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2024/5/5 10:59:06 | 浏览:6368 | 评论:0


美国科学院成立于1863年的私人非营利性组织。它是美国国家科学、工程和医学的顶尖组织之一,拥有来自各个领域的知名学者和专家,包括诺贝尔奖得主和国家科学奖章获得者,美国科学院院士是美国的最高学术荣誉之一。美国科学院 的成员由被选为院士的杰出科学家、工程师和医学专家组成。院士的选举是基于他们在自己的领域内所做出的卓越贡献和对整个领域的重要性。这些院士是通过对名誉和声望的高度认可而被选出来的。美国科学院 还有两个重要的附属机构:国家工程学院(National Academy of Engineering)和国家医学院(National Academy of Medicine)。这两个附属机构也拥有自己的成员和任务,致力于推动和支持工程和医学领域的发展和创新。


1987年鲍哲南考取南京大学化学系;1995年获得美国芝加哥大学化学系博士学位后进入了贝尔实验室任职;2001年获得贝尔实验室杰出研究人员称号;2004年进入斯坦福大学化学系任教;2007年获得斯坦福大学工程教学女教师优秀奖;2010年底作为创办人之一的C3Nano公司在美国硅谷成立 ;2011年获得影响世界华人大奖;2015年被选为《自然》杂志年度十大人物;2016年当选美国国家工程院院士;2017年获得世界杰出女科学家成就奖;2021年4月当选美国艺术与科学院院士。






Chen-Yu Liu,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UIUC)物理系和核物理实验室教授。她在普林斯顿大学完成了实验核物理的博士研究,随后在洛斯阿拉莫斯中子科学中心作为主任资助的博士后研究员进行博士后研究。她于 2005 年至 2022 年在印第安纳大学任教,并被任命为 James H. Rudy 物理学教授。2022 年,她通过 U of I 杰出教师招聘计划被招募加入UIUC。



Yang Shi,表观遗传学教授,哈佛医学院的细胞生物学教授和 C. H. Waddington 儿科教授。于纽约大学获得博士学位,并在普林斯顿大学接受博士后培训。于 1991 年加入哈佛医学院担任助理教授,并于2004年被任命为病理学教授。2009年加入了波士顿儿童医院的新生儿医学部。



1980年于台湾清华大学获化学专业学士学位;1987年于杜克大学获生物化学与遗传学专业博士学位;随后相继在牛津大学、哈佛大学从事博士后研究;1992年返回杜克大学任教。长期从事植物激素赤霉素信号转导途径的分子机制及其调控相关研究,研究工作相继获美国国家科学基金会、美国农业部、美国国立卫生研究院等多个部门的资助,在国际顶级学术期刊发表学术论文六十余篇。曾先后担任Plant Cell、Plant Physiology、Plant Cell Physiology等国际著名学术期刊的Reviewing Editor、Monitoring Editor和Editorial Board;2003年起担任在线科研评价系统“千名生物学家”评委。2010年获国际植物生长物质协会颁发的杰出研究奖;2014-2016年入选汤森路透全球植物/动物生物学领域前1%高被引作者榜单。


1984年王贻芳从南京大学毕业后前往瑞士日内瓦的欧洲核子中心,参加物理学家丁肇中领导的L3实验,专业研究高能粒子;1991年获得意大利佛罗伦萨大学博士学位;1992年在美国麻省理工学院核物理实验室任研究人员;1996年进入美国斯坦福大学物理系任助理研究员;2000年入选中国科学院百人计划;2001年回到中国,担任中国科学院高能物理研究所研究员;2002年获得国家杰出青年科学基金资助;2012年3月8日王贻芳团队实验测得新的中微子振荡模式,该实验入选美国《科学》评选的“2012年十大科学进展”;2013年入选国家万人计划;2015年当选为中国科学院院士,11月9日获得基础物理学突破奖,是首位获得该奖的中国科学家。2016年当选为发展中国家科学院院士;2017年出任中国科学院大学核科学与技术学院院长。2019年获得未来科学大奖“物质科学奖” 。

Newly elected members and their affiliations at the time of election are:

Aharonov, Dorit; professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Aldrich, John H.; Pfizer Inc./Edmund T. Pratt Jr. University Distinguished Professor, Department of Political Science, Duke University, Durham, N.C.

Bao, Zhenan; K.K. Lee Professor and, by courtesy, professor of chemistry and professor of materials science and engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.

