美国华裔教授专家网参加第十五届广州留学人员交流会—代表团简介 |
作者:陳钧铭 | 2012/9/28 16:34:20 | 浏览:66749 | 评论:2 |
Chinese American Professor and Professional Net Delegation

學人團体,電訊互聯 心懷祖國,牽橋搭線 資訊交流,行動響應 功用無限,力量無比 訊息交流,遍怖全球
- 歡迎大家參加15th OCS 留交會。我們是被大會邀請的團隊。
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- 以團隊名義參加,批覆便捷,集体行動,照應良多,分享心得,收獲豐富。
- 這次活動被各方面邀請參觀及接待,細節在下面。
- 團隊召集及聯絡人:Sun Han 孙晗 sunhan0816@gmail.com
Phone:(+001)848-2288-6383(worldwide);(+86)13570942676(China) 国内联系地址:广州市新港西路164号南海海洋研究所25栋704

(1)Professor Kwan Ming Chan 陳鈞銘

- B. Sc. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Ph. D .University of Liverpool, England
- Professional and Experience:
- Professor Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach
- Research Officer, Department of Fishery, Hong Kong Government,
- Research Scientist, Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts
- Visiting Professor, Taiwan National University, Taipei
kmchan@csulb.edu; Phone 1-408-718-6628(worldwide)
Dr. Chan is a Professor Emeritus of California State University, Long Beach, where he has taught Geological Sciences for over 30 years. Previously, he served as a research scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts. He graduated from the University of Hong Kong with B.Sc. Special Honor. Later he was awarded a Government Scholarship to attend the University of Liverpool, England, where he completed his Ph.D. in two years.
Dr. Chan has participated in various international joint research projects involving scientists from Canada, Australia, Japan, Taiwan and China. Under the support of National Science Foundation, he was a Visiting Professor to the National Taiwan University, Taipei. He has received many awards including a Rotary Scholarship, and an UNESCO Fellowship. In addition, the National Science Foundation, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior, U.S.-China Cooperative in Science Program and private corporate foundations have funded and supported his research projects.
(2)Karen Chan 勒公玫

- B.Sc. University of Hong Kong
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education, University of Hong Kong
- M. A. Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley
- Professional and Experience:
- Principal Engineer/Scientist, Software and System Simulation, Boeing Corporation
- Associate Professor, Mathematics Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
(3)Weiping Ren, MD, PhD 任維平

