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PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 147)
作者:PAROS | 2011/8/24 4:08:50 | 浏览:2370 | 评论:0

ExpoFriends Weekly

24th,August ,2011
no. 147
Shanghai Pudong Association of Returned Overseas Scholars

PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 147)

ExpoFriends:Make Friends With All Global People

1.Daily News:is the latest news, interesting things or policies about China recently.
2.Post Expo: provides some information or policies about the post expo from Shanghai, China.
3.Travel in China:provides you the latest information about arts,music or attractions in China.
4.Expo News: tells you which expo or exhibition will be held in China recently.

 Daily News

Remembering hostages

PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 147)

A Buddhist monk performs the rites to mark the first anniversary of last year's botched bus hostage rescue at Rizal Park in Manila yesterday. Tearful relatives and a survivor offered flowers and lit incense at the park where the 11-hour drama unfolded on live television a year ago. Eight Hong Kong tourists were killed in the failed rescue after a dismissed policeman had taken them hostage. Philippine President Benigno Aquino III expressed "deep regret" yesterday for the deaths of the hostages but rejected the families' call for a formal apology. He said the lone gunman and not the state is to be blamed.

 Post Expo

Foster & Partners' Shanghai Expo pavilion to be rebuilt in UAE

PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 147)

Foster & Partners’ UAE pavilion from last year’s Shanghai World Expo is to be revived to host this year’s Abu Dhabi Art festival.
The four-day festival in November will be held in the Saadiyat Cultural District which was masterplanned by Aecom on an island off Abu Dhabi.
The district contains museums and arts centres designed by Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Foster & Partners and Jean Nouvel.
The Foster pavilion, which attracted almost 2 million visitors when it was erected in Shanghai, is the only national pavilion from the Expo to be relocated and rebuilt so far.
Its curvaceous design was inspired by the sand dunes of the Emirates.
Abu Dhabi Art is an international art festival which this year will run from November 16-19. More than 50 galleries from around the world will be exhibiting.

 Travel In China

Mount Huashan


PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 147)

Situated just 120 kilometers East of Xi’an City, in Shaanxi province, Huashan(华山)is one of China’s five sacred mountains and one of the country’s most popular tourist attractions. It’s appreciated for the beautiful natural scenery and the ancient Taoist temples, but Huashan is most famous for the dangerous hiking trail to the summit.
Huashan Mountain has five peaks, which when looked from a certain angle make the mountain look like a flower(“hua” in Chinese). There’s the East Peak(Facing Sun Peak)(
东峰), Middle Peak(中峰)(Jade Maiden Peak), West Peak(Lotus Peak)(西峰), North Peak(Cloud Terrace Peak)(北峰)and the South Peak(南峰), the tallest and most dangerous of them all. If you’re brave and lucky enough to reach its summit you are rewarded with an incredible view of the whole mountain complex.

PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 147)

 Expo News

China International Hardware Show(CIHS)

PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 147)

Date: September 21-23, 2011
Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Center
Website: http://www.koelnmesse.cn/fair/New_CIHS_E/index.asp
China International Hardware Show(CIHS)(zhōng guó guó jì wǔ jīn zhǎn lǎn huì
中国国际五金展览会)is Asia's top trade fair for the entire hardware and DIY sectors offering specialist traders and buyers with a comprehensive category of products and services. It is now clearly established as the world’s second largest hardware show after the INTERNATIONAL HARDWARE FAIR COLOGNE in Germany.

www.ExpoFriends.cn —— communication by internet, from everywhere, one world one family.
It makes everyone know each other and become friends by PAROS holding a series of Expo activities. During “Post Expo”, we can take the folk methods, international concepts and network tools to undertake, maintain and develop the international high-end human resources remained by 2010 Shanghai World Expo to service for china’s investment and national economic globalization development strategy. So PAROS has established ExpoFriends.cn---“Expo Friends” network platform.

PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 147)


Shanghai Pudong Association of Returned Overseas Scholars
Add:Room110,Building 1,563 Songtao Rd.Pudong New Area,Shanghai 201203


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