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教育部率百家高校代表团赴美举办“留学中国教育展暨留美英才招聘会”(4/15旧金山 4/17洛杉矶)
2011/4/1 5:13:23 | 浏览:2638 | 评论:1




  教育部留学服务中心率中国高校代表团赴美举办“留学中国教育展暨留美英才招聘会”此次有近百家中国高校参团。 敬请诸位届时光临,并请转告您的学生和身边对此感兴趣的人前来参观。

April 15  10:00 am to 16:00 pm(旧金山)
San Francisco Marriott Union Square, Union Square Ballroom
480 Sutter Street
San Francisco, CA 94108-3901

April 17  10:00 am to 16:00 pm (洛杉矶)
Pacific Palms Hotel & Conference Center
One Industry Hills Parkway
City of Industry, CA 91744




教育部率百家高校代表团赴美举办“留学中国教育展暨留美英才招聘会”(4/15旧金山 4/17洛杉矶)

中國(教育部)留學服務中心將於4月15日上午 9時30分至下午 4 時 在舊金山舉辦 「 留學中國教育展暨留美英才招聘會」 。會展地址:San Francisco Marriott Union Square, Union Square Ballroom,480 Sutter Street, San Francisco。


與此同時, 為滿足各省市、高校、行業用人機構對中國留學歸國人才的需求,吸引更多留美英才歸國就業、創業,將同期舉辦「 留美英才招聘會」 。

此次會展將有北京大學在內的39所著名大學參展,這些重點大學的校長、院長將和美國學生面對面交流在中國的學習和生活情況。 同時,以下院校將在現場招賢納士:北京大學醫學部、對外經濟貿易大學、華南理工大學、南通大學、上海大學、上海交通大學、石河子大學、首都經濟貿易大學、天津大學、同濟大學、西安交通大學、西華大學、中國社會科學院。


會展的組織和支援單位有:中華人民共和國駐美國大使館、駐舊金山總領事館、駐洛杉磯總領事館、駐紐約總領事館、紐約中國留學服務中心、以及總部位於舊金山的美國國際文化交流中心 (CCE) 。

查詢會展詳情,請聯絡CCE康莊,電話:415-990-3603 ,電郵: mark@cceusa.org

相关报道:中国教育部将来洛杉矶推广留学中国计划 (吴健)






两场展会的时间和地点为:4月15日 10:00 到 16:00 ,旧金山的San Francisco Marriott Union Square, Union Square Ballroom,480 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA, 94108-3901。

4月17日 10:00 am to 16:00 pm,地址为洛杉矶的Pacific Palms Hotel & Conference Center,One Industry Hills Parkway。


Experience China, you are in it!

Study in China Education Exhibition

Why China?

China is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, with a splendid culture and long history. The Chinese medicine and Chinese Kong Fu are world treasures.  China has the world’s most robust economy and is the host country for the 2008 Olympic Games and 2010 World Expo.

The Chinese language is the most descriptive language and has the largest number of speakers. It plays an increasingly essential role in the international exchange and trade arena. China leads or approaches the world’s advanced level in many branches of science and technology, for instance in the field of biological science and astronomy etc.

Chinese universities are offering more and more international courses, not only mandarin learning, but various English-taught disciplines in fields of art, science, medicine and engineering etc. Studying in China has become more and more attractive. The US President Barack Obama’s visit to China in 2009 and his announcement of enlarging numbers of students study abroad in both countries has ignited the two nations’ enthusiasm on cultural and educational exchange.

Now we are proud to announce that a group of key Chinese institutions will be present at New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco in the coming April. You will have the chance to talk with professors and admission officers face to face, getting fresh news of the life and study in China. The top universities and middle schools will present an overview of Chinese language and cultural and international courses you can take at some of Chinese top universities.

Brief Introduction of the Exhibitors

Top Quality and Reputation

The exhibitors are all key Chinese institutions, and most of them are in 211 or 985 list—government approved quality-guaranteed.

Excellent Location

The 40 institutions are located in historical or typical Chinese cities, including metropolitan Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, costal cities Shenzhen, Nantong, historical cities Nanjing, Tianjin and Shenyang, cities with rich culture heritage—Hangzhou, Yangzhou and Urumchi.

Flexible Admission

The institution provide a variety of choices for you stay in China. You can take a half-year or longer term, majored at a specific discipline; at the same time you can also make use of your summer or winter holiday, having a Chinese culture experience at one of institutions.

English Taught Courses

The exhibitor universities offer English taught programs in subjects such as economy, management, law, public administration. In this case, no basic knowledge of Chinese language is required.

Chinese Culture and Language Learning

If you are planning to study Chinese anyway, you can rest assured that language courses, although taught in Chinese, do start at beginner’s level. For more advanced students, a placement test will match you with your level of Chinese. Some courses even include preparation for the HSK, the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, an international test for Chinese proficiency.

Scholarship Opportunity

The are designated government scholarship, for encouraging foreign students to study in China. You can apply directly through Chinese universities. For more information about Chinese scholarships and how to apply, please talk directly with students advisors in our exhibition, they will provide vivid guide on the procedures.

Want to know more? Join our China experience day!

Study in China Education Exhibition

Date and venue:

April 15  10:00 am to 16:00 pm
San Francisco Marriott Union Square, Union Square Ballroom,480 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA, 94108-3901

April 17  10:00 am to 16:00 pm
Pacific Palms Hotel & Conference Center,,One Industry Hills Parkway,
City of Industry, CA 91744

Organiser: Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange(CSCSE)
Co-organiser:New York Service Center for Chinese Study Fellows, Inc
Support:Embassy of P.R.C. in USA
         Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco
         Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles
         Chinese Consulate General in New York

Exhibitor List:

  • Peking University
  • Zhejiang University
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Tongji University
  • University of International Business and Economics
  • Beijing Jiaotong University
  • South China University of Technology
  • Shanghai Universtiy of Finance and Economics
  • Tianjin University
  • Beijing Chinese Language and Culture College
  • Capital University of Economics and Business
  • Shenyang University
  • Shanghai University
  • Nanjing University of Science and Technology
  • Xinjiang University
  • Beijing Foreign Studies University
  • Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
  • Beijing Language and Culture University
  • Shihezi University
  • Nantong University
  • Urumqi Vocational University
  • Sichuan College of Architectural Technology
  • Xihua University
  • Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Nanjing Medical University
  • Soochow University
  • Nanjing Xiaozhuang University
  • Huaihai Institute of Technology
  • Jiangsu University
  • Nanjing University of the Arts
  • Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology
  • Yangzhou University
  • Xi'an Jiaotong- Liverpool University
  • Jiangnan University
  • Changzhou University
  • Nanjing Audit University
  • Sino- Australia College, CUMT
  • Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education
  • Xi’an Jiaotong University
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Education Consul for Chinese Consulate General说:留言于2011-04-02 06:24:54(第1条)
Thanks a lot.
Best Wishes,
Cuiying Xu
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