Associate Professor Department of Biomedical Engineering Research Director Detroit Medical Center/Providence Hospital Orthopaedic Research 818 W. Hancock Detroit, MI 48201 Tel:313-577-8118 weipingren@yahoo.com
- M.S., Biochemistry, Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
- M.D., Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
- PhD., Biochemistry, Yamagata University School of Medicine, Japan
Contact Information
- Assistant Professor, Research, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2003-2006
- Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 2007-2008
- Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 2009-Present
- BME5010(ChE/ECE/IE/ME 5100): Engineering Physiology(4 credit)
- BME7030:Mechanisms and Models of Cellular Regulation for Engineers(3 credits)
Major research interests:
- Host response to biomaterials
- Bone and cartilage repair
- Targeted drug delivery to musculoskeletal tissue
- Orthopaedic imaging
- Cell culture laboratory
- Fluorescent microscope and imaging laboratory
- Protein and cell labeling
- Real time RT-PCR
- Gel electrophoresis and Western blotting
- Mouse air-pouch model(in vivo biocompatibility testing)
Dr. Weiping Ren discovers antibiotic useful for localized treatment of bone wear
Posted on:Tuesday, August 9, 2011
DETROIT - Total joint replacement surgeries can help relieve joint pain common in people with conditions like osteoarthritis. But sometimes, the debris from prosthetic joints leads to aseptic loosening, or disintegration of surrounding bones. In 2009, a Wayne State University researcher determined that the anti-inflammatory antibiotic erythromycin can prevent and treat such disintegration. There was one caveat, however:there are side effects associated with long-term usage of erythromycin.
But Weiping Ren, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of biomedical engineering in WSU's College of Engineering, has found a solution. Erythromycin can be administered directly at the site of bone breakdown, rather than orally, so the whole body is not affected. The details of Ren's study are published in the August 2011 issue of Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.
"Although oral erythromycin reportedly inhibits inflammation in patients with aseptic loosening, long-term systematic(oral)erythromycin treatment is not recommended," said Ren.
Used primarily for its antimicrobial properties, erythromycin is used to treat conditions like respiratory tract infections and whooping cough, both caused by harmful bacteria. In addition to fighting bacteria, erythromycin reduces inflammation, making it a successful treatment for aseptic loosening.
"But long-term systemic use of erythromycin raises concerns about various side effects, including bacterial resistance, liver damage and gastrointestinal discomfort," said Ren. "We hypothesized that it may be advantageous to restrict erythromycin delivery to the inflammatory tissue around the implant to avoid these side effects."
To test his idea, Ren implanted metal pins coated with erythromycin in the inflamed tissue surrounding the prosthetic joint. He measured bone growth and implant stability, both indicators of how well the prosthesis integrates with the bone, and analyzed microscopic images of the periprosthetic tissue - the affected tissue surrounding the prosthesis.
Ren found that at very low doses - about a quarter of the dose used for killing bacteria - erythromycin effectively reduces aseptic loosening inflammation. "At the same time, we confirmed that oral erythromycin can be effectively delivered into the periprosthetic tissues, supporting our hypothesis that oral erythromycin can be used as one of the nonsurgical treatment methods to extend implant longevity," said Ren.
By extending implant longevity, localized erythromycin will safely treat aseptic loosening and reduce the likelihood that patients with the condition will need revision surgery. "Medical insurance costs will be greatly reduced, because revision surgery is much more expensive than primary surgery," said Ren.
Ren collaborated with David C. Markel, M.D., chairman of the Detroit Medical Center-Providence Hospital orthopaedic residency program and chief of orthopaedic surgery at Providence Hospital in Southfield, Mich.
The current study was funded by the Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation. Ren also received funding through the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation's McDevitt Excellence in Research Award for his 2009 study published in Bone.
DMC/Providence Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program - ORS 2009
The Orthopaedic Research Society held their annual meeting February 22-25, 2009, in Las Vegas, NV. Faculty and residents were involved in the following presentations:
Poster presentations:
- Hao, H.-N., N. Abdel-Haq, W. Ren, D. C. Markel, H. Pierre-Jacques and L. H. Morawa. Wear debris particles promote bone marrow stromal cells to differentiate into osteoclast:a mechanism of prthopaedic particles related osteolysis.
- Markel, D. C., T. Shi and W. Ren. Expression of CX3CR1/CX3CL1 and PMMA-induced monocyte trafficking.
- Ren, W., R. Blasier, T. Shi and D. C. Markel. Inhibitory effect of oral erythromycin on expression of CX3CR1/CX3CL1 in periprosthetic tissues.
- Ren, W., Y. Ding, B. Chen, L. Li, and D. C. Markel. Role(s)of Twist in RANKL/RANK signaling-mediated osteoclastogenesis.
- Ren, W., R. Zhang, M. Hawkins, T. Shi, P. H. Wooley and D. C. Markel. Effects of local delivery of erythromycin on particle-induced osteolysis in a rat model.
(4)Zhang, Wan Peng 张万鹏

