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Health Career Connection Summer Internships for undergraduates
2013/12/10 7:34:12 | 浏览:2639 | 评论:0
Health Career Connection Summer Internships for undergraduates

A Letter From HCC VP Mai Mai Cantos

December 9, 2013
Dear CHPC and CHWA members,
As always it was great to see familiar faces at the CHPC Conference in November.  We came away from the meeting with one thing that is clear- internships are important in helping our young people reach their career goals and aspirations.
As many of you saw from the panel of successful students, Health Career Connection(HCC)was mentioned quite frequently.   Health Career Connection provides paid summer internships for undergraduate students pursuing a career in health.
Attached you will find the link to an online application for those of you who have alumni who are now undergraduates and could benefit from participating in Health Career Connection’s Paid Summer Internship Program.
HCC Summer Internship Application Link 2014
It is also on our website:www.healthcareers.org
Applications will be taken until January 31, 2014.  Please be sure to have your alumni indicate that they have participated in your pipeline program.  We have tried to list the names of all our k-16 health careers pipeline partners.  Just in case we have missed it,  please be sure to have them write it in the comments.  At the very least they can write CHPC and that can help.
Please contact Mai Mai if you would like any of the following items:
  •          Intern Recruitment Poster for students who might be interested
  •          2014 Application Announcement
  •          A Host Organization Flyer for those of you who would like to host and intern during the summer 2014 or know of organizations who might be interested. We often have more interns candidates than sites.
If you have referrals please email me:mcantos@healthcareers.org
  •          Video link of HCC summer internship experiences:
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Mai Mai Cantos
Vice President
Health Career Connection
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