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UCLA Center for Chinese Studies:银幕中国双年展(10/13-31)
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies:银幕中国双年展(10/13-31)
作者:UCLA-CCS | 2012/10/2 9:20:07 | 浏览:2048 | 评论:0
China Onscreen Biennial
October 13 - 31 Los Angeles
October 26 - November 11 Washington, DC

Seeding cross-cultural dialogue through the art of film.
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies:银幕中国双年展(10/13-31)
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies:银幕中国双年展(10/13-31)
A groundbreaking exhibition of Chinese cinema—featuring cutting-edge and blockbuster contemporary films, as well as seldom glimpsed archival rarities—launches at venues citywide in Los Angeles on Oct.13 and in Washington, DC on Oct. 26, 2012. The program selection proposes a new way of looking at Chinese cinema, encompassing richly diverse, genre-crossing programming. Short and feature-length animation, documentaries and narrative films will be shown, as well as works originated for different platforms such as theatrical release, internet viewing, and art installations.

Complete Program Schedule | Ticket Information | Visit us on Facebook

Program Highlights

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies:银幕中国双年展(10/13-31)
The North American premiere of LACUNA(2012), up-and-coming directors Derek Tsang and Jimmy Wan’s witty take on the 20-something rom-com, a newly popular genre in China; preceded by the West Coast premiere of SHANGHAI STRANGERS(2012), esteemed actor-director Joan Chen’s first directorial effort in 12 years. Screening at UCLA's Billy Wilder Theater(Oct. 13).

Master documentarist Wang Bing turns his camera on a remote village perched nearly 10,000 feet up in the Yunnan highlands, in the US premiere of his award-winning new film THREE SISTERS. Screening at UCLA's Billy Wilder Theater(Oct. 27).
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies:银幕中国双年展(10/13-31)
The West Coast premiere of the new 3D conversion of the Chinese animated “classic of classics,” THE MONKEY KING:UPROAR IN HEAVEN at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Linwood Dunn Theater in Hollywood (Oct. 17), and ANIMATED, GOLDEN, AND RESTORED, a program of digitally restored animation from the 1930s-80s at Downtown LA's REDCAT (Oct. 22).

The International premiere of Li Yu's psychological thriller, DOUBLE XPOSURE, starring Fan Bingbing, and the North American premiere of Wang Jing's FENG SHUI, based on a novel by Fang Fang. Screening at UCLA's Billy Wilder Theater(Oct. 26, 28).
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies:银幕中国双年展(10/13-31)
A rare official screening of the iconic revolutionary model drama, THE RED DETACHMENT OF WOMEN(1970), followed by a panel discussion moderated by UCLA professor Robert Chi; with Beijing opera artist Qi Shufang(TAKING TIGER MOUNTAIN BY STRATEGY); theater director Peter Sellars; and Yan Yunxiang, director of UCLA’s Center for Chinese Studies. This event marks the 40th anniversary of President Nixon’s visit to China in 1972. Screening at UCLA's Billy Wilder Theater(Oct. 19).
TOP IMAGE:Los Angeles will be the first city in the world to host the complete BEIJING FLICKERS project by Chinese Sixth Generation auteur Zhang Yuan, with a pop-up exhibition of Zhang’s recent photography LA Chinatown's Mandarin Plaza, Oct. 20-28 and the US premiere of his latest film inspired by the photography(REDCAT Oct. 23).

China Onscreen Biennial(COB) is the achievement of a partnership undertaken by the UCLA Confucius Institute with the following distinguished American non-profit film and educational organizations and program sponsors, Mr. Stephen Lesser, Lois Lambert of Lois Lambert Gallery, and Summit Western Limited.
© 2012 UC Regents, All rights reserved
UCLA Confucius Institute
1331 Murphy Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1418
p. 310.825.8839 | info@confucius.ucla.edu

Please visit our website for progam updates and ticket information.
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