Currently working on some LED project. Used to work for Telegent Systems and LSI Logic in charge of IC design and product roadmap. Studied in ECE Department in Oregon State University.
现在从事LED 驱动芯片的研发,曾工作于美国Telegent Systems和LSI Logic公司,负责芯片设计和产品规划。曾就读于俄勒冈州立大学电子和计算机工程系。
项目负责人:张万鹏 邮箱:iron_zhang2000@yahoo.com
LED作为下一代的绿色新能源照明技术,有寿命长(平均寿命500000小时),能耗低,发热小等优点,被称为自发明电灯以来最重要的发明。LED广泛运用于手机等手持设备,刹车灯等车用设备,路灯,景观照明,和大屏幕LCD的背投等。美国市场上已有三星等公司推出使用LED做背投的超薄大屏幕电视和手提电脑,大受欢迎。2010年中国LED产业不仅有政府的“十城万盏”试点示范工程,还包括了大尺寸液晶电视背光、大型显示屏以及室内照明等商业性项目。LED技术发展日新月异,性能成倍提升,成本不断下降的推动下,无论国际还是国内,市场规模都不断扩大。乐观估计在2015年市场有5000亿。不同于一般的灯具,LED需要恒定电流驱动以维持稳定的光强和色温等。驱动电路对于LED,如启辉器对于日光灯,是必不可少的,市场巨大。中国企业多集中于封装和运用,核心的恒定电流驱动芯片被欧美公司如凌特(Linear Technology),仙童(Fairchild Semiconductor)和德州仪器(TI)垄断。
LED驱动电路三大系列产品涵盖直流LED驱动,低功率交流LED驱动,大功率低交流LED驱动。(1)全数字控制的,高效率无整流二极管,含无损电流检测的多模(升压boost /降压buck /升降压buck-boost)直流驱动(DC-DC),用于手持设备的LCD背投,车用LED等;(2)低成本,高寿命,无电解电容(寿命最短)的自带功率因子校正的非隔离式LED交流驱动(AC-DC)芯片,用于低功率的室内照明设备;(3)基于反激flyback的自带功率因子校正的隔离式的无采样电阻的多/单通道可调光(DIMM)的LED驱动芯片,用于大屏幕液晶LCD的背投,和高亮度High-Brightness白光LED路灯。
我们的三大产品(直流,低功率交流,大功率交流),均有独到的设计和性能/成本/运用优势,有望在LED驱动这个2011年就已经达85亿的市场中占据相当的份额。我们的直流LED驱动,采用全数字PID控制,无损电流检测,扩频(spread spectrum)等技术,功耗降低13%,去掉补偿电容,监测电阻,而且包含升压/降压/升降压三种模式,用户使用灵活,不用担心电池输出电压变化对系统影响。我们的低功耗交流驱动独创无电解电容的驱动方式,寿命延长6倍,而且减少器件数量,降低约1/3的成本。大功率的LED驱动,基于连续电流模式的单级反激flyback控制,采用独到的单周期峰值电流控制技术,电流尖峰远接近平均电流,抗市电涌浪。
项目总体技术积累长达十年,有多项成熟的实测过的技术。有专业论文发表在2010年IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference(CICC),多项中/美专利在申请中,为自主知识产权。团队现有核心技术与市场人员5人,其中具有海外名校博士学位的3人,具有硕士学位的2人。LED产业作为我国“十二五”新能源规划的重点发展方向,迫切需要自主创新的核心技术。项目的关键技术现在已完成样片测试和参考设计模块,正在与客户进行合作,预计6个月内实现量产,大规模进入市场。
(5)Henry Tong 佟宏伟

tricity@gmail.com (949)829-3730 南加州清華大學校友會 佟宏伟博士
- 加拿大麦克马斯特(McMaster)大学博士
- 清华大学学士、硕士
(6)Sean X. Liu 劉小川

Professor of Chemistry Biochemistry California State Polytechnic University of Pomona Dr. Sean Liu Office:4/3-428 Phone:909-869-3660 eMail:xcliu@csupomona.edu
New approach for regioselective synthesis--proteins as guidance for regioselective modification of steroids and disaccharides. The goal of this project is to establish a new approach of using proteins as guidance for regioselective synthesis. We will demonstrate this method by describing two projects that have strong application potential. One is to use bovine serum albumin(BSA)to guide the regioselective reduction of steroids. The other is to use lectin(concanavalin A)to guide the regioselective modification of disaccharides such as lactose and melibiose. Modified steroids, disaccharides and oligosaccharides play important roles in drug and vaccine development. This new method may be useful in the development of new modified steroids and carbohydrates for developing new drugs and vaccines.
Two-dimensional stationary phases for liquid chromatographic separations. The area of high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)is an important field of research. One of the areas of great interest is the separation of biomolecules- proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, etc. Currently, many bioseparations require several steps using different separation columns for an adequate isolation of the target biomolecules. This research was undertaken to create stationary phases that could be used in HPLC columns for separation of biomolecules. The incorporation of different functionalities into stationary phases will eliminate time-consuming steps for these isolations and improve efficiency. The stationary phases have a combination of functionalities that allow them to be used as two-dimensional material for bioseparation.
Biosensors based on artificial receptors Boronic acid and its derivatives have a proven record as synthetic receptors and probes. Therefore, a properly designed synthetic receptor comprised of boronic acids may be used as a glucose sensor due to the boronate/sugar interactions. It is proposed that a number of artificial receptors for glucose be synthesized, using the emerging technology of molecular imprinting. Molecular imprinting technology is a very promising technique for making artificial antibodies and receptors. It is a method that introduces specific binding sites into a synthetic polymer by co-polymerization of functional monomers and cross linkers in the presence of a template(in this case, a glucose molecule). When the Template is washed out; the resulting polymer contains specific sties for the template, thus making it an artificial receptor.
Improving Diabetes Treatment
August 23, 2009

