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CAERDA 2010 Conference (4/29 Denver): 2nd Call for Proposal
2010/1/16 6:15:41 | 浏览:2714 | 评论:0

Dear Colleagues,

Our sincere thanks go to those who already submitted conference proposals. We understand this is the busiest time of the year. For the colleagues who did not make it for the first time, we would like to give you additional time to submit proposals. The extended deadline will be on January 4th, 2010.  The online proposal submission system is open. The detailed conference information is attached to this message below or you can also go to visit our website at http://www.caerda.org. We are looking forward to your contributions.

The CAERDA Conference is held immediately before the Annual Convention of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) at the same location. This affiliation provides added convenience and enriched experience to conference participants to benefit from the programs of both conferences. This one-and-a-half-day conference will take place from Thursday morning, April 29 to Friday noon, April 30, 2010 at one of the AERA headquarter hotels in Denver, Colorado, USA.

Conference Theme

The 2010 CAERDA Conference theme is “Conducting and Applying Educational Research to Improve Teaching and Learning”. Educational research is a general term for the study of educational problems with a systematic application of the scientific method. Educational research findings contribute to teaching and learning as practitioners know how to find, understand, and evaluate these findings. At this conference, we are particularly interested in research related to (a) educational research methodology; (b) educational program evaluation; (c) educational measurement; (4) the application of research findings to teaching and learning; and (5) implications of research findings for policy. Within this broad conference theme, the conference will particularly focus on the following sub-themes:

  1. Enhancing teaching and learning through the use of educational research methodology (e.g., research design and data analytic techniques to examine educational phenomena);
  2. Evaluating the effects of interventions or instructions (e.g., evaluation of early interventions to prevent at-risk students from academic failure);
  3. Educational measurement (e.g., measurement of teacher or student beliefs, testing of student knowledge or competence);
  4. Applying educational research in teaching and learning practice (e.g., developing research based classroom teaching practice; using student assessment data to improve teaching and learning);
  5. Developing educational policies based on research findings (e.g., data-driven educational policies; strategies for implementing effective educational models for interventions at school and district levels);

In keeping with the CAERDA conference tradition, we also welcome studies on other areas of research and practice that may not directly relate to the conference theme but contribute to the understanding of important educational issues. For example, teaching and learning in mathematics, literacy, or science.

For more information on the conference, please visit CAERDA website www.caerda.org or the direct Conference link at http://caerda.org/conferencesite/index.php/caerda/2010.

CAERDA has had successful conference events with your strong support so far. We are looking forward to your continuing support and your participation. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions.

Best regards,

Youmei Liu

CAERDA Conference General Program Chair
CAERDA Conference Committee

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