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ICSPAH General Assembly During Boston AAHPERD Convention(3/16)
作者:ICSPAH | 2012/3/8 7:41:00 | 浏览:6567 | 评论:3

Dear members and friends of ICSPAH,

ICSPAH welcome you to be part of our organization and participate the General Assembly:

You probably have heard, if you are here at the convention, that most of the AAHPERD convention programs have been cancelled due to power outage at the convention center and its vicinity.

 The executive committee decided that we will hold ICSPAH annual meeting at the same restaurant where we have scheduled for our dinner.

Where: Victoria sea food restaurant; Address:1029 Commonwealth Ave. Boston. Phone#:617-783-5111;

When:6pm, Friday, March 16;

 We, members of the executive committee, certainly hope everyone can make it to the meeting. Please, help us reaching out to others about this change. We ask your help and call everyone you know who might be planning to join us for the meeting but may not be able to check their email in time for the meeting. 

 Hope to see you tomorrow, otherwise, safe journey home.

 To prepare for the meeting, I would like to call your attention to our upcoming election, welcome your comments for potential revisions of the Bylaw, and invite you to comment on the tentative agenda. We also have a dinner gathering scheduled after the meeting, please join us for dinner, see details at the end of this message.

First, according to the Bylaw, we should elect a new president-elect at the meeting. Presidency of ICSPAH is a three year term. First year - president-elect, second year - president and third year - past-president.  Leadership is very important to the health of this organization. Please nominate any member of ICSPAH of your choice, your colleague, or yourself, for a chance to serve our organization. Deadline for nomination:Midnight, March 12, 2012.

I have attached a copy of our current Bylaw with this message. One of the most important functions of the General Assembly is to discuss potential revisions of the Bylaw. Please read the file carefully and send me your comments and suggestions. Do track your changes if you would like to edit the document and send me your suggestions in the edited file. Please send me your comments and suggestions by midnight, March 12, 2012, so we can prepare the file for discussion during the assembly.

Here is the tentative agenda, not necessarily in this order. Send me you comments and suggestions before midnight, March 12, 2012, so we can put them on the agenda.   

    1. President's annual report concerning activities of the past year;
    2. Treasure's annual report concerning our budget;
    3. Election:president-elect;
    4. Discussion of potential By-law revision;
    5. Honoring Executive committee members who are at the end of their term;
    6. Transition of presidency;
    7. Speech by the new president;
    8. Group picture;
    9. Meeting adjourn;
    10. Proceed to the dinner gathering;

Our dinner is reserved at the Victoria Seafood Restaurant(click here for more details of the restaurants). It will be free to our members who has registered with me before midnight, March 12, $15 for none members and member who does not have early registration. The restaurant is about 2.3 miles(3700m)west of the Convention Center, along the Commonwealth Avenue(price of the good restaurant near the convention center are prohibitive). We will finish our meeting at 7pm, start our dinner at 8pm. You will have plenty of time to get there. You can take a taxi, wouldn't cost you too much, especially shared by a few people. Or, take the subway, "T" as Bostonian calls it, as an even more economical alternative. Or, weather permit, walking is a good option too. Stroll along the Commonwealth Ave in the famous Back Bay area, you will pass the Commonwealth Ave Mall and the campus of Boston University.

Respectfully submitted,

Li Li, president, ICSPAH

On behave of all members of the Executive Committee,

Ping Xiang, past-president,
Yuanlong Liu, President-elect
Tao Zhang, treasure
Wei Bian, secretary
Yang Gao, member-at-large

Li Li, Ph.D., Jo Ellen Levy Yates Professor
Department of Kinesiology, Louisiana State University


Dear members and friends of ICSPAH,


Attached please find the proposed ICSPAH Bylaw amendments. Please check it out and be ready to discuss the changes during our assembly in Boston next Friday.


Please register for the dinner after the assembly to me as soon as possible if you are coming but have not registered.


Hope to see you in Boston next week,









Section 1       This society is named as the International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health(ICSPAH)




Section 1       This organization does not engage in any activity by which profit may or accrues to any officer or member thereof, and the best interest of the Society only embraces the means necessary to carry out the Society ends.


Section 2       Tax Exempt Contributions:The nature and purpose of the activities in which the Society engages in relation to charitable, educational, and scientific work are consistent with the tax exempt provisions of the Internal Revenue Department.




Section 1       The mission of this Society is to facilitate professional growth and development among its members to promote healthy and physically active lifestyle through strengthening research and education in Chinese communities throughout the world.


Section 2       The purposes for which the Society is formed are:


A. Research and Dissemination: To employ the necessary means to foster, advance, advocate, and promote the kind of research and studies necessary to advance health, physical activity, and allied areas in educational systems and mainly the Chinese communities throughout the world.


B. Education and Training:To hold meetings and disseminate information; to prepare and issue newsletters and other printed literature; to engage speakers well qualified to give addresses before the Society; and to encourage training for the facilitation of members’ professional growth and development in the relevant areas.


C. Recognition:


1.      Grants: To provide grants to professionals to support high quality of scientific research and scholarly activities in the field.

2.      Awards: Need something here?




Section 1       The organizational structure of the Society includes members, the Executive Committee, and the General Assembly.


Section 2       Anyone is committed to promote the above-stated mission is eligible for membership. An individual member has all rights in and claims upon the Society and its property. Every member has the right to vote and to be voted on.


Section 3       Types of Members: Members in the Society are regular, regular lifetime, student, and honorary members.


Section 4       Regular Members and Regular Lifetime Members:Regular members are those individuals professionally engaged in health, physical activity, and/or allied areas. Regular members who chose to pay for life time membership are termed as life time member.


