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2013/8/21 4:10:55 | 浏览:1657 | 评论:1



Dear Zhenying, 


Please join us for a panel discussion to examine the media coverage and other behind the scenes details of the superpower summit between President Obama and President Xi Jinping of China. 


9/3/2013(Tuesday)- Journalism Forum:The Obama - Xi Sunnylands Summit seen through the press and popular culture in the U.S. and China   

Annenberg School of Communications and Journalism, ASC 207 

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA 90089     


Free, please email commlead@usc.edu to RSVP.


President Obama and President Xi Jinping of China held a major meeting in June at Sunnylands, the historic Annenberg estate in Rancho Mirage, California. The meeting was hailed as "the most important meeting between an American president and a Chinese leader in 40 years, since Nixon and Mao." However, the meeting also drew widely disparate coverage in the domestic and international press and became the focus of attention in the popular culture in both nations. Join journalism school director Michael Parks for a conversation with Geoffrey Cowan, director of USC Annenberg's Center on Communication Leadership & Policy and president of The Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands, Clayton Dubedirector of the 

USC U.S. - China Institute, a program of USC Annenberg, other special guests to examine the media coverage and other behind the scenes details of the superpower summit.

This event is co-sponsored by the USC Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership & Policy and the USC US - China Institute. Lunch will be served. 

Driving Directions to Campus 

For maps and directions to campus, visit the University Park Campus Map & Driving Directions page. 


Suggested Parking 

Parking Structure X(PSX) 

Enter at the Figueroa Street Entrance at 35th Street(Entrance 3)


Parking Structure D(PSD)
Enter at the Jefferson Boulevard Entrance at Royal Street(Entrance 4).

Parking on campus is $10. 

Upcoming USCI Events


9/5/2013 Ying Zhu - Two Billion Eyes:The Story of China Central Television

The USC U.S.-China Institute presents a book talk with Ying Zhu. "Two Billion Eyes" explores ways in which the country's highest rated television network, China Central Television(CCTV), has become the surprising battleground for China's future.

Leavey Library, Leavey Auditorium

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA 90089


Free, please email uschina@usc.edu to RSVP. 

11/1/2013-11/2/2013 Through Tinted Lenses? How Chinese and Americans See Each Other

What do Americans and Chinese "know" about each other and how do they know it? What images do they have of each other's society and state? Where do these images come from? 

Davidson Conference Center, Embassy Room

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA 90089

More information to come. 


USC U.S.-China Institute | 3535 S. Figueroa Street, FIG 202 | Los Angeles | CA | 90089

Tel:213-821-4382 | Fax:213-821-2382 | uschina@usc.edu | china.usc.edu   


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Jimmy L.说:留言于2013-08-24 22:20:49(第1条)
歐巴馬與習近平的中美莊園會密談 - 曝露博大精深的中華



奧巴馬:你看,你們那裡工作崗位叫飯碗,謀生叫糊口,過日子叫混飯吃,混得好叫吃得開,受人羡慕叫吃得香,得到照顧叫吃小灶,花積蓄叫吃老本,女人漂亮叫秀色可餐,占女人便宜叫吃豆腐,靠長輩生活的人叫啃老族,男人老花女人的錢叫吃軟飯, 幹活過多叫吃不消,被人傷害叫吃虧,吃虧不敢聲張叫啞巴吃黃連,男女嫉妒叫吃醋,下定決心叫王八吃秤砣,不聽勸告叫軟硬不吃,辦事不力叫吃乾飯,辦事收不了場叫吃不了兜著走……



習主席語重心長地說:總統先生,對中美新型大國關係的重要性,我們一定要吃深吃透。這方面我們兩國都沒有老本可吃。世界的遊戲規則就是大魚吃小魚,但現在冷戰思維已不吃香,合作共贏才能吃得開。只要中美兩國強強聯手,一定能贏者通吃。有些人喜好吃裡扒外,專吃破壞中美關係這碗飯,跟我們爭風吃醋,讓我們吃了不少苦頭,建設戰略夥伴關係更加吃力。我們一定要吃一塹長一智,不能再讓他們吃著碗裡看著鍋裡,也好讓全世界吃顆定心丸。總統先生,對這些見解您還有什麼吃不準的? 如果沒有,我很願意跟您在這個莊園裡共進晚餐!


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