Diabetes patients rely on frequent glucose readings to manage their health, but glucose often doesn't provide an accurate picture. Levels may fluctuate, depending on the person's most recent meal, overall diet, physical activity, even mood. Associate professor Sean Liu, who teaches in the Chemistry Department, is working on an alternative to assess patients' diabetes condition that's simple, reliable and cost-effective.
Instead of glucose, Liu measures the amount of glycated hemoglobin, also known as A1C, which is a more stable indicator of the patient's health. "We know that diabetes doesn't kill patients. The complications do, like kidney failure, heart disease and stroke," Liu says. "Higher levels of A1C are a sign that a diabetic will have a higher risk of complications."
However, measuring A1C levels is complicated, time-consuming and expensive. Patients have to visit their doctor's office to have blood drawn and sent to a lab for analysis. Results usually take a few days.
Liu's research focuses on an "affinity" material that binds to A1C and can be measured more easily. So far, preliminary experiments have been successful in determining A1C levels through the affinity material. Through future collaborations with other scientists and engineers, Liu hopes to develop a low-cost portable device that can measure A1C levels quickly.
"Instead of sending blood samples to a lab, where they use fancy equipment that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, the ultimate goal is to be able to take readings in a doctor's office or at home," he says.
Welcome to the world of health-related research at Cal Poly Pomona, where teacher-scholars guide students through extraordinary hands-on learning experiences. Their to-do list is daunting but exhilarating:disabling harmful bacteria, using stem cells to study side effects of drugs, simplifying the management of diabetes, understanding the causes of epilepsy. One experiment at a time, they add to the knowledge base of the academic community, never overstate their findings and are always excited by the possibilities. This article is part of a series on health-related research at Cal Poly Pomona.
Joint Research into Nicotine and Diabetes Finds Crucial Connection
September 6, 2011

Medical researchers have long known that diabetics who smoke are compounding their health risks and very possibly shortening their lives. What had remained a mystery was the specific culprit that lurked in a pack of cigarettes.
Two teacher-scholars at Cal Poly Pomona appear to have found the answer:nicotine. The addictive chemical is widely considered the leading suspect, but scientific progress rests on research, the kind that Sean Liu and John Chan meticulously perform in the lab they share on campus. Though they caution that their results are preliminary, it appears they have opened a new window to the way doctors and patients assess diabetes risks among smokers.
Liu, an associate professor of chemistry, is an expert in A1C, more commonly known as glycated hemoglobin.(A higher blood sugar level is typically associated with a higher A1C level.)Chan, a professor of biology, studies nicotine. With offices just down the hall from each other, they frequently talk shop, but it took a casual conversation over lunch in the Campus Center Marketplace to forge a research partnership.
We talked about the possibility that nicotine could affect A1C levels, “Liu says. Afterward, we went to the [scientific] literature and couldn’t find anything. That¿swhen we decided to collaborate.”
Looking back, Chan says with a smile, had he and Liu not grabbed a bite to eat that afternoon two years ago, “this wouldn’t have happened.”
This has taken place over many months in a nondescript laboratory on the third floor of the biotechnology building. In layman’s terms, their research involves meticulously following a basic recipe, altering the amount of one ingredient and then assessing the results.
We put human blood cells in a solution to release the hemoglobin and then we added metabolized blood sugar:glucose-6-phosphate, Liu says. We added various amounts of nicotine and checked the A1C level.
The process initially sounds complex, but Chan and Liu explain it in a way that even a scientifically challenged observer can grasp. First, they create a gel that acts as a magnet for A1C. They put the gel in a test tube(called a column tube)and add a solution containing released hemoglobin from human blood cells exposed to glucose-6-phosphate and various amounts of nicotine. Through a process called elution, the A1C can be collected. The A1C is then transferred to a small, light-transparent container called a cuvette. The cuvette is placed in a spectrophotometer, whose readings show how much the A1C fluctuates.
The implications could be significant. People who smoke but have no familial disposition to diabetes might raise their risks through their consumption of nicotine. Those who decide to quit smoking by weaning themselves with nicotine patches could still experience greater A1C levels. Long-term use of patches, then, might continue to expose the user to a higher risk of diabetes.
After hearing about the research, doctors were initially surprised but they saw that it made sense, Liu says. In the long term, this research could influence how diligently doctors screen their diabetic patients.
Liu and Chan both caution that they are working with preliminary results in a laboratory setting and that more concrete data beyond their initial findings are required. The next step, Chan says, is to examine whether similar observations can be reproduced in studies on animals. Once confirmed, the mechanism of how nicotine induces more A1C in the presence of glucose at a chemical and molecular level can be examined.
We need to do more study, Chan says.
The research was supported with residual funds from previous grants, a grant from the Faculty Center for Professional Development and assistance from the College of Science. Chan and Liu say they need outside support to complete and publish their findings.
We don’t need a lot, Chan says. We believe this could be significant.
(7)Z Wang 汪志友
zwang@hotmail.com 汪志友,男,美国,博士,美国华裔教授专家网,宾州大学研究员,高效引发肿瘤细胞凋亡的生化
项目负责人:汪志友 邮箱地址:zwang38@gmail.com
(8)Zengfang Zhang 张增芳教授

