You are invited to the following event:
2013 Chinese Culture Land - Talented Youth Troupe(Boston)
Event to be held at the following time, date, and location:
Sunday, September 15, 2013 from 6:45 to 8:45 PM
John Hancock Hall
Back Bay Event Center
180 Berkeley Street
Boston, MA 02116dstudent
由国侨办精心挑选的“中华文化大乐园—优才艺学生演出团” 将为美国当地华裔及非华裔朋友表演中国民族歌舞、中国戏曲、武术、杂技等精彩节目。 此次文化交流活动是为了增进海外广大青少年朋友们对绚丽多彩中华文化的了解和喜爱,促进中外青少年在更多领域的对话和交流。 才艺团由中国湖南卫视汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛总导演、2012纽华人新春联欢晚会总导演甘琼带队,由小梅奖金奖得主张可为、被称为中国版秀兰·邓尔的阚琳娜、精通川剧绝技变脸和喷火的宋龙、著名童星柳博、中国京剧小童星李沛泽民族器乐金奖并荣获“胡琴之星”称号的章玥、多次获得金奖的竹笛少年李昊洋、甜美人小童星冯丽媛、受邀出访多个国家和地区少林铁扇表演团、2011年央视春晚杂技节目《管》表演团还有以曼妙的舞姿和优美的旋律撼人心的《邵多丽》表演团等组成……
The 2013 Talented Youth Troupe, a group of brilliant, young artists carefully selected by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of China State Council, will perform a show called "Chinese Culture Land" to audiences in Boston and Washington DC to promote better understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture. It features Chinese folk songs and dances, Chinese traditional opera, marshal arts and magic. The troup will led by Gan Qiong, director of "Hanyu Bridge", a world college student Chinese language contest held by Hunan Television Network and director of the Spring Festival Gala of New York 2012.It's members include Zhang Keiwei, winner of the Plum Performance Gold Award for Children; Kan Linna, hailed as "China's Shirley Temple"...
We hope to see you there!
Asian Cultural Center U.S.A