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China - California Heart Watch Internships(7/9-12/30)
2012/6/14 3:17:39 | 浏览:2036 | 评论:0
China - California Heart Watch Internships(7/9-12/30)
China - California Heart Watch Internships(7/9-12/30)The China California Heart Watch is a not-for-profit public charity whose missions include medical research, teaching and clinical care in rural Yunnan Province, China. We invite students, particularly those interested in future careers in medicine, public health or related fields to participate in one of several internships this year. These internships involve first-hand experiences of medical problems – particularly cardiovascular problems – and care in impoverished communities, where access to high-quality medical services is very limited.

Objective: The objective of our internship program is to create awareness of the problems of healthcare in rural China and encourage students toward a career in public health and/or medicine focused on the underserved in developing countries.

Students: We will have five internship programs in 2012. Each is open to 5-15 students. Candidates will be interviewed to determine suitability. To intern at China Cal, you must have an interest to pursue a career involving public health or health- related care in underserved populations. Some knowledge of Mandarin is desirable, although this is not a strict requirement.

  • July 7 – 29
  • August 4 – 26
  • September 1 – 23
  • December 14 – 30

Programs: Upon arrival in Yunnan(Kunming or Dali), students will undergo three days of training and certification. Students will assist a program screening and treatment of high blood pressure and heart disease for adults and school children living in rural towns. We then travel to surrounding areas to begin clinics among rural populations. You will travel and work alongside with faculty members from Kunming and Dali Universities, as well as receiving training from Dr. Robert C. Detrano, MD, PhD, Professor of Radiological Sciences at the University of California at Irvine and a board-certified cardiologist. You will also have the opportunity to help conduct a clinical research program while staying in villages in Yunnan. To read experiences of recent interns, please visit: www.chinacal.org.

Logistics: Students will travel to Yunnan Province, where several China Cal staff will meet the students at the airport. We arrange all accommodation, as well as any local travel(by bus, train or air as needed). We will be living in hotels, community centers and, occasionally while in remote areas, the homes of farmers.Programs: Upon arrival in Yunnan(Kunming or Dali), students will undergo three days of training and certification. Students will assist a program screening and treatment of high blood pressure and heart disease for adults and school children living in rural towns. We then travel to surrounding areas to begin clinics among rural populations. You will travel and work alongside with faculty members from Kunming and Dali Universities, as well as receiving training from Dr. Robert C. Detrano, MD, PhD, Professor of Radiological Sciences at the University of California at Irvine and a board-certified cardiologist. You will also have the opportunity to help conduct a clinical research program while staying in villages in Yunnan. To read experiences of recent interns, please visit: www.chinacal.org.

Students are required to cover the cost of all travel expenses to, from and within China, as well as room and board. We also request a tax-free donation of US$2000 for all summer programs or US$1500 for the December program. This donation helps fund China Cal’s charitable activities, including training village doctors, acquiring medical equipment, and conducting hypertension research. Foreigners require a valid visa to enter China. This must be organized though agencies or the Chinese consulate/embassy in your home country.

Health and Safety: Yunnan Province is a relatively safe place for foreign visitors. Students will be advised regarding caution and care for their belongings and documents. Health risks are relatively few. However, as visitors sometimes suffer from gastro-enteritis, China Cal doctors will provide prophylactic education, and medications will be on-hand if needed.

China - California Heart Watch Internships(7/9-12/30)

For more information about our programs, visit our website at

www.chinacal.org or contact Mr. Roy Chan at rychan@uci.edu


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