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Invitation:ISQPE Questionnaire Survey 2024 to 2025
2024/1/20 7:17:28 | 浏览:1818 | 评论:1

Dear ISCPES Members, Scholars, Professionals, Physical Education Teachers and Friends ,

Good day from Tokyo. The International Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport(ISCPES)launched the research project on Quality Physical Education(QPE)in 2010. It went through different phases to reach the necessary items that were noted as acceptable dimensions in measuring and recording the performance of QPE development. After the careful evaluation of the process, the ISCPES Research Team decided to have the International Study of QPE(ISQPE)in 2024 to 2025. This International Study of Quality Physical Education(ISQPE)questionnaire survey expects to be a global study on the QPE works in countries, regions and continents. The data also allows individual researchers to develop papers or reports for physical education in your country or regions. The questionnaire consists of the research items that were previously verified in physical education.  

The team has prepared the ISQPE Questionnaire, Research Guidelines, and relevant information for research partners to have the final check. Kindly accept this invitation to attend a meeting on 22 January(10.00pm; Tokyo Time). This meeting expects to have the last collection of ideas before the full launch of the research project. You are welcome to forward this message to anyone you think of appropriate to attend.    

Enclosed please find the zoom link for your references. Please check and your kind attendance please.

Walter KY Ho is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic:ISQPE Research Meeting(22 Jan 2024)(10.00pm)(Tokyo Time)

Time:Jan 22, 2024 10:00 PM Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID:867 7607 1316


Should you have any questions on this meeting or the ISQPE research work, kindly write to my email address of walterhoky@gmail.com or my university email at walterho@u-gakugei.ac.jp for information.

We hope to see you on 22 Jan.

Best regards

ISQPE Research(Principal Investigator)

Research Fellow(Tokyo Gakugei University 2023 to present)

Assistant Professor(University of Macau 2003-2023)

ISCPES President(2008-2016)

ICSSPE Vice-president in education(2009-2016)

Email: walterhoky@gmail.com / walterho@u-gakugei.ac.jp

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simiode说:留言于2024-01-25 09:45:09(第1条)
Greetings colleagues,

We invite you to join us at our upcoming SIMIODE EXPO 2024 International Online Conference, 9 - 11 February 2024. The conference begins at 12:45 PM EST USA each day and runs for over 9 hours on Friday and Saturday, with 6 hours of coverage on Sunday.

Over 60 presentations, keynote speakers (two of them!) on constructive uses of AI in instruction, many breakout discussions on topics of interest to all, sharing resources and experiences of modeling in differential equations, SCUDEM Outstanding Award Teams presenting their work, practical sharing of classroom experiences with modeling in coursework, stimulating mathematics, and many opportunities for networking and meeting new colleagues. See our complete evolving and already rich schedule.

See the full schedule, join the conference for all events, or those you care about most. There is still time (through 1 February 2024) to submit a talk title and abstract for your personal and professional sharing.

Register NOW $20US for students and $45US for all others.

This is our fourth annual SIMIODE EXPO conference and it is designed for those who find value and purpose in teaching and learning differential equations through modeling. We are building an exciting program and you can be a part of the program by sharing your experiences.

SIMIODE''''s Community of Practice is about teaching and learning differential equations in context with modeling and the EXPO 2024 conference will offer talks of interest for high schoolers through retired colleagues. That has got to include you!

All are welcome - academic - students and teachers, industry, government, non-profit, and individuals. We look forward to you joining us and sharing your ideas and experiences, while listening to collegial wisdom and advice on how to improve teaching mathematics with an emphasis on differential equations through modeling.

In past EXPO conferences we have had speakers from around the world who want to share the excitement and joy in teaching differential equations with modeling through example, fun activities, and their class experiences. Join us - no travel hassle, no seeking support for trip, no stress. Meet old friends, make new contacts. Just relax and enjoy and let the joy flow over you. Really, that can happen. Come celebrate.

Highlights of the conference include - with details forthcoming on complete session details, titles, and abstracts:

two keynote speakers - addressing constructive uses of AI in the classroom and the mathematics of AI
sessions on the role of technology (Slopes, WikiModel, Insight Maker, and other efforts)
conversations with author of SIMIODE modeling based textbook
many sessions with immediate experiences and takeaways for your course through modeling
overview of SCUDEM (student challenge) with outstanding student teams discussion how they did it
presentations on student competitions
finding and using great resources for your teaching
modeling in undergraduate research
special topics to enrich your differential equations course
how to get started in modeling for your course
outreach efforts including the Prison Math Project
personal sharings about the joy of modeling in class
time and conference platform to meet informally with colleagues
. . . and many more topics.
Visit here for complete description and registration. See session/presentation slides and videos from SIMIODE EXPO 2023, 2022, and 2021.

Contact: Director@simiode.org
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