- 2012年“张增芳留学人员创业团队”,获第四届中国侨界贡献奖。
- 2012年获发明专利,专利号ZL201010117021.3。
- 2011年获发明专利,专利号ZL200810073677.2。
- 2011年获实用新型专利,专利号ZL201020122444.X。
- “综合城市现代交通管理信息系统”2006年获首届中国留学人员创新创业大赛一等奖。
- “智能交通视频监控系统”2007年获第二届中国留学人员创新创业大赛一等奖。
- “城市供水安全监控系统”2008年获第三届中国留学人员创新创业大赛一等奖。
- 2011年获广西科技进步三等奖。
- 2009年获实用新型专利,专利号ZL200820104432.7。
- 2011年获实用新型专利,专利号ZL20102052271.7。
- 2012年获得3个计算机软件著作权证书。
- 2011年获柳州市留学人员创业能手奖。
(9)Sunhan 孙晗

sunhan0816@gmail.com Phone:(+001)848-2288-6383(worldwide) (+86)13570942676(China) Invitation Code from OCS:120554
Areas of Concentration:
Mechanical Engineering, Dynamics, Development and Design, Optimization, Mechatronics, Production and Automation Technology, Automotive Technology
- 2001-2006 B. S. South China University of Technology
- 2007-2010 M. S. Rutgers, State University of New Jersey
- 2010-present Ph.D. Rutgers, State University of New Jersey
Professional and Experience:
- 2010-present
- Teaching Assistant, Rutgers, State University of New Jersey
- 2007-2010
- Graduate Assistant, Rutgers, State University of New Jersey
- 2006-2007
- Automation and Production Engineer, Gedun Lamp Factory
(10)Felix Xia 夏

cv2000@gmail.com MBA Bsc Greentech Investment Innovation New Zealand:+6421-981498 Australia:+61-410303258 Skype:felix_xia MBA, Entrepreneur, Angel Investor,Business Artist
Melbourne Area, Australia Investment Management
- Greentech Investment Ltd
- International Business Strategy Institute
- Blink International Ltd
- MediQ PTY Ltd
- Suntech Group
- Advanced Networks & Security
Business is Art
Felix is an experienced entrepreneur owning a number of businesses across a range of industries.
- Image Oasis MediSpa - Five Star MediSpa Chain
- MediQ PTY - Medical and Beauty Equipment Distribution
- Blink International - Human Resource Management and Business Consulting Service
- Greentech Investment Ltd - Angel Investment in IT, Green Energy and Environment Technologies
Felix brings immense practical experience, business strategy, and a hands-on approach to strategic execution. His passion is creating new business games.
His first New Zealand enterprise was Suntech Group Ltd. In 1998 they were first to market with the “$1 a day – Free Alarm” concept to private home- owners. The business strategy was a huge success and stormed the market.
He started his consultancy work in 2002 by accident. His first achievement was bringing in millions of dollars of business for a private training company. He has done some consulting as a hobby for a few businesses, from small NZ private companies to NASDAQ listed corporate. Felix loves work that has a “performance based” challenge or is “rewarded by a glass of beer” fun work.
Now Felix diverts most of his energy into Angel Investment and Corporate Strategy Consulting - “competing for the future”.
Felix's most recent business activities include
- Managing R&D fund,Sponsoring universities’resaerch
- Running an “Entrepreneur Apprentice” program, coaching young entrepreneurs to pursue multimillion-dollar business harvests.
- Working with a research team from the University of Dublin to commercialize HID light power saving technology.
Felix’s motto paraphrases his countryman, and one of the greatest philosophers of all time, Sun Tzu - “Business is not war. It’s art.” The best business strategy is to turn a competitor into an ally.
Entrepreneur, Marketing, Business Strategy, Legal, M&A
CEO Greentech Investment Ltd April 2010 – Present(2 years 7 months)
Asia Pacific Associate International Business Strategy Institute March 2009 – Present(3 years 8 months)
CEO Blink International Ltd January 2002 – Present(10 years 10 months)
VP International Marketing MediQ PTY Ltd April 2009 – March 2011(2 years)
Owner Suntech Group Privately Held; 11-50 employees; Information Technology and Services industry January 1998 – March 2010(12 years 3 months)
Security Divison Manager Advanced Networks & Security Privately Held; 11-50 employees; Computer & Network Security industry January 1997 – July 1998(1 year 7 months)
Electronics Engineer Guardall Public Company; 201-500 employees; Security and Investigations industry August 1996 – August 1997(1 year 1 month)
Massey University MBA 2004 – 2008
Zhejiang University BSc, Electronics 1982 – 1986
Contact Felix for:
- career opportunities
- consulting offers
- new ventures
- job inquiries
- expertise requests
- business deals
- reference requests
- getting back in touch
(11)Xiaoting Liang 梁小亭M.A.

