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麻省理工学院中国创业计划大赛计划书火热征集中(12/12 报名截止)
2011/8/17 15:51:17 | 浏览:6955 | 评论:3

MIT-CHIEF Business Plan Contest


Thanks to the extraordinary development over the past 30 years, today's China has arrived at a key turning point of its growth with tremendous economic opportunities for rising entrerpreneurs around the world. China's rapid development has also encountered a number of recent issues, many of which can be taken on by innovation, technology, and a global vision for the future. Having arrived at these crossroads, MIT-CHIEF(MIT-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum)presents to you the MIT-CHIEF "Pitch to China" Business Plan Contest, which strives to connect new technologies and business models with investment funding and experience from both China as well as overseas. We are dedicated to facilitating overseas entrepreneurs with resources in China and helping them both enter the Chinese market as well as bring about positive change for both China and the world as a whole.


Any individuals or teams who aim to develop business ideas in the China market using innovative technologies and business models are welcome to register for the contest. You will need to submit an executive summary that answers key business questions to enroll in the contest(Please visit our website for detailed requirements. Judges will evaluate projects upon a number of criteria, including but not limited to feasibility, innovativeness, soundness of the technology, China market focus, and teamwork. The final winners will be awarded a total prize of $10,000.


Contestants will be able to:

  • Compete for a total of $10,000 in cash prizes.
  • Have an opportunity to present business ideas, and receive feedback from experienced entrepreneurs and investors from both China and abroad
  • Exchange ideas with invited guests of MIT-CHIEF, including researchers, well-known entrepreneurs, and policy-makers.
  • Have an opportunity to receive critiques and advice from investors, successful entrepreneurs, professors, and lawyers.
  • Promote business plans to the mass media and potential customers.
  • Attend the lectures for contestants by MIT well-known scholars, seasoned entrepreneurs, and lawyers at MIT-CHIEF.
  • Participate the poster exhibition of your business idea at the MIT-CHIEF conference.
  • Access to entrepreneurial resources from our partners to accelerate your business.

Agenda(US Eastern Time)

Sep 12, 2011 23:00 Deadline for Project executive summary submission
Sep 26, 2011 21:00 Announcement of Semi-finalists
Oct 1-2, 2011 Course:Entrepreneurship Fundamentals
Lecture:Entrepreneurship in the Technology Sector and Law
Oct 16, 2011 23:00 Deadline for business plan
Nov 4, 2011 21:00 Announcement of Finalists
TBD Private Meeting and Dinner with Investors
Nov 20, 2011 Finale

Confirmed Judges 已确认大赛评委
Xiaoping XU/徐小平 Zhen Fund/真格基金创始人
Xiaojun LI/李骁军 IDG Capital Partners/IDG资本中国合伙人
Sanford SELMAN Asian West LLC
(More Judges to be confirmed, please stay tuned. 更多评委正在确认中,敬请期待)

Submit your plan and Pitch to China >>

For more information, please go to >> http://mitchief.org/contest
更多大赛信息,请访问>> http://mitchief.org/contest

Please Contact us if you have any questions.
Contacts:赵昕Xin ZHAO (857-756-6001xinzhao@mit.edu

联系人:吕文尔Wener LV(857-928-5137lvwener@mit.edu

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MIT说:留言于2011-10-18 10:12:06(第3条)
Dear All,

Thank you for attending the MIT-CHIEF Launch Ceremony on Saturday. It was great to have many of you there to witness the official launch of MIT-CHIEF!

With the mission of promoting intellectual exchange and collaboration between China and the US in technology, innovation and entrepreneurship, MIT-CHIEF is recognized as "an important milestone in MIT's engagement with China" by Professor Victor Zue, Director of MIT Greater China Strategy Working Group. We hope to bring more and more attention and make an impact to the rapid development of China, where both opportunities and challenges co-exist and require an innovative and entrepreneurial mind to grab and face. We invite each of you to get involved in this exciting process too!

More details about MIT-CHIEF can be found online: http://mitchief.org, and registration for MIT-CHIEF is now open: http://mitchief.org/register. Could you forward the following announcement to the respective groups that may be interested? Appreciate it if you can do it at your earliest convenience, as tickets are limited and can be sold out very soon. :-)

Also, photos for the launch ceremony are posted on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/chiefmit . Feel free to tag yourself there. :-)

Thanks a lot and hope to see you in the First Annual MIT-CHIEF Conference in November!

Rui Li
Chair, MIT-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum
President, MIT Chinese Students and Scholars Association
NECINA说:留言于2011-08-18 14:20:04(第2条)
NECINA YES Program 6.0

Thinking about starting a business?
Dreaming to be the next Steve Jobs?
Or, Wondering if you could be an entrepreneur?

YES, you could by joining the NECINA YES (Youth Entrepreneurship Service) Program 6.0.

The YES (Youth Entrepreneurship Service) Program 6.0, organized by NECINA, is a FREE training program, for high school and undergraduate students to enter the world of real business.

YES Program 6.0 is an opportunity for you:
To enroll in 10 Business Training Classes, including Business Plans Introduction, Product Conceptualization, Company Structure, Finance, Sales and Marketing, Public Speaking and mentioning.
To meet distinguished entrepreneurs, learning how skills acquired can be applied in real world business.
To work in teams, develop business ideas and participate in a business plan contest.
To win cash scholarship and possible internship opportunities in big firms or corporate.
To register, please fill out this online application form. Deadline is 9/11/2011.

Detail information, please check http://www.necina.net/web/yes/yes-program.

MIT ETF说:留言于2011-08-18 14:11:40(第1条)
Speed Networking for Technology Entrepreneur(-To-Be), 波士顿 (8月21日)
Detail is here http://talentforum.org/speednetworking082011.htm

This event intents to provide Entrepreneurs or Entrepreneurs-To-Be great opportunities to meet more useful contacts in similar fields. The focus is technologies, including Information Technology, Energy Technology,Materials Technology, Bio-Tech.

Time: 2-5pm, Aug 21st (Sun),
Location: Room 32-124 (see MIT campus map for direction), 1st floor of Ray & Maria Stata Center, MIT, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139
Organizer: MIT ETF (Economic Talent Forum) & OverseaTalents
Registration: $5 (we just want to make sure you will show up & beverages and snacks will be provided)

2-2:15pm Sign in & Warm-up Networking
2:15-2:45pm Speed Networking Session I (1-to-1 in groups)
2:45-3pm Break & Freesytle Networking
3-3:30pm Speed Networking Session II (1-to-3 in groups)
3:30-3:45pm Public Session (1-to-All)
For those who are interested in, you will be given the opportunity to present yourself and your idea in 5 min. We only have 3 spots for this session. Please sign up here in advance.
3:45pm - 5:30pm Freestyle Networking
注意: 留言内容不要超过4000字,否则会被截断。
未 审 核:  是
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