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南加州华人环保协会最佳学生科研奖大赛 Best Student Research Awards Competition (3/12截止)
2010/2/18 14:39:14 | 浏览:2594 | 评论:1

Best Student Research Awards Competition

Deadline for submission: March 12, 2010

You are invited to submit a research paper for 2010 competition for Best Student Research Awards.  The 2010 Awards are jointly sponsored by the Southern California Chinese-American Environmental Protection Association (SCCAEPA)/Southern California Edison (SCE), and Chinese Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC). There will be one $1000 award for the 1st prize winner, and up to three for 2nd and 3rd prize winners.

Topics and Eligibility

Topics are limited to research work related to environmental protection issues.  The research work may include either on-going research or published research paper after January 2009.  All levels (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate, J.D. or other professional degrees) of college students in various majors (e.g., engineering, chemistry, physics, biology, geology, ecology, planning, economics, etc.) are eligible. Each student may submit only one paper.  The applicant must be the primary author of the paper.

Submission and Format

Submission shall include: 1) a presentation in PowerPoint slides format that may be used for a Poster presentation, 2) a cover letter or e-mail to describe the student’s specific role and contribution to the research, and 3) resume. 

All required materials shall ONLY be submitted by e-mail to board@sccaepa.org by March 12, 2010 for evaluation. The selected presentations will be displayed as Posters at SCCAEPA Annual Meeting on April 3, 2010 and/or at CESASC Annual Meeting on April 24, 2010.

Review Process and Judging Criteria

Research project will be reviewed by a student award committee.  All corresponding authors will be notified by March 26, 2010 of the selection or rejection of their submittals.  The selected paper will be eligible for poster presentation and competition for the awards. The authors of the selected presentation will be responsible to prepare their posters on 3 ft by 4 ft project display boards and present them in the designated area in the SCCAEPA and/or CESASC events. 

The research project will be reviewed and judged on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Relevance to environmental protection and significance of the work to a broad audience
  • Originality of the work, including new concepts, innovations, or data
  • Scientific and technical merit
  • The completeness of the project, clarity of presentation and quality of the slides
  • Student’s specific role and contribution to the project.


Please contact Student Award Committee via e-mail at board@sccaepa.org  if you have any questions.

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