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Message from ICSPAH
作者:ICSPAH | 2012/4/6 7:41:15 | 浏览:2778 | 评论:1

Dear ICSPAH Members:

Hope you are enjoying the spring semester. We missed the AAHPERD convention to meet each other this year and we are looking forward to getting together next year in Charlotte, North Carolina. On behalf of ICSPAH executive board, I have few things to communicate with our members:

A. This is the time to renew your membership(Annual membership $25.00 and Life membership $200.00). We appreciate your cooperation to send your check at your earliest convenience to Dr. Zhang, a receipt will be sent to you once the check is received:

Dr. Tao Zhang
210 E, Physical Education Building,
University of North Texas
Denton, TX 76203

B. We are planning the 2012 ICSPAH summer collaboration trip to China. We are trying to make a trip to Shanghai and/or Zhejiang. You must be a current member to join the group. I have received four people’s visiting dates to China. I will send your China schedule to our host. As soon as I have any news I will pass on to you.

Based on ICSPAH bylaw, we have established several committees. If you are interested in to join any these committees, please contact the committee chair. As soon as you are confirmed, ICSPAH will send you an official appreciation letter for your service. You can certainly include this service to your professional service portfolio.

ICSPAH Committees:

A. Membership committee(Chair:Dr. Yong Gao)
B. Newsletter committee(Editor-in-chief:Dr. Wei Bian)
C. Bylaw revision committee(Chair:Dr. Hongwei Guan)
D. Outreach and international relationship committee(Co-Chair:Dr. Xiaozan Wang and Ping Xiang)
E. Website maintenance and ICSPAH promotion(Chair:Dr. Zan Gao)
F. Finance committee(Chair:Jinjin Yang)


Yuanlong Liu, PhD
President of ICSPAH
Professor, Dept. of Human Performance & Health Education
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008

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國際華人體育與健康协會说:留言于2012-08-08 12:31:50(第1条)
Dear All: Greetings!
Please find the ICSPAH newsletter: http://www.icspah.org/update_ICSPAH.htm. Thanks Dr. Wei Bian for her hard work. We are expecting the member news from all our members. Please let Dr. Wei Bian know if you have published a manuscript, got a grant, award, promotion etc. We like to include all our members' achievement into ICSPAH newsletter. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for improving the newsletter. Thank you very much for you support.

Yuanlong Liu, PhD
President of ICSPAH
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