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USC Trojan Family nameplate
2024/4/16 12:20:48 | 浏览:1280 | 评论:0

The latest on USC life for alumni, parents and more

USC Trojan Family nameplate

Cover image of Trojan Family Magazine Spring 2024
Can’t stop, won’t stop
How USC became a pioneer in hip-hop scholarship and an incubator for innovation in culture, the arts and commerce.

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USC Trojan Family nameplate

Using art for medical healing
A vibrant collection of USC programs infuses arts activities into health care to soften the hospital setting, support patients’ recovery and lift their spirits.

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USC Trojan Family nameplate

Alumni spotlight:Deloitte manager in India talks about USC’s global reach
Immersion in the Los Angeles supply chain industry jump-started the career of Namratha Sunil ’16.

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USC Trojan Family nameplate

Learning through food at USC
At USC, some of the most compelling courses on history, biology and sociology are taught via food.

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USC Trojan Family nameplate

Meet some of the doctors healing Trojan athletes
Trojan student-athletes receive care from Los Angeles’ top sports physicians.

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USC Trojan Family nameplate

USC breaks ground on Rawlinson Stadium, home of women’s soccer and lacrosse
Rawlinson Stadium will feature spectator viewing decks, social spaces, a state-of-the-art press box and concession stands. It will fit up to 2,500 fans for game days.

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