親愛的 Zhenying ,
上個星期,我們為美國1882當年的排華法案,創實了一個非常重要的里程碑。那就是我向國會提表的法案,H. RES 683成功的得到國會眾議院共同的決議! 作為美國第一位華裔聯邦女眾議員,我對能見證這條法案在美國眾議院獲得一致的通過感到非常的自豪。特別是現在,我們更可以慶祝本決議順利通過參議和眾議兩院的事實!觀看這一歷史性的時刻,請點擊此鏈接:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVEKx9um_jY&feature=youtu.be
洛杉磯時報 - http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-house-apology-chinese-immigrants-20120618,0,7467392.story
有線電視新聞網 - http://inamerica.blogs.cnn.com/2012/06/19/in-rare-apology-house-regrets-exclusionary-laws-targeting-chinese/?hpt=us_bn1
"排華案" 在60年之久後的今天才被廢除,它不僅僅分裂了許多家庭也對很多美籍華裔的後代留下永久不滅的疤痕和創傷。當初,這些華裔美國人並沒有歸化成美國公民的合法權利,並被規定必須在任何時候隨身攜帶他們的居留證明,不然就會被強行驅逐出境。我自己的祖父也是此法律的受害者。
Click Here!
Dear Zhenying,
Last week, we achieved a major milestone on my resolution of regret for the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, H. Res 683. As the first Chinese American Congresswoman, I was very proud to witness the bill pass unanimously in the House of Representatives. Now, we can celebrate the fact that this resolution passed both the Senate and House unanimously!
To watch this historic moment, click on this link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVEKx9um_jY&feature=youtu.be
The resolution also got national press coverage! Here's are some clips:
L.A. Times - http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-house-apology-chinese-immigrants-20120618,0,7467392.story
CNN - http://inamerica.blogs.cnn.com/2012/06/19/in-rare-apology-house-regrets-exclusionary-laws-targeting-chinese/?hpt=us_bn1
It took 60 long years for the Exclusion Laws to be repealed, and the trauma of the laws left a permanent scar upon generations of Chinese Americans, splitting apart families, and disenfranchising many. Chinese Americans did not have the legal right to become naturalized citizens and had to carry papers on them at all times or be deported. My own grandfather was a victim of the law.
My resolution finally acknowledges and expresses regret for these injustices towards people of Chinese origin in the United States. It recognizes that America was founded on the principle that all persons are created equal.
Although this resolution is another step forward on our path to equal rights for all people, our work is far from over. I will continue to fight against social injustices and protect the civil rights of all communities, but I need your help.
The second quarter of 2012 ends at midnight on Saturday, June 30, and we want to show a strong fundraising quarter. Can I count on your support and contribution?
To donate $50, $100, $250, $500 or the allowable maximum, click here:http://www.judychu.org/donate.php. I hope I can count on you!
With your generous support, we can make sure I can run a successful re-election campaign to Congress!
Dear Zhenying,
We do everything we can for our kids. We work hard to make sure that they have a future filled with more opportunity than we had. We encourage them to go to college, develop their skill sets, pursue a career they love, and thrive as independent adults.
Tomorrow, I am going to cast a critical vote to keep student loan interest rates low. Student loan debt has already hit $1 trillion and growing. If Congress fails to act, student loan interest rates will double on July 1st.
As a former college professor, I've seen first hand how hard our students work to achieve their academic goals and the sacrifice their families make to send them to college.
But with college tuition rising at a rate four times faster than inflation, and the threat of interest rates doubling, a college degree is in danger of becoming a luxury that working and middle class families cannot afford. We can't let this happen.
Fighting to make sure that all students and families can afford a college education is a top priority for me in Congress - and always will be.
I'm running for re-election because I have a passion for education and I need your support to keep my voice strong in Congress. Can I count on you to click here and make a contribution of $50, $100, $250, $500 or whatever you can afford?
I was raised to believe that if you play by the rules and work hard, you earn your shot at the American dream. It's why I fight so hard to make college affordable for every family, because without access to higher education, the American Dream will leave millions of families behind.
In friendship,
Judy Chu
Member of Congress