore, Bangkok (Thailand), Osaka (Japan), Rome(Italy), Sapporo (Japan) and Barcelona (Spain). During 7 years’ successful running of Smart Materials Conference, it has attracted totally more than 1800 speakers from 40 countries and regions. This time, we are expecting your participation in Budapest.

Please seize this wonderful opportunity and feel free to participate actively in all areas of the conference, I feel confident that you will enjoy both of the scientific program and the fine, traditional city of Budapest.
Sincerely yours,

World High Technology Society

International Honorary Chairman
Dr. Norbert Kroo, Research Professor, Wigner Physics Research Center and Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Plenary Keynote Speaker
Dr. Bela Ivan, Adjunct Professor, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary

Forum 1: Intelligent Systems and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Smart Materials
Forum 2: Smart Materials and Structures
Forum 3: Smart Materials Science and Engineering
Forum 4: Smart Optical, Electronic and Magnetic Materials
Forum 5: Smart Materials for Energy and Environment
Forum 6: Smart Biomaterials and Applications
Forum 7: Frontier Applications of Smart Materials

Participate Mode
Speaker / Attendance / Poster & Paper Submission / Exhibition & Sponsorship
Contact: whitney@wcsm-event2024.com
注意: 留言内容不要超过4000字,否则会被截断。
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