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UCLA:The Future of U.S.-China Relations After the Election
2024/11/23 10:19:54 | 浏览:1447 | 评论:0

UCLA:The Future of U.S.-China Relations After the Election

This public lecture is co-organized by the 21st Century China Center at the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy and The Fudan-UC Center on Contemporary China.

Monday, December 2, 2024
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

UCLA:The Future of U.S.-China Relations After the ElectionUCLA:The Future of U.S.-China Relations After the ElectionUCLA:The Future of U.S.-China Relations After the Election

Now that the U.S. election has concluded, how might it shape the future of U.S.-China relations from both American and Chinese perspectives? What issues are likely to gain or lose prominence, and how might these shifts affect the bilateral dynamic? What can each side do to capitalize on this moment of transition to foster a stable relationship in the next four years? Can we discern the direction in which this critical relationship is headed?


Xinbo Wu is dean of the Institute of International Studies and director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University in Shanghai. His expertise includes China-U.S. relations, China’s foreign policy and U.S. Asia-Pacific strategy.

Susan Shirk is a research professor at the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy(GPS)and director emerita of its 21st Century China Center. She is one of the most influential experts working on U.S.-China relations and Chinese politics. She is also director emerita of the UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation(IGCC).

Richard Madsen is a professor emeritus of sociology and an affiliated faculty member at the School of Global Policy and Strategy. He is the director of the Fudan-UC Center on Contemporary China and served as the acting provost of UC San Diego’s Eleanor Roosevelt College for the 2014–2015 academic year.

If you would like to attend the talk in-person, the venue address:

Robinson Building 3, Room 3201
9815 International Lane, La Jolla, California - 92093



The closest parking to the School of Global Policy and Strategy Robinson Building 3 is the Pangea Parking Structure on Pangea Drive & Scholars Drive North. A parking permit is required to park on campus at all times. You can use the ParkMobile app or a pay station once you arrive to purchase a permit(rates). Visitor parking spaces are located on the top level and marked(V).

If you have any questions, please contact GPS Events Coordinator Susan Zau.



Sponsor(s): Center for Chinese Studies, UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy

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