Barabási, Albert-László; Dodge Professor, NETSI Professor, and distinguished professor, College of Science, Northeastern University, Boston

Barrett, Scott; Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor of Natural Resource Economics, School of International and Public Affairs and Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York City

Begelman, Mitchell; full professor, Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder

Beratan, David N.; R.J. Reynolds Professor of Chemistry, professor of biochemistry, and professor of physics, Department of Chemistry, Duke University, Durham, N.C.

Bern, Zvi; professor and director, Mani L. Bhaumik Institute for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles

Berrah, Nora; professor, Physics Department, University of Connecticut, Storrs

Berridge, Kent C.; James Olds Distinguished University Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Bieniasz, Paul D.; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and Purnell W. Choppin Professor, Laboratory of Retrovirology, Rockefeller University, New York City

Blewitt, Geoffrey; professor of geosciences and professor of physics, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, University of Nevada, Reno

Briscoe, Adriana D.; professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine

Carter, Carol A.; adjunct professor, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, and SUNY Distinguished Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, N.Y.

Catteruccia, Flaminia; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor, Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston

Christakis, Nicholas A.; Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science, Department of Sociology, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

Chung, Fan; distinguished professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla

Cutter, Susan L.; Carolina Distinguished Professor and director of the Hazards Vulnerability & Resilience Institute, Department of Geography, University of South Carolina, Columbia

Darwin, Heran; professor, Department of Microbiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York City

Datta, Supriyo; Thomas Duncan Distinguished Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind.

Dauphas, Nicolas; Louis Block Professor, Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago

DeMille, David P.; professor of physics, Department of Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago

Dent, Sharon Y.; professor, Department of Epigenetics and Molecular Carcinogenesis, and dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center and UT Health, Houston

Dernburg, Abby; professor, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of California, Berkeley

Diamond, Michael S.; Herbert S. Gasser Professor, Departments of Medicine, Molecular Microbiology, Pathology, and Immunology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis

Dietz, Thomas; professor and University Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Environmental Science, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, Michigan State University, East Lansing

Dinesh-Kumar, Savithramma P.; professor and department chair, Department of Plant Biology and Genome Center, University of California, Davis

Eisen, Judith S.; professor and department head of biology and neuroscience, Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon, Eugene

Emmons, Scott W.; distinguished professor emeritus, Department of Genetics and Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, N.Y.

Fanzo, Jessica; professor of climate and director of the Food for Humanity Initiative, Columbia Climate School, Columbia University, New York City

Feng, Guoping; James W.(1963)and Patricia T. Poitras Professor, associate director and investigator, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge

Fleming, Bonnie; deputy director for science and technology and chief research officer, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory; and professor, Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago; Batavia, Ill.

Frommer, Wolf B.; Alexander V. Humboldt Professor and head, Institute for Molecular Physiology, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany

Fu, Qiang; professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle

Gifford-Gonzalez, Diane P.; distinguished research professor emerita, Anthropology Department and Archaeological Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz

Glaeser, Edward L.; Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics and chair, Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

Glass, David J.; vice president, research, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.; and senior lecturer on cell biology, Department of Cell Biology, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Mass.

Goldman, Noreen; Hughes-Rogers Professor of Demography and Public Affairs, Office of Population Research, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.

Golub, Todd R.; director and Founding Core Institute Member, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard; and professor of pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, Mass.

Greenstone, Michael; Milton Friedman Distinguished Service Professor in Economics, and director, Energy Policy Institute, Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, University of Chicago, Chicago

Grossman, Arthur R.; professor by courtesy, Department of Biology, Stanford University; and senior staff scientist, Carnegie Institution for Science; Palo Alto, Calif.

Halzen, Francis L.; Gregory Breit Distinguished Professor, Vilas Research Professor, and director, Institute for Elementary Particle Physics Research, Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Hanson, Andrew D.; C.V. Griffin Sr. Eminent Scholar and professor, Department of Horticultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville

Harris, Kristen M.; professor, Department of Neuroscience, The University of Texas, Austin

Hartmann, Lee W.; Leo Goldberg Collegiate Professor of Astronomy, Astronomy Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Harvey, F.R.; Edgar Odell Lovett Professor and professor emeritus of mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Rice University, Houston

Hatfull, Graham F.; HHMI Professor, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor and Eberly Professor of Biotechnology, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh

Hedrick, Stephen M.; Chancellor's Associates Chair VII and distinguished professor emeritus, Department of Molecular Biology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla

Heinz, Tony F.; associate laboratory director for energy sciences, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory;  and professor of applied physics and photon science, and, by courtesy, of electrical engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.

Hirth, James G.; professor and chair, Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences, Brown University, Providence, R.I.

