超級偶像 北美海選報名進行中
Join us on this amazing stage and show us your vocal talents. Let us hear your true emotions and discover your potential through music. Super Idol's Fifth Season Overseas Preliminary Competition will soon be held in Los Angeles, California. Hurry and sign up to have the chance to attend SETTV's Super Idol Singing Contest in Taiwan and have the opportunity to win a million-dollar record contract and a monetary prize of one million dollars (NTD). Let your dreams come true here. Download Registration Form, and email it to superidol@httvusa.com. We will then contact you with information on the location and date of the competition.
- 初賽 Preliminary Audition:4/17 ~ 4/18/2010 千人海選
- 由漢天衛視邀請專家評審,評選出100人參加複賽。
- Top 100 contestants will get the opportunity to enter the semi-final.
- 複賽 Semi-Final:4/24/2010 Saturday 星期六
- 由漢天衛視特別邀請台灣三立電視台超級偶像評審---陳珊妮、王治平,評選出25人參加晉級決賽。
- Judged by singer-songwriter Sandee Chan and music producer Zhi-Ping Wong, the top 25 contestants of semi-final will get the opportunity to enter the final.
- 晉級決賽 Final:4/25/2010 Sunday 星期日 全程錄影
- 由漢天衛視 特別邀請台灣三立電視台超級偶像評審陳珊妮、王治平,評選出優秀選手---將有機會到台灣參加電視選拔賽。
- The final winners will have the opportunity to participate Super Idol qualification contest in Taiwan.
- 報名資格 Requirement:
- 參賽者無年齡限制。
- 比賽歌曲無語言限制。
- 參賽者需詳實填寫報名表格之資料。
- 初賽及複賽參賽者需準備1首清唱歌曲。
- 決賽選手需自備伴唱CD/VCD/DVD
- 決賽選手需另準備一首加分曲備用。(需自備伴唱CD/VCD/DVD)。
- 凡甄選出之優秀選手可至台灣參加台灣三立電視台超級偶像電視選拔賽時,須具備合法之出國護照等文件。
- No age limit.
- No language restriction.
- Contestants are required to fill out detailed information on the registration form.
- Contestants are required to prepare a cappella songs for each audition.
- Finalists must bring their own accompaniment CD / VCD / DVD.
- Finalists must prepare an alternate song.
- The winners shall have the lawful documents for travelling abroad.
- 報名截止日期 Registration Deadline: April 18, 2010
- 記者會 Press Conference : Friday, April 23, 2010
- 評審計分項目包含 Scoring Standard:
- 初賽評選項目:清唱【音色、音準、情感表達、咬字】
- 複賽評選項目:清唱【音色、音準、情感表達、咬字】
- 決賽評選項目:演唱一首自選曲,可自備伴唱CD/VCD/DVD,另準備一首加分曲備用。
- 【音色、音準、情感表達、咬字、技巧、台風、儀態、設計造型、服裝。】
- 錄影評分標準:滿分10 分,歌唱60%,臺風20%,造型20%。
- Scoring standard of preliminary audition and semifinal: Tone, pitch, emotional expression, pronunciation.
- Scoring standard of final: Tone, pitch, emotional expression, pronunciation, skills, stage manners, deportment, design modeling, clothing.
不分男女不分職業,不限年齡,對歌唱有興趣的人都能報名參加。不管出身為何,只要有夢想,只要堅持到底不放棄,終有夢想 實現的一天。