南加州华裔教授学者协会《学术展望》杂志征稿通知(11/15 截稿)
Dear CSA members, colleagues and friends,
You are cordially invited to submit a manuscript for the forthcoming 2011 edition(Volume 7)of Academic Perspective 学术展望杂志(ISSN 1936-1246), an annual e-journal published by the Chinese Scholars Association of Southern California(CSA-SC). Some volumes may also be in print.
Authors are encouraged to submit unpublished works(including preliminary research), book reviews, and commentaries in their disciplines and fields. Your manuscript can be in either Chinese or English, with a maximum length of 15 single-spaced pages. The submission deadline is Nov. 15, 2011.
Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the CSA Editorial Board and/or other invited peers. All of the journal articles are freely available to the public online. Authors retain copyrights to their individual articles, hold sole responsibility for their writings, and are welcome to reuse it as they deem appropriate. Notice of acceptance will be sent to authors after their works are accepted for publication in the Journal.
Your manuscript must be a Word document, single spaced, with one-column layout, one-inch margins, Times New Roman font size 12, first-level headings in all capital letters, and second-level headings with first letter in capital. References must be in alphabetical order and be placed at the end of the manuscript. Citations in the text must refer to authors by last name. Please avoid using footnotes.
To access previous volumes of the Academic Perspective, please visit the CSA website at http://csasc.org/pages/journal.php
Please email your manuscript by Nov. 15, 2011 to Editors-in-Chief:
Dr. Lianlian Lin, Cal State Polytechnic Univ. Pomona, Email:LLin2@csupomona.edu
Dr. Chongwu Zhou, University of Southern California, Email:chongwuusc@gmail.com
Editorial Board Members:
Dr. Bruce Sun, California State University Long Beach
Dr. Sheng-He Huang, University of Southern California
Dr. Lianlian Lin, California State Polytechnic University Pomona
Dr. Ren Sun, University of California Los Angeles
Dr. Chongwu Zhou, University of Southern California
Dr. Keyue Ma, University of California Irvine
Dr. Yi Liu, China Academy of Science/University of California Los Angeles
南加州华裔教授学者协会《学术展望》杂志(ISSN 1936-1246)第7卷2011年电子版,现在正在征稿,征稿截止日期是11月15日。欢迎大家踊跃投稿,将未发表的文章和研究成果(包括初步研究结果),书评,评论,学习心得,经历感悟,科技,教育和学术发展动向等,用电子邮件寄给我们。中文或英文都可以。文稿最长不超过15页。收到的书稿将由编委会审稿,或邀请专家同仁审稿。文稿一旦接受,即会通知作者。文章版权由作者所有,文责自负,作者以后还可再使用。