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PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 148)
作者:PAROS | 2011/8/31 4:08:35 | 浏览:4335 | 评论:1

ExpoFriends Weekly

31th,August ,2011
no. 148
Shanghai Pudong Association of Returned Overseas Scholars

PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 148)

ExpoFriends:Make Friends With All Global People

1.Daily News:is the latest news, interesting things or policies about China recently.
2.Post Expo: provides some information or policies about the post expo from Shanghai, China.
3.Travel in China:provides you the latest information about arts,music or attractions in China.
4.Expo News: tells you which expo or exhibition will be held in China recently.

 Daily News

Great migration of Tibetan antelopes

PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 148)

Tibetan antelopes pass the grassland in Hoh Xil Nature Reserve on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Photographers followed the Tibetan antelopes during their migration July 24 – 27 through the reserve on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, on their way to Sanjiangyuan area in Northwest China’s Qinghai province, a source of three great rivers:Yellow River, Yangtze River and the Lancang River. Each June, female antelopes will start the trip of more than 600 kilometers, migrating from Sanjiangyuan to Zhuonai Lake in Hoh Xil Nature Reserve, to give birth to their litter and then turn back to Sanjiangyuan after about a month’s rest. It is still unknown why the antelopes migrate to give birth. Tibetan antelopes, a first class national-level protected animal, live on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, at an average altitude of 4,600 to 6,000 meters. China once had millions of Tibetan antelopes, but excessive hunting and human encroachment caused their population to plummet in recent decades.

 Post Expo

Indonesia Pavilion to move to Liuzhou, Guangxi

PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 148)

Indonesia's Pavilion from the Shanghai World Expo is to move to Liuzhou city, Guangxi autonomous region, Liuzhou officials confirmed on Feb 24. The new pavilion is expected to be completed and re-opened to the public in October 2011.
At the Shanghai World Expo, the Indonesia Pavilion covered an area of 4,000 square meters, where the main construction materials were made of bamboo supplemented by palm and oak. The pavilion displayed a rich variety of exhibits, which not only reflected the theme of “ecologically diversified cities", but also offered a picture of Indonesia's culture, their peoples’ way of life and other details.
The new pavilion, planned to be built in ratio of 1:1 in line with the original, will be relocated to Liuzhou Red Deer Mountain Park with its appearance unchanged.
Thanks to the Liuzhou government's efforts and Mr. Wong Yuying, who is an Indonesian Chinese businessman currently operating businesses in Liuzhou and acts as a go-between, Indonesia's pavilion will be able to settle permanently in Liuzhou.
It is reported that among the 10,000-plus who returned overseas to Liuzhou, Indonesian Chinese account for more than 50 percent of them. In 2005, Liuzhou city and Bandung city of Indonesia concluded a friendly relationship as sister cities.
According to the Liuzhou Tourism Department, during the Shanghai World Expo, the Indonesia pavilion received a total number of 5 million tourists and became one of the most popular national pavilions in the Expo. Its relocation will promote cultural exchanges and cooperation between Liuzhou and the cities of Indonesia.

 Travel In China

Huangguoshu Waterfall


PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 148)

Huangguoshu Waterfall is located on the Baishui River at Zhenning Buyi and Miao Ethnic Minority Autonoumous County, Anshun City of Guizhou Province. It is the largest waterfall in China and Asia. It is crowned as the No. 1 Waterfall in China. And it is also ranked in the famous waterfall all over the world.
Huangguoshu Waterfall got its name because of a local plant, namely, the Yellow Fruit Tree. It is famous for its greatness and the waterfall group. Huangguoshu Waterfall is the greatest one among them, which is 101 meters wide, with a drop of 67 meters. It is only waterfall that can be appreciated from different position. As early as in the Ming Dynasty, the geologist Xu Xiake highly praised the Huangguoshu Waterfall. Because of the rich rain in Guizhou Province, the waterfall has never draught-up. In the rainy season, the water is like a curtain, through which you even cannot see the stones behind the waterfall. It is just like ten thousand horses galloping ahead.

 Expo News

The 7th International Stainless Steel Exposition(STEXPO 2011)

PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 148)

Date:9:00-17:00, September 6-8, 2011
Venue:Shanghai New International Expo Center
Website: http://www.stexpo.com.cn/en/home.asp
The 7th International Stainless Steel Exposition(STEXPO 2011)will be held on Sept. 6-8, 2011 in Shanghai. Running every two years, it is by far the largest stainless steel exhibition in Asia.
Since its debut in 1999, STEXPO has experienced consecutive growth for ten years, and will meet its 7th anniversary in 2011.

www.ExpoFriends.cn —— communication by internet, from everywhere, one world one family.
It makes everyone know each other and become friends by PAROS holding a series of Expo activities. During “Post Expo”, we can take the folk methods, international concepts and network tools to undertake, maintain and develop the international high-end human resources remained by 2010 Shanghai World Expo to service for china’s investment and national economic globalization development strategy. So PAROS has established ExpoFriends.cn---“Expo Friends” network platform.

PAROS浦东留学生联合会 会友周刊(No. 148)


Shanghai Pudong Association of Returned Overseas Scholars
Add:Room110,Building 1,563 Songtao Rd.Pudong New Area,Shanghai 201203


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上海市浦东新区归国留学人员联合会说:留言于2011-09-01 00:56:21(第1条)
PAROS 浦东新区归国留学人员联合会 关于周四主题沙龙暂停的紧急通知
  因忆叶情咖啡吧时尚俱乐部内部电路整改施工,故近几期的Evening Talk主题沙龙暂时取消。电路整改完后,主题沙龙活动随即恢复。敬请谅解!
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