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ICSPAH:全美华裔体育科技与健康教授专家聚会(3/29-4/2 San Diego)
作者:姜镇英 | 2011/2/15 7:40:27 | 浏览:4009 | 评论:2

The 2011 AAHERD Convention will be held in San Diego between 3/29-4/2/2011.(http://www.aahperd.org/whatwedo/convention/

Over a hundred of Chinese American professors in the field of Health, PE, Recreation and Dance will be attendting the event.

The International Chinese Society For Physical Activities and Health(ICSPAH - http://www.icspah.org/index_eg.htm)will host the annual meeting at San Dieo Convention Center Room 26A on Friday, April 1, 2011:5:30 PM-7:30pm.

A gathering dinner will be held after the meeting.

You are sincerely welcomed to attend this event.


Li Li, Ph.D.
Jo Ellen Levy Yates Professor
Department of Kinesiology
Louisiana State University
lli3@lsu.edu     PN.LSU.EDU

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International Society for Physical Activities and说:留言于2011-10-28 03:29:14(第2条)
Dear members and friends,
Please find the October Newsletter from the International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health: http://icspah.org/index_cn.htm
As always, thank you for your support. Please share you comments and suggestions for the newsletter and the society with me.
Be well, do good work, and be productive,

Li Li, Ph.D.
President, International Society for Physical Activities and Health
Jeannie Spadafore说:留言于2011-03-27 23:17:22(第1条)
Dr. Lynn Housner, Associate Dean of the College of Physical Activity & Sport Sciences at West Virginia University, is building a database of Physical Education / Teacher Education (PETE) Programs.

We respectfully request your assistance in the form of a reply.

1) If you are the appropriate contact for the PETE Program at your institution, please reply to confirm, along with your Institution name, and your Official Department or Program name.

2) If you are not the appropriate contact for the PETE Program at your institution, please reply and indicate such, and we will remove your name and/or email address from the database.

3) If you are not the appropriate contact, but can direct us to the correct individual, please reply with that information.

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

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