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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网活动公告学术论坛
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2011/4/27 14:31:58 | 浏览:5062 | 评论:1





  1. 南加州大学论坛
    • 地点:南加州大学
      • DML 240 Doheny Memorial Library
      • 3350 Trousdale Parkway, LA CA
    • 时间:5 月2 日,2 - 4 PM
  2. 洛杉矶加州大学论坛
    • 地点:洛杉矶加州大学
      • 2nd Floor, Ackerman Union, Westwood, LA CA
    • 时间:5 月3 日,2 - 4 PM


Zhong Guo(China,中国):The formation and development of its territory

Zhong Guo(China,中国), the name forms by two China characters came into being more than 3000 years ago and only represented the national capital and its vicinities. Among thousands of Guo(kingdom or fiefdom), Zhong Guo means those in the center, central area or other areas of various importance. From Qing Dynasty on, Zhong Guo gradually covered the territory of the dynasties, especially the administrative establishments directly under the central government. Historical maps show the process and the changes of territories and boundaries of different dynasties. But it was as late as 1912 when the Republic China founded that Zhong Guo became the formal name of China. Confucian thought played decisive role both positive and negative in the formation and development of China’s territory.

Ge Jianxiong(葛剑雄), Professor and Public Intellectual, Director of Fudan University Library

Dr. Ge Jianxiong, born in 1945 in Huzhou, is China’s leading scholar on historical geography studies. He has published numerous books on Chinese historical geography, history of population and migration, including History of Migrations in China; History of Population in China, Unification and Separation:Inspective of History in China, Population Geography of the Western Han Dynasty; Changes of Boundaries and territories in China, Population and Modernization in China since 1850, and China’s Historical Geographic Studies in the 20th Century. He is also a well known public intellectual in China, writing several extremely popular columns and blogs in mainstream Chinese media on globalization and China’s role in the world affairs. In addition to his academic appointments, Dr. Ge is a member of the Standing Committee of the People’s Political Consultative Congress of China and has served as a member 0f the Advisory Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Government since 2006.


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Dee Bruce Sun说:留言于2011-04-29 01:50:36(第1条)
Prof. Ge is an outstanding scholar doing lots of interesting and fruitful research on demographic changes over long-term. I would like to join him for any discussion. Thanks a lot!
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