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“Win the Future” 2024 Venture Contest
2024/4/29 14:14:46 | 浏览:2275 | 评论:0

“Win the Future” 2024 Venture Contest

“Win the Future” 2024 Venture Contest

2024 “Win the Future” series Venture Contests for International Entrepreneurs are scheduled to be held from April to July 2024 in Suzhou, China and participated worldwide.

About the Overseas Lead-up Contest

The event will be jointly hosted by EcoKMC Global Accelerator and Wuzhong District. This year, the organizers have prepared double incentives for the participants:the winners will enjoy the preferential policies of Suzhou Talent Project and get the opportunity to compete for the global final prize as in previous years, and when they are ready to start their business in Wuzhong, they could also get a start-up support grant of CNY 300,000.

“Win the Future” 2024 Venture Contest

This year, “Win the Future” Venture Contest will be held on site in Suzhou. Participants could be from various industries, including information technology, biomedicine, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, new materials, new energy, biotechnology, equipment manufacturing, integrated circuits and software, smart grid, service outsourcing, modern communications, and environmental protection etc.

“Win the Future” 2024 Venture Contest

The competition includes two stages:overseas lead-up contest and global final competition. The winners of each overseas lead-up contests may be chosen as the contestants of 2024 “Win the Future” Venture Contest for International Entrepreneurs final competition.


Regional competition:May, 2024

Final competition:July 8, 2024

Application deadline:May 20, 2024

“Win the Future” 2024 Venture Contest

Contact information:

Tel:+86-180 3683 4856, +86-180 1556 2516  

E-mail: info@ecokmc.cn


Global entrepreneurs and teams are welcome to register as early as possible. Please e-mail your project introduction to us, our project coordinator will assist you to fill up the official application form and offer you the essential guidance for the contest.

“Win the Future” 2024 Venture Contest

All prize winners will have chance to be selected into the pool of final competition. Officially invited guests will enjoy accommodation and transportation subsidies when travel to Suzhou for onsite participation. Entrepreneurs can also enjoy various resource support, entrepreneurial incentives and financial rewards.

Final competition:

First prize:CNY 100,000 per winner – awarded to 1st place winner
Second prize:CNY 50,000 per winner – awarded to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place winners

Third prize:CNY 20,000 per winner – awarded to 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th place winners
Fourth prize:CNY 10,000 per winner – awarded to 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th place winners

Entrepreneurship and visiting Suzhou, China

The winners of final competition will be invited to attend Suzhou’s annual Venture Week for International Elites. Winners will have chance to visit Suzhou world culture heritage sites and learn more about local history and entrepreneurial environment.

To learn more about entrepreneurial incentives, please contact us.

About EcoKMC

EcoKMC(Suzhou)Co., Ltd is a Chinese entity wholly owned by EcoKMC LLC, a California financial services company. The EcoKMC Suzhou team operates global accelerators and funds to help innovation companies from the U.S. and around the world(especially late-stage startups)to enter the Chinese market. 

Through the funds and the accelerators, EcoKMC provides startups with well-funded China joint venture(JV)companies that have local government and private-sector support, ensuring that they are well-positioned and protected in the market. By participating in our accelerators and receiving investment funds in China, these JVs can act as offshore engineering and marketing divisions of the U.S. companies, without any effect on the ownership of the U.S. entities. This also allows the startups to offshore work to their JVs, helping companies achieve profitability on an accelerated timeline.

As a leader of global innovation community, EcoKMC is recognized by City of Suzhou as its Global Offshore Entrepreneur & Innovation Center, and consequently, EcoKMC has been tasked to organize “Win the Future” Venture Contest for International Entrepreneurs for consecutively 5 years since year 2019.

“Win the Future” 2024 Venture Contest

If you have any questions about this event, please contact us:

Tel:+86.512.6503.1368, +86-138 1007 2297, +86-180 3683 4856

E-mail: info@ecokmc.cn

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