Hobert, Oliver; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and full professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City

Hochschild, Ann; chair and Maude and Lillian Presley Professor, Department of Microbiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston

Hou, Thomas Y.; Charles Lee Powell Professor of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Division of Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena

Huey, Raymond B.; emeritus professor, Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle

Hwang, Harold; professor and director, Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, Department of Applied Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.

Indyk, Piotr; Thomas D. and Virginia W. Cabot Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge

Johnson, John E., Jr.; professor emeritus and Eldon R. Strahm Professor of Structural Virology, Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, Calif.

Kaech, Susan M.; professor and director, NOMIS Center for Immunobiology and Microbial Pathogenesis, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, Calif.

Kalleberg, Arne L.; Kenan Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.; senior scientist, Argonne National Laboratory; and Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.

Kleinrock, Leonard; distinguished professor, Computer Science Department, University of California, Los Angeles

Kleitman, Daniel J.; emeritus professor of applied mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge

Kronenberg, Henry; physician, Medicine-Endocrinology, Massachusetts General Hospital; and professor of medicine, Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston

Kunkel, Thomas A.; distinguished investigator and chief, Laboratory of Structural Biology, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Research Triangle Park, N.C.

Kwon-Chung, Kyung(June)J.; distinguished investigator and chief, Molecular Microbiology Section, Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.

Lagarias, Jeffrey C.; Harold Mead Stark Distinguished University Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Leal, Walter S.; distinguished professor, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of California, Davis

Lemon, Stanley M.; professor of medicine, infectious diseases, and microbiology and immunology, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Levin, Lisa A.; distinguished professor emeritus, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla

Liu, Chen-Yu; founder professor of physics, Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Major, Brenda; distinguished professor emeritus, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara

Martin, Kelsey C.; executive vice president, autism and neuroscience science, Simons Foundation, New York City

Mayer, James M.; Charlotte Fitch Roberts Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

McLaughlin, Maura A.; full professor and Eberly Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Physics and Astronomy, West Virginia University, Morgantown

McLoyd, Vonnie C.; Ewart A.C. Thomas Collegiate Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Michelmore, Richard; distinguished professor, Departments of Plant Sciences, Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Medical Microbiology and Immunology; and former director, The Genome Center, University of California, Davis

Mooney, Richard; George Barth Geller Distinguished Professor for Research in Neurobiology and professor, Basic Science Department, Duke University, Durham, N.C.

Muir, Tom W.; Van Zandt Williams Jr. Class of ’65 Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.

Murphy, William J.; professor of genetics and James E. Womack University Professor, Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences, Texas A&M University, College Station

Naber, Aaron; Kenneth F. Burgess Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.

Newcombe, Nora S.; professor and Laura H. Carnell Professor, Department of Psychology, Temple University, Philadelphia

O'Brien, Diane M.; professor and interim director, Institute of Arctic Biology, Department of Biology and Wildlife, University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Ostfeld, Richard S.; distinguished senior scientist, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, N.Y.

Overpeck, Jonathan T.; Samuel A. Graham Dean and William B. Stapp Collegiate Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Palmer, Arthur G., III; Robert Wood Johnson Jr. Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics and vice chair, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University, New York City

Patel, Nipam H.; professor of organismal biology and anatomy, University of Chicago; and director, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.

Pearson, Ann; Murray and Martha Ross Professor of Environmental Sciences and chair, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

Pemantle, Robin; Merriam Term Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Peters, Jonas C.; Bren Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena

Pfeffer, Suzanne R.; professor of biochemistry and Emma Pfeiffer Merner Professor of Medical Sciences, Department of Biochemistry, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, Calif.

Phong, Duong H.; professor of mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Columbia University, New York City

Purugganan, Michael D.; Silver Professor, Department of Biology, New York University, New York City

Quade, Jay; full professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson

Queller, David C.; Spencer T. Olin Professor in Biology, Department of Biology, Washington University, St. Louis

Ramesh, Ramamoorthy; executive vice president for research, and professor of materials science and nanoengineering, Department of Materials Science and Nanoengineering, Rice University, Houston

Raymond, Jennifer L.; Berthold and Belle N. Guggenhime Professor, Department of Neurobiology, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.

Rosenberg, Steven A.; chief, Surgery Branch; and senior investigator and head, Tumor Immunology Section, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md.

Rouse, Cecilia E.; Lawrence and Shirley Katzman and Lewis and Anna Ernst Professor in the Economics of Education and professor of economics and public affairs, Princeton University; and president, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.

