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UCLA:The War for Chinese Talent in the U.S.
2024/3/8 18:42:01 | 浏览:825 | 评论:0

UCLA:The War for Chinese Talent in the U.S.

Friday March 15, 2024


Bunche 10383

Prof. Zweig draws on decades of research to document China’s “over-the-top” effort to gain the help of immensely talented Chinese who were living and working in the US, as well as the US government’s harsh counterattack, and its strategy to limit and disrupt the transfer of US technology to China. He offers case studies which include stories of several victims of that campaign whose cases were never made public. Zweig highlights the harm this war has done to Sino-American scientific collaboration and the education of Chinese students in America. Prof. Zweig's book on the talent war will be published this summer.

David Zweig, Professor Emeritus, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Distinguished Visiting Professor, Taipei School of Economics and Political Science, National Tsinghua University, Taiwan. Vice President, Center for China and Globalization, Beijing. David Zweig 崔大偉 is the leading scholar of China’s effort to build its talent pool. He’s researched Chinese studying abroad, programs to encourage them to return to China and the experiences of those who have returned.

Sponsor(s): Center for Chinese Studies, Asia Pacific Center

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