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深圳市赴美人才政策及创新创业环境推介会(洛杉矶 10/23)
2013/10/13 4:24:16 | 浏览:1581 | 评论:0

The Ultimate Guide of Project Incubation in Shenzhen

, CA 

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Event Details

深圳市赴美人才政策及创新创业环境推介会(洛杉矶 10/23)  

After becoming China’s first special economic zone and miraculously transforming from a fishing village into a global metropolis, Shenzhen once again tops mainland in overall competitiveness in 2013. Transferring the old economic development method to a more sustainable one is the key to maintaining Shenzhen’s economic viability. Therefore, Shenzhen’s need for high-level talent is stronger than ever.

Come spend the evening with a delegation representing the Shenzhen Human Resource and Social Security Bureau, while learning about Shenzhen’s preferential policies for overseas talents, as well as the innovation environment and emerging industries of the city.

Our Guest speakers featuring:

1、Peacock Plan Applicant

2、Peacock Plan Judge

3、Joint Venture Project Leader

4、Shenzhen Venture Capitalist

5、Shenzhen-based Research Institute 

Will answer questions including:

1. How to pair with a Shenzhen-based enterprise or research institute to develop your project?

2.what kind of project and high-level talent stand a better chance to get Peacock Plan Fund?

3. How to apply for Peacock Plan?

4. Why should Shenzhen become the #1 choice when you think of developing your project in China?

Event Agenda

16:30- 17:00PM             Registration & Networking

17:00- 17:05PM             Introduction

17:05-17:15PM              Welcome Remarks

Ms. Lin, Chaoying          Deputy Director,  Human Resource and Social Security Bureau of Shenzhen

林超英                            深圳市人力资源与社会保障局副局长

17:15-17:20PM              Welcome Remarks

Mr. Sun,Weide              Deputy Consul General of Education office, Consulate General of P. R. China in Los Angeles

孙伟德                            副总领事,中华人民共和国驻洛杉矶总领馆教育组

17:20-17:30PM              Opening Remarks

Ms. Dai, Jing                   Chief Representative, North American Representative Office of Shenzhen 

戴静                                首席代表,深圳市驻北美经贸代表处

17:30-17:45PM               Keynote Speech

Dr. Mark S. Humayun      Professor, Viterbi School of Engineering, USC

                                         南加州大学Viterbi 工程学院教授

                                         Associate Director of Research at the  Doheny Retina Institute at USC                                 南加州大学Doheny Retina研究院副主任

                                          Leader of  2013 Peacock Plan Fund winning project


17:45-18:00PM               Keynote Speech

Mr. Lu, Jing           Assistant Dean, Research Institute of  Tsinghua University in


 鲁京          院长助理,深圳清华大学研究院

                                         President, Carits Inc


18:00-18:15PM               Keynote Speech

Mr. Zhang, Kai                CEO, Shenzhen MingSight Relin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

张凯                                 总裁, 深圳明赛瑞霖药业有限公司

18:15-18:30PM               Q&A Session

18:30-19:30PM               Dinner & Networking

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