Section 5       Student Members:Student members are the students attending institutions of higher education preparing for work in the field of health, physical activity, and/or allied areas.


Section 6       Honorary Members:Honorary members include those who have provided exceptional service to the Society or have made significant contributions to the field of health, physical activity, and/or allied areas.


Section 7       Dues: Dues for membership are paid to the Treasure of the society. Honorary members are exempted from the dues. Membership becomes effective when the membership due is received by the Treasurer.


Section 8       The amount of membership fee is proposed by the Executive Committee and be voted for approval by the General Assembly.




Section 1       Executive Committee: As of otherwise provided by these By-laws, the management of the affairs of the Society is vested in the Executive Committee.


Section 2       Each member of the Executive Committee is elected at the General Assembly. The term of the committee member is three years from the General Assembly. An Executive Committee member only serves for one term then must wait for at least one year before being re-nominated and re-elected to the committee.


Section 3       Quorum:Three members of the Executive Committee constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a meeting(maybe online format)of the Executive Committee.


Section 4       The Executive Committee has the authority to appoint any member of the Society, upon his/her acceptance, to fill any vacancy of the Executive Committee occurring between two member elections of the Executive Committee. The term of the appointee(s)will expire at the next Executive Committee election.


Section 5       Every member of the Society may nominate any member of the society, including themselves, for candidacy of membership for the Executive Committee. The nomination shall be submitted 30 days prior to the scheduled General Assembly's annual meeting.


Section 6       The Secretary circulates the name(s)of the nominee(s)for the Executive Committee to all members no later than 20 days prior to the General Assembly. At the General Assembly, the member(s)of the Executive Committee shall be elected from such nominee(s)for the said respective posts by the majority of the members presenting at the meeting.




Section 1       The Executive Committee usually consists of five(5)members. These members are:Past-President, President, President-elect, Secretary, and Member-at-Large. The Executive Committee may appoint the Standing Committee, the Special Committee, and other needed officers. The executive committee may recommend to the general assembly for a vote if the structure of the executive committee needs to be revised or an extra executive committee member is needed to serve a specific capacity.


Section 2       The President acts as chairperson of the Executive Committee and preside at all business meetings. The President is the primary spokesperson and representative for the Society. Questions arising at any Executive Committee meeting are decided by the majority of the Committee votes.


Section 3       The President-elect is elected yearly, as a new Executive Committee member, by the presented members directly during the General Assembly.


Section 4       The position of the Treasurer is decided by the Executive Committee after the election of the General Assembly.


Section 5       The Treasurer, and the Web Master may be appointed on a three-year renewable term by the President. The Treasurer, and the Web Master serve at the pleasure of the President and may be invited to attend the meetings of the Executive Committee in a none-voting capacity. If being elected to serve on the Executive Committee, the appointed Treasure, or Web Master have the same voting privilege as a member of the Executive Committee.


Section 6       The Standing Committee:The Standing Committees shall be recommended by the President and approved by the Executive Committee. The standing committee is charged by and reports to the President. The term of standing committee members is two years, and may be re-nominated and re-appointed one more year after their prior term expires. After each term, one third members shall rotate off each standing committee. Types of the standing committee:(1)the General Assembly Committee, which shall be chaired by the President;(2)the Publication Committee;(3)the Membership Committee;(4)the Summer Lecture Scholarship Committee, and other committees to further the interests of the Society.


Section 7       The Special Committee: The Special Committees may be established by the President with approval of the Executive Committee. Special committees will normally be dissolved when the current Presidency expires.




Section 1       The General Assembly: There is one General Assembly of the members in the Society. The location and dates for the meeting are decided by the Executive Committee(it is usually during the AAHPERD convention).


Section 2       The General Assembly is the highest society authority. Its responsibilities include:


A. Revise the By-laws


B. Elect a President-elect


C. Consider and approve the budget of the organization


D. Determine and subsequently approve any change to the membership due


E. Approve the annual report by the President


Section 3       The President sends a call-for meeting agenda via e-mail to each member no less than 60 days prior to the scheduled meeting. The President then send a notification in a subsequent e-mail to all members 7 days prior to the scheduled meeting. Such notification states the time, place, and agenda of the meeting.


Section 4       The President and each standing committee present a report at the General Assembly to outline what has been accomplished during the term and what need to be addressed in the future. The report(s)should be approved by the General Assembly.




Section 1       No member of the Society, except the President, is allowed to express opinions or take actions on behalf of the Society without the authorization of the Executive Committee.




Section 1       Amendments: These Bylaws may be amended by starting a motion to be signed by 30% or more members and approved by a majority vote of more than two-third of the General Assembly.


Section 2       Proposed amendments to the Bylaws must be submitted in written to the Executive Committee for pre-review prior to the General Assembly for an all-member vote. The Executive Committee submit proposals to all prior to the General Assembly at which they are to be considered.


Section 3       Such a vote may be supervised and counted by a special committee consisting of two members of the Executive Committee and three of those who originally made the motion.


Section 4       Any action can be approved by a simple majority vote(more than 50%)of those present at the General Assembly, other than the amendment of the Bylaw, which requires a two-third majority.


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Li说:留言于2012-03-14 09:18:34(第2条)
Dear ICSPAH members and friends,

Please let me know if you will join us for dinner next Friday after the general assembly in Boston. I will need a head count for restaurant reservation.

Thank you and hope to see you next week.

frank fu说:留言于2012-03-09 10:04:06(第1条)
I shall attend the AGM but not the dinner.

Frank Fu
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