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NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars(NCAS)is now accepting applications!
2024/10/13 20:35:11 | 浏览:41 | 评论:0

NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars(NCAS)is now accepting applications!

The NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars(NCAS) application is open now through 11:59 p.m. CST on November 25, 2024!

NCAS wants to connect your community college students to NASA and provide opportunities for community college students to participate in activities following STEM pathways.

NCAS uses NASA’s unique expertise, research, facilities, and other resources to engage students in authentic and experiential learning. NCAS makes connections between students’ degree programs and NASA career opportunities while motivating students to participate in other NASA activities, internships, competitions, and challenges.

We rely on faculty members like yourself to help us reach students from a diverse set of disciplines and encourage them to apply to NCAS. NCAS encourages students from all STEM majors to apply.

Why promote NCAS at your school?

·      NCAS strengthens your campus STEM community.

·      NCAS connects degree programs to internships and job opportunities.

·      NCAS supports transfer to a 4-year institution and/or direct entry to the STEM labor force.

·      NCAS offers incentives for successful completion:future mission invites, onsite events at NASA and partner sites, internships, job shadowing, etc.

Please share the following information and downloadable promotional flyer with all students at your campus:

Secure your spot! Join NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars(NCAS)Mission 1:Discover, the first step in your NASA story.
NCAS is accepting applications now through 11:59 p.m. CST on Monday, November 25, 2024!

Learn more at the NCAS website or by joining an information session below.

Click the link below or scan the QR code to join NCAS Information Sessions and office hours.

NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars(NCAS)is now accepting applications!

NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars(NCAS)is now accepting applications!

Join the meeting

Beginning Wednesday, September 18, 2024, NCAS will also hold office hours every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. Central time while the application is open.
Join the NCAS Office Hours with the above information session link and/or code.

Other ways you can promote NCAS on your campus include:

·      Sharing the NCAS website and this downloadable promotional flyer with interested students and faculty.

·      Promoting NCAS with your STEM club.

·      Posting the flyer on bulletin boards.

NCAS strives to create opportunities and show students there is a place for them at NASA.

We look forward to reviewing your students’ applications soon!

Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.


Stacy Schmidt

NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars(NCAS)is now accepting applications!

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