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Reviewers for 2014 ICSPAH International Forum‏
作者:ICSPAH | 2013/11/23 7:41:37 | 浏览:2000 | 评论:0

Dear all,

The next ICSPAH Newsletter will be issued in December, 2014.  It would be appreciated if you could send ICSPAH-related news and/or short manuscripts to us at wei.bian@sru.edu and/or wenhao.liu@sru.edu. Thank you very much!

我们计划在12月初出一期ICSPAH简报,现邀请大家(包括中国大陆会员,可用中文)投稿。请将稿件用电子邮件附件的形式在12月中旬发至wei.bian@sru.eduwenhao.liu@sru.edu.  谢谢!

Dear ICSPAH members and friends,

Thanks to those who have applied for reviewers. There is a need for more reviewers and please send an email to Dr. Yuanlong Liu, the Chair of Review Committee and Past President of ICSPAH at yuanlong.liu@wmich.edu if you are interested in the review work. Thank you!

Because review work for 2014 ICSPAH International Forum will involve revising and editing abstracts in English, we hope that reviewers have some research experience with English. Thus, priority may go to senior ICSPAH members who have multiple research articles(in English)published in peer-reviewed journals as first or sole authors.

In addition, we encourage current ICSPAH members who meet the following criteria to get involved in the review work:

  • University faculty members who have earned a doctoral degree with published research articles in peer-reviewed journals in English.
  • Current doctoral graduate students enrolled in English-speaking universities who have published research articles(in English)in peer-reviewed journals in English. In addition, student reviewers should be paired with a faculty reviewer who will check and assure the quality of edited abstracts by student reviewers.  

Finally, given that the review work is a member-only activity, I encourage those who would like to become a reviewer but did not get a chance to renew your membership for 2012-2013 year please renew you membership. Thank you very much!

Wenhao Liu, Ph.D.
President Elect:ICSPAH
Slippery Rock University

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