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南加大(USC)工業與系統工程系副教授陳勇 研發出更快的3D列印速度
2013/11/26 6:37:36 | 浏览:3163 | 评论:0

南加大(USC)工業與系統工程系副教授陳勇 研發出更快的3D列印速度

  3D列印的商機無限。南加州大學工業與系統工程系華裔副教授陳勇(Yong Chen,音譯)研發出更快速的3D列印技術,成功將列印時間從數小時縮短為數分鐘。他20日在聖地牙哥美國機械工程學會(ASME)年會上發表成果。


Prior to joining USC in the Fall of 2006, Dr. Chen was a Senior Research and Development(R&D)Engineer at 3D Systems Inc. He participated in various R&D projects related to the development of Stereolithography Apparatus(SLA)and Selective Laser Sintering(SLS)systems, and 3D printers including multi-jet printing(InVision)and V-Flash desktop modeler over the five years(2001~2006)at 3D Systems.

At USC, Dr. Chen’s research focuses on direct digital manufacturing(DDM)in meso- and micro-scales, especially modeling, analyzing, synthesizing, and optimizing DDM processes and developing related computer-aided design methods and tools. Dr. Chen has published more than 75 publications in refereed journals and conferences. Among them, he received four Best Paper Awards in the ASME 25th, 28th, 31st and 32nd annual Computers and Information in Engineering(CIE)conferences in 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2012 respectively; a Best Paper Award in the 2012 ASME annual Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference(MSEC); a Outstanding Paper Award in the SME 39th North American Manufacturing Research Conference(NAMRC)in 2011, and a Outstanding Paper Award in the 21th International Solid Freeform Fabrication(SFF)symposium in 2010. He also received an annual Outstanding Paper Award of the year(2011)from a major DDM journal – Rapid Prototyping Journal. Other major awards he received include the National Science Foundation(NSF)CAREER Award in 2012, an Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers(SME)in 2008, and a Leadership and Service Award from the ASME CIE division in 2010. He was cited as one of the top engineers between the ages of 30-45 through invitation to the Frontiers in Engineering Symposium of the National Academy of Engineering(NAE)in 2009 and 2013.

At USC, Dr. Chen teaches design and manufacturing related courses to undergraduate and graduate students. He also serves as an academic advisor to the undergraduate Fab lab at the USC. Dr. Chen is an active member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, the Institute of Industrial Engineers, and the Association for Computing Machinery. He serves as a member of editorial board/organizing committee, and a reviewer of various journals and conferences.

Research Interests

  • Additive manufacturing(3D Printing)
  • Computer-aided design and engineering
  • New technology and novel application development

Recent Publications

For a list of recent publications, please visit Dr. Chen’s research, available on his webpage at:http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~yongchen/Research.htm.

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