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UCLA:Archaeology of Imperial Sacred Landscapes in Early China
2024/3/20 6:44:13 | 浏览:922 | 评论:0

UCLA Chinese Archaeology Workshop

UCLA:Archaeology of Imperial Sacred Landscapes in Early China

Thursday, March 28, 2024
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Young Research Library Presentation Room

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A UCLA Chinese Archaeology Workshop presented by Center for Chinese Studies, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, Global Antiquity, and the UCLA East Asian Library

Speakers:Tian Yaqi and Chen Aidong(Shaanxi Provincial Academy of Archaeology)

Commentators:Lothar Von Falkenhausen, David Schaberg, Li Min(UCLA)

Recent Archaeological Study of the City Yong of the Qin State
Tian Yaqi(Researcher, Shaanxi Provincial Academy of Archaeology)

Archaeological Studies of the State Sacrifice of Qin in the Vicinity of the Great City Yong
Chen Aidong(Assistant Researcher, Shaanxi Provincial Academy of Archaeology)

These lectures, presented by two archaeologists from the Shaanxi Provincial Academy of Archaeology, will focus on current archaeological research on the urban development of the Qin capital Yong and the formation of early imperial sacred landscapes around it. Tian Yaqi’s presentation will highlight recent discoveries at the great city, while Chen Aidong will showcase the archaeology of the Qin state pilgrimage sites around the capital, particularly focusing on the site known as the Blood Pool. Here, the Qin rulers projected their imperial ambitions by making extraordinary ritual deposits to the heaven and the supreme deities. Together, these presentations provide insights into the urban and ideological reconfigurations within Qin society leading up to the rise of the first empire in China.

To participate virtually, please use the Zoom link below.
Topic:Imperial Sacred Landscapes in Early China
Time:Mar 28, 2024 12:30 PM Pacific Time(US and Canada)

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Meeting ID:978 6804 3843

Sponsor(s):Center for Chinese Studies

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