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南加州华裔教授学者协会2012年新春联欢会(2/11 CSU-Long Beach)
南加州华裔教授学者协会2012年新春联欢会(2/11 CSU-Long Beach)
作者:CSA | 2012/1/21 5:09:11 | 浏览:7633 | 评论:5




Chinese Scholars Association - Southern California Spring Celebration

南加州华裔教授学者协会2012年新春联欢会(2/11 CSU-Long Beach)


California State University Long Beach
University Student Union(USU)Beach Ballroom 251ABC
1250 Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90840
Click here for Campus Map, Driving Direction is attached at the end)

赞助:College of Business Administration at CSULB
   the East Asia Subcommittee of International Education Committee at CSULB



艾红梅博士 biz2net@hotmail.com
马科悦教授 keyuesmedley@cox.net

CSASC 2012 New Year Party Program: 

  1. 华艺歌舞团 (王晋平,何盈,王薇,饒華, 王真内, 常瑞生,吳曉山,王恒元,程世元  蒙古族筷子舞蹈 《美丽草原,我的家》。
  2. 朱禹洁, 女声独唱故乡的云》。
  3. Yicun Sun舞蹈 Ballad of Tibet
  4. 华艺歌舞团吳曉山, 程世元, 常瑞生, 王恒元, 刘兴初  男生表演唱《酒神曲》
  5. 刘米申, 钢琴翻身的日子和一个西洋曲子
  6. 由佳女声独唱《把幸福给你》。


2012-2013 CSASC Board

President - Dr. Keyue Ma Smedley 马科悦

2012-2013 CSASC President Council

Dr. Bruce Sun 孙涤
Dr. Zhenying Jiang 姜鎮英
Dr. Kwan Ming Chan 陈钧铭
Dr. Zhensu She 佘振苏.....

2012 CSA Spring Gathering Registration (报名表)

  热烈欢迎您和亲朋参加我们的新春团拜,请填写此表(Please complete the form for the event )。You may send it to biz2net@hotmail.com or bring it to the event.

1. Name(您的姓名)_________________________

2. Contact phone (联系电话)__________________ Email(电邮)__________________

3. Guests accompanied (随行亲朋人数)____________

4. CSA member (已加入协会)? Yes ___ No___

Have renewed membership for 2011 已交今年的会费?___

5. CSA lifetime member 是否协会的终身会员?Yes ___ No___

6. Welcome to join CSA 竭诚欢迎加入CSA。New member 新会员___;

or 或者 Associate member 联系会员___


Please pay the fee(and membership due if applicable)in cash on site. The members are free of charge; non member adult $10.



  若您无暇参加本次新春团拜,请更新您的联络信息(Please update your current contact information)。

1. Name 您的姓名 _________________________

2. Contact phone 联系电话___________________ Email 电邮 __________________

3. CSA member已是会员? Yes ___ No___

Have renewed membership for 2011 已交今年的会费? Yes ___ No___

4. Want to become lifetime member 是否愿意成为终身会员?Yes ___ No___

5. Welcome to join CSA 竭诚欢迎加入CSA. New member 新会员___;

or 或者Associate member 联系会员___


According to the CSA by-laws, the regular membership due is $25/year; the lifetime membership $200 once; and the associate membership due $10/year.



Direction to CSASC New Year Celebration

南加州华裔教授学者协会2012年新春联欢会(2/11 CSU-Long Beach)

California State University Long Beach Campus Map:


The ballroom is on the 2nd floor of the building USU

Getting to CSULB

From LAX, Santa Monica, West LA

Take the 405 south and exit at Bellflower Blvd. Turn left from the off-ramp and then make an immediate right on Bellflower Blvd. Continue to Beach Drive and turn left into campus.

From Orange County

Take the 405 north or 22 west. The two freeways merge. Remain on the 22 when the 405 splits off and exit at 7th Street. Continue to Bellflower Boulevard. Turn right at Bellflower and make another right at Beach Drive.

From Downtown LA, East LA

Take the 605 south and exit at Willow Street. Continue to Bellflower Boulevard. Turn left at Bellflower and make another left at Beach Drive.

Parking Information

Metered parking($5)is available near the University Student Union in lot 17 and Parking Structure 1.

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『社区报道』 南加州华裔教授学者协会2012新春联欢报道 2012-02-14 [6394]
『学人动向』 Message from the CSASC President Dr. Keyue Ma Smedley 2012-01-10 [4337]
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Janee Wang说:留言于2012-02-04 03:46:29(第4条)
The date on top of the web page was incorrect --

Zhu, Yujie说:留言于2012-01-27 01:42:03(第3条)
Thanks for your invitation. I will definately be there at that time!

May the year of the dragon bring you and your family great prosperity,much happiness, and excellent health!!!


Yujie Zhu
Graziadio School of Business and Management .Pepperdine University
lxue说:留言于2012-01-25 02:36:27(第2条)
I will be there with the guests.

Thanks again for everything!
Daniel W. Kwong说:留言于2012-01-24 12:29:24(第1条)
Dear Colleagues:
Thanks for the invitation for the CSAC Spring Gathering on February 11, 2012 at Cal Stat U Long Beach. Gong Xi Fa Cai. I am very interested to attend tbe party if our colleagues can offer me a ride and I am in Monterey Park area...

All the best ,
Dr. Daniel W. Kwong E-Mail: ghh_dwk@att.net
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