Roger Tsien
華府的「美國癌症研究院」(American Association for Cancer Research Academy,AACR)日前宣布,包括華裔科學家、2008年諾貝爾化學獎得主錢永健(Roger Tsien )在內的五位聖地牙哥加州大學(UCSD)與鄰近科研機構的教授、專家,已入選AACR「一級院士」(First Class of the Fellows),以肯定他們對防治及研究癌症所作的卓越貢獻。
除錢永健外,UCSD還有另外四人入選AACR「一級院士」。他們是該校「穆爾斯癌症中心」(Moores Cancer Center )高級主管娜波蓮‧伐拉拉(Napoleone Ferrara)、「路德維格癌症研究所」(Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research)主管威布斯特‧卡萬尼(Webster Cavenee)、索爾克研究所癌症中心主任東尼‧亨特(Tony Hunter ),以及索爾克研究所生物研究專家吉奧弗瑞‧華爾(Geoffrey Wahl)。
资料:研究綠螢光蛋白 華裔錢永健獲2008年諾貝爾化學獎
◆ 發現、利用 綠螢光蛋白 錢永健等3人獲諾貝爾化學獎
日本科學家下村脩和美國科學家馬丁.查爾菲(Martin Chalfie)、錢永健,因發現以及開發利用「綠螢光蛋白」(Green Fluorescent Protein,GFP),獲頒2008年諾貝爾化學獎。其中錢永健為華裔,是「中國飛彈之父」錢學森的堂侄。
皇家科學院在表彰這三位科學家的聲明中說,一九六二年,科學家首度觀察到美麗的維多利亞多管水母(Aequorea victoria)體內存在耀眼發亮的GFP。在那之後,這種蛋白已成為當代生物科學領域中最重要的工具之一。
五十六歲的錢永健生於紐約,現為美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校教授。他的貢獻在於協助科學界對GFP的發光作用機轉有了通盤的了解,他還擴大GFP的「調色盤」,讓研究人員將各種顏色的螢光賦與不同種類的蛋白和細胞。他的研究成果讓科學家得以研究過去看不到的生物程序(biological processes)。
Dr. Tsien Honored with First-Ever “Golden Goose Award”
Roger Tsien, PhD
Roger Tsien, PhD, professor of pharmacology, chemistry and biochemistry at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine who shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his role in helping develop and expand the use of green fluorescent proteins(GFP)was honored today with one of the first-ever “Golden Goose Awards.”
Eight inaugural Golden Goose recipients were honored today at a Capitol Hill ceremony in Washington, D.C. The award was conceived by U.S. Representative Jim Cooper(D-Tenn)to celebrate scientists “whose research was funded by the federal government and benefited society in some important way, such as a new technology or an advance in health, but which seemed odd or obscure at the time it was conducted, or led to that benefit unexpectedly or serendipitously.” It is supported by several notable scientific and educational organizations, among them the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association of American Universities and the Progressive Policy Institute.
Tsien was joined by Martin Chalfie and Osamu Shimomura, who shared the 2008 chemistry Prize; Charles Townes, who received the 1964 Nobel Prize in physics for his research leading to the invention of laser technology; and Eugene White, Rodney White and Della Roy, whose study of tropical coral led to the development of new bone grafting materials.
Tsien, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, Chalfie, a molecular biologist at Columbia University and Shimomura, a professor emeritus at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass, gained international acclaim in 2008 for their studies explaining and expanding the use of GFPs – glowing proteins that researchers now broadly use to peer inside living cells or whole animals, watch molecules interact in real-time and ask questions once thought impossible.
“Our work is often described as building and training molecular spies,” Tsien explained in 2008. “Molecules enter a cell or organism and report back to us what the conditions are, what’s going on with the biochemistry, while the cell is still alive.”
Tsien continues to develop and deepen the beneficial uses of GFPs. Last year, for example, he and colleague Quyen T. Nguyen, MD, assistant professor of head and neck surgery at the UC San Diego School of Medicine, showed in animal models how injectable fluorescent peptides could be used to highlight hard-to-see peripheral nerves, allowing surgeons to avoid them when removing or repairing other tissues.
About the Golden Goose Award
The purpose of the award is to highlight the human and economic benefits of federally funded but perhaps obscure or seemingly odd research that has resulted in major scientific advances and social benefit. Nominees must have received a federally funded research grant within the past 60 years from agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation or the Departments of Defense, Agriculture or Energy. Recipients are chosen by a partnership of the award’s founding universities, think tanks, and businesses. Awards will be announced three to four times a year, with an annual ceremony in Washington, D.C. For more information, see