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天壤之别的思考:过度思考(Overthinking)与批判性思考(Critical thinking)
来源:郑新民谈英语教学与研究 | 2024/9/26 18:59:09 | 浏览:18 | 评论:0


1. 执着于过去:不断重温过去发生的事情,试图从中找到解决方案或安慰。例如,一个人可能会反复想着“Why did I say that during the meeting?”
2. 担心未来:对未来可能发生的事情产生过多的担忧和焦虑。“What if I fail the exam tomorrow?”
3. 细节困扰:为事件的每一个细节而苦恼,直到筋疲力尽。“I can’t stop thinking about every single detail of my presentation.”

• 消极循环:过度思考的人经常会陷入消极思维过程的循环中,难以摆脱。“The more I think about it, the worse I feel.”
• 自我怀疑:不断怀疑自己,导致过度焦虑。“Am I really capable of handling this task?”
• 决策困难:过度思考可能会阻碍决策和解决问题的能力。“I can’t decide what to do next because I keep thinking about all the possibilities.”
• 影响幸福感:长期的过度思考会影响一个人的整体幸福感和心理健康。“Overthinking makes me feel constantly stressed and unhappy.”

批判性思考(Critical Thinking)

1. 分析能力:通过系统地分析信息和证据来评估情况。“I evaluate the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.”
2. 逻辑推理:使用逻辑和推理来解决问题和做出决策。“By following logical steps, I can find the root cause of the issue.”
3. 开放心态:乐于接受不同的观点和意见,以达到更全面的理解。“I consider different perspectives to get a holistic view of the situation.”
4. 问题解决:专注于寻找有效的解决方案,而不是沉溺于问题本身。“My goal is to find practical solutions rather than dwelling on the problem.”

• 有效决策:批判性思考有助于做出更明智和理性的决策。“Critical thinking helps me make informed decisions.”
• 创造性解决问题:通过多角度的思考,能够找到更创新的解决方案。“Thinking critically allows me to come up with innovative solutions.”
• 提升自信:由于基于证据和逻辑,批判性思考能够提升自信心。“When I think critically, I feel more confident in my decisions.”
• 心理健康:批判性思考有助于避免过度焦虑,保持心理健康。“Critical thinking helps me stay calm and focused, reducing anxiety.”

1. 目的:过度思考通常没有明确目的,容易陷入消极循环;批判性思考则是有目的地进行分析和评估,以解决问题或做出决策。“Overthinking lacks a clear goal, while critical thinking is goal-oriented.”
2. 过程:过度思考是重复和执着的思维模式;批判性思考是系统和理性的分析过程。“Overthinking involves repetitive thinking, while critical thinking involves systematic analysis.”
3. 结果:过度思考往往导致决策困难和焦虑;批判性思考则有助于有效决策和心理健康。“Overthinking leads to decision paralysis and anxiety, while critical thinking promotes effective decision-making and mental well-being.”


Mr. Roosevelt often overthought everything, from past conversations to future worries. This left him exhausted and unable to make clear decisions. He decided to change and began focusing on critical thinking.

First, he admitted that overthinking was a problem and started reframing his thoughts. Instead of asking, “What if I make a mistake?” he thought, “How can I do this right?”

He practiced mindfulness to stay present and set clear goals to keep focused. For example, he would say, “Today, I’ll complete two sections of my report.”

He also used rational analysis, evaluating situations based on facts rather than emotions. When making decisions, he listed pros and cons to see things clearly.

Mr. Roosevelt sought feedback from trusted colleagues, which helped him gain different perspectives. He would ask, “Can you check this for me?”

Most importantly, he took action. Rather than getting stuck in worry, he took small steps towards his goals every day.

By recognizing the problem, practicing mindfulness, setting clear goals, using rational analysis, seeking feedback, and taking action, Mr. Roosevelt turned overthinking into critical thinking, leading to a more balanced and productive life.

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