Rus, Daniela; Andrew(1956)and Erna Viterbi Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and director of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge

Ryan, Timothy A.; Janelia Senior Fellow, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor and Tri-Institutional Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York City

Sandweiss, Daniel H.; professor of anthropology and quaternary and climate studies, Department of Anthropology, University of Maine, Orono

Schiffer, Celia A.; professor and chair, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biotechnology, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Worcester

Shi, Yang; professor of epigenetics, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Oxford University, United Kingdom

Sligar, Stephen G.; professor emeritus, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Strogatz, Steven H.; professor and Susan and Barton Winokur Distinguished Professor for the Public Understanding of Science and Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.

Sun, Tai-ping; professor, Department of Biology, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, N.C.

Suslick, Kenneth S.; Schmidt Resident Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Talley, Lynne; distinguished professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla

Todadri, Senthil; professor of physics, Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge

Trinchieri, Giorgio; chief, Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology, distinguished investigator, and head, Cancer Immunology Section, Center for Cancer Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.

Tung, Jenny; professor of evolutionary anthropology, Duke University; and director, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany

Turro, Claudia; professor and chair, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus

Ungar, Peter S.; distinguished professor and director of the Environmental Dynamics Ph.D. Program, Department of Anthropology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Vishwanath, Ashvin; George Vasmer Leverett Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

Wellman, Henry M.; Harold W. Stevenson Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Wolczanski, Peter T.; George W. and Grace L. Todd Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.

Wolin, Sandra L.; chief, RNA Biology Laboratory, senior investigator, and head, National Cancer Institute RNA Biology Initiative, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Frederick, Md.

Wysocka, Joanna; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and full professor of chemical and systems biology, Department of Chemical and Systems Biology, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif.

Yellen, Gary; professor of neurobiology, Blavatnik Institute Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston

Zurek, Wojciech H.; laboratory fellow, Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, N.M.

Newly elected international members, their affiliations at the time of election, and their country of citizenship are:

Barton, Nicholas H.; professor, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria(United Kingdom)

Baxter, Janeen H.; professor and centre director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families Over the Life Course(Life Course Centre), Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland(Australia)

Boone, Charles; professor and principal investigator, Banting & Best Distinguished Scholar, department of molecular genetics, Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research, University of Toronto(Canada)

Cirac, Juan Ignacio; professor, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany(Spain)

Crone, Eveline; professor of neurocognitive developmental psychology, School of Social and Behavior Sciences, and full professor in developmental neuroscience in society, Erasmus University, Rotterdam(Netherlands)

Cugliandolo, Leticia; professor, department of physics, Sorbonne University, France(Argentina)

Ellis, Richard S.; professor of astrophysics, department of physics and astronomy, Faculty of Maths and Physical Sciences, University College London(United Kingdom)

Gíslason, Sigurður R.; research professor, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland(Iceland)

Grey, Clare P.; Geoffrey Moorhouse Gibson Professor of Chemistry, Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge(United Kingdom)

Herrero, Mario; professor, Cornell Atkinson Scholar, and Nancy and Peter Meinig Family Investigator in the Life Sciences, department of global development, Cornell University, New York(Costa Rica)

Keeling, Patrick J.; professor, department of botany, The University of British Columbia(Canada)

Koopmans, Marion; professor, principal investigator, and head, department of viroscience, Erasmus MC(Netherlands)

Lukeš, Julius; head of laboratory, Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Protists, Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre CAS, Czech Academy of Sciences; and professor, department of molecular biology and genetics, Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia(Czech Republic)

Manthi, Fredrick K.; senior research scientist and director of the West Turkana Paleontological Research Project, National Museums of Kenya(Kenya)

Mantovani, Alberto; emeritus professor of general pathology and vice rector for research, Humanitas University(Italy)

Nozaki, Kyoko; professor, department of chemistry and biotechnology, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo(Japan)

O'Garra, Anne; professor and principal group leader, Immunoregulation and Infection Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute(United Kingdom)

Radford, Sheena E.; Astbury Professor of Biophysics and Royal Society Professor, The Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology, University of Leeds(United Kingdom)

Sifakis, Joseph; CNRS research director emeritus, Verimag Laboratory, France(Greece and France)

Soldati-Favre, Dominique; full professor and vice dean, department of microbiology and molecular medicine, University of Geneva(Switzerland)

Torii, Keiko; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; and professor and Johnson & Johnson Centennial Chair in Plant Cell Biology, The University of Texas, Austin(Japan)

Vignéras, Marie-France; professor emeritus of mathematics, Université Paris Cité(France)

Vorholt, Julia A.; professor, department of biology, Institut für Mikrobiologie, ETH Zürich(Switzerland)

Wang, Yifang; professor, Institute for High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(People’s Republic of China)

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