liangxiaoting123@gmail.com Phone:(+001)908-391-5448
Areas of Concentration:
- Gifted and Talented Education
- Teachniques of making interactions in children’s playing
- Linking school and families to support young English speakers’ second language acquisition
- Technology and young English speakers’ second language acquisition
- 2006-2010 B. A. Nanfang College of Sun Yat-Sen University
- 2011-present M. A. Kean University, New Jersey
Professional and Experience:
- September, 2011-present
Teacher, Mid-Jersey Chinese School, New Jersey
- May, 2012-present
Graduate Assistant, Child Care & Development Center, Kean University, New Jersey
Scholarships and Awards:
- June Moss Handler Endowed Scholarship in Early Childhood and Family Studies2012
- Graduate Assistantship of Kean University2012
(12)Dr. Li Yong Gen 李永根
Liyonggen2001@yahoo.com.cn 日本工學博士
(13)Yi(Norman)Sun, Ph.D.

Department Chair Associate Professor of Information Systems Information Systems and Operations Management Department Phone 760.750.4232
Research Interests
- Government information systems and small business
- Electronic Commerce
- Facility Location Models
- Web Services
- Massively Multiplayer Online Games
Dr. Yi Sun received his Ph.D. in Decision and Information Science from the University of Florida in 2003. He currently serves as Assistant Professor in Information Systems at California State University of San Marcos.
Recent Publications
- “A Location-Allocation Problem for a Web services Provider in a Competitive Market”, with Robert Aboolian and Gary Koehler, forthcoming, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 194, 2009, Pages 64–77
- “Syndicating Web Services:A QoS and User-Driven Approach”, with Shaoyi He and Jack Leu, Decision Support Systems, Volume 43, Issue 1, February 2007, Pages 243-255
- “Location Does Matter:A Long Tail Study of Website”, with Chetan Kumar and John Norris, proceedings of the 6th Workshop on e-Business, December 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- “A Location Model for a Web Service Intermediary”, with Gary Koehler, Decision Support Systems, Volume 42, Issue 1, October 2006, Pages 221-236
- “Improving Massive Multiplayer Online Games Performance through Defining Service Zones”, with Jack Leu, proceedings of the 5th Workshop on e-Business, December 2006, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
- “Improving Web Service Performance through Defining Service Zones”, with Jack Leu, proceedings of the 4th Workshop on e-Business, December 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- “Web Services Provider Location and Server Allocation Problem”, with Robert Aboolian, proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management(IESM 2005), May 2005, Marrakech, Morocco
- “Optimum Positioning of Web Servers in a Competitive Environment”, with Robert Aboolian, proceedings of the Third Workshop on e-Business, December 2004, Washington DC, USA
- “Modeling User-Driven Web Service Syndication”, with Shaoyi He and Jack Leu, proceedings of the Third Workshop on e-Business, December 2004, Washington DC, USA
(B)被邀請訪問和參觀機構: Proposed visits and exchange with organizations in Guangzhou



中国科学院力学研究所人事教育处聯繫人員:吴穹 qwu@imech.ac.cn
