去年在全美華裔社區引發強烈抗議潮的「吉米金莫直播秀」(Jimmy Kimmel Live)中「殺光所有中國人」言論事件,在經過全美數十起抗議集會和在白宮請願網站連署超過10萬後,白宮終於在10日晚對該事件作出正式回覆:「你們要的道歉,對方已經分別道歉了。聯邦政府沒有權力要求電視台取消該節目。」
去年10月17日,美國廣播公司(ABC)招牌夜間脫口秀節目「吉米金莫直播秀」(Jimmy Kimmel Live)的「兒童圓桌會議」(Kids Table)部分,針對聯邦政府如何償還中國1.3兆元債務的討論中,一名兒童嘉賓語出驚人地說「殺光所有中國人」,主持人吉米金莫評論「這是一個很有趣的想法」。
該言論引發全美各地的抗議潮,西雅圖、舊金山、洛杉磯、休斯敦、達拉斯、芝加哥、紐約、波士頓、華府多個城市都暴發多場華人抗議示威活動,要求ABC道歉、解僱吉米金莫、抵制「吉米金莫直播秀」等,聲浪一浪高過一浪。同時,民眾到白宮請願網站We The People上簽署連署。到11月18日的截止日前,共有10萬5111個連署簽名。
信中還表示「聯邦政府不可以強制ABC關閉節目。憲法第一修正案保護言論自由,即使有些個人言行是冒犯性的,甚至產生極壞影響。有時聽到不同意見,會讓人感到不舒服,但保護言論自由的原則,是我們作為一個國家的基礎。如果你們覺得這個議題值得被審查,你可以向聯邦通訊委員會(Federal Communications Commission)投訴,網頁是FCC.gov/Complaints。聯邦通訊委員會是獨立機構,負責規範電子媒體,不受白宮意見影響。」
Petition Response:What We Have to Say About Jimmy Kimmel
Dear Prof. Jiang,
Please see my comment on WH response to ABC Kimmel's incident.
The lawyers at WH know how to respond this petition, stay away from the issue of the show has gone beyond the scope of the First Amendment protection. As an executive branch, WH yields to the power of other departments to make such a conclusion as no former complaint has filed yet. Chinese way of thinking is to rely upon the executive decision of ordering something to stop, and American way of thinking is to rely upon judicial decision of issuing an injunction and/or compensation for actual damages.
As the initial petition is NOT written by skillful lawyers, WH does leave the correct venue of FCC for leveraging penalty ONLY IF the Kimmel's show is found to have gone the scope of First Amendment protection. The case analogous to this one is that FCC decision on Janet Jackson's Superbowl incident in Houston years ago. FCC levied on CBS and its affiliated stations nationwide that aired the Janet Jackson wardrope incident individually with a sum of about $550,000. However, CBS appealed the FCC fine, and the case all the way went to the U.S. Supreme Court on numerous technical issues. In the end, the U.S. Supreme Court tossed out the FCC fine. If you are interested, please read Chief Justice John Roberts' opinion as follows.
The entire process took more than 8 years from 2004 to 2012, but the result is clear, i.e. any future incident on the element of "indecency" will not be protected. The Kimmel incident is posing a novel issue, i.e. whether a TV program aired in kids' words to kill all people of one ethnicity would be considered as a promotion of race genocide, thereby not being protected under the U.S. First Amendment.
Is there any Chinese-American political organization that claims to be the authentic and de facto leadership of Chinese Americans out there that is willing to take this great cause under our American ideology? The issue is not JUST for the people of Chinese ethnicity, but for peoples in all other ethnic groups. In a show with a wide public access, it should by law forbid the appearance of such words or sentences as "to kill all Chinese," or to skill all whites, or blacks, or Jews, etc. By the way, anyone in China is least likely to have a stance to pass the first few hurdles in the legal proceeding if it is instituted.
To be fully integrated into American way of life for a greater cause, I hope that we will see some of our leaders or organizations have the courage and ability to take this cause, not just being limited with self-serving purposes.
David 盘
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:The White House <info@messages.whitehouse.gov>
Date:Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 6:35 PM
Subject:Petition Response:What We Have to Say About Jimmy Kimmel
The White House
What We Have to Say About Jimmy Kimmel
Thank you for your petition. Your petition requested an apology from those involved, and to "cut the show."
The parties involved have already apologized independently. Jimmy Kimmel has apologized on-air, and issued a written apology. ABC has removed the skit from future broadcasts, taken the clip down from online platforms, and detailed several changes in its programming review process in response to this incident. You can find more about Jimmy Kimmel's apology here, and ABC's apology here.
On a broader level, as the President has stated publicly, the United States welcomes the continuing peaceful rise of China. The comments you are writing about do not reflect mainstream views of China in the United States.
The Federal government cannot force ABC to remove this show. The First Amendment of the Constitution protects free speech, even if individuals might personally find it offensive or distasteful. It may be upsetting when people say things we might personally disagree with, but the principle of protected free speech is an important part of who we are as a nation.
If you think this issue merits additional scrutiny, you may file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission by visiting FCC.gov/Complaints. The FCC is an independent agency that regulates the airwaves without input or consideration from the White House.
Tell us what you think about this petition response and We the People.
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周五,白宫回应的这个请愿于去年10月19日由得克萨斯州锡达帕克市网民“H. Z.”发起,其标题要求就该期节目进行调查。
白宫回应华人请愿传递出的信息(一 娴)
2014年1月11日,白宫在“我们人民”(We the