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Position: Software Development Intern at Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software
2009/12/3 16:28:24 | 浏览:3102 | 评论:1

- that could be hired as a full-time developer

Location: Cypress, California
Availability: immediately
Salary:  $12 - 15 per hour

Working hours:  Work must be performed during Siemens office hours (8 am - 5pm), but hours can be flexible to accommodate the intern's class hours. Expecting 15 - 25 hours of work per week. Full-time summer work may be possible.

Responsibilities: This position is for a software development intern in the Siemens PLM MCAD NX Part Modeling Core Team’s development team.  The successful candidate will perform NX Part Modeling software development and testing.  Specifically, this includes

  • Provide code maintenance.
  • Co-develop projects with the team to gain familiarity with the NX Software Development Life Cycle processes.
  • Test projects and NX areas owned by the NX Part Modeling Core team.  Detailed test instructions for each project that the intern will test will be provided.  NX area testing will be directed by area manual test plans.
  • Perform automated test development and analysis.  Specifically analyze the code coverage of project and area auto-tests and support the augmentation of automated test suites with new and enhanced tests to improve that coverage.

Requirements: The successful candidate must be actively pursuing a B.S. in a CAD related area.  It is highly desired that the candidate is actively pursuing a Masters degree in a CAD related area.  Large system development and user interface development experience is also highly desired.

Send your resume to Tim Fu at tim.fu@siemens.com if you are interested in this position.

More information about the company can be found online at http://www.plm.automation.siemens.com/en_us.

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