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Dr. Kwan Ming Chan's Open Letter To the US Congress Members:Denounce the Japanese Minister Abe’s visit to Yasukuni Shrine
2014/2/4 12:01:53 | 浏览:2286 | 评论:0

Dear Sir/Madam,

  Recently the Japanese Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to the notorious Yasukuni Shrine has drawn wide condemnation and criticism in our local community as well as abroad. Even the Japan’s own ruling party and the New Komeito Party of Japan raised objection to the undesirable visit.

  最近日本首相安倍參拜惡名昭彰的靖國神社, 引致美本土及世界各地一連串指責及批評. 甚至日本執政党內政客及在野的公明党極烈反對的聲音.

  This is especially significant that for the first time in the seven years since 2006 a sitting Japanese prime minister visited the notorious shrine. This will further enrage the relationship with China, South Korea, Singapore and even the other countries in the East Asian region.

  這次事件是自2006年七年以來, 首次在任的首相參拜神社. 這引致東亞各國, 如中國, 南韓, 星加坡等的強烈不滿.

  Furthermore Japan is now revised its high school teaching manuals to assert its territorial claims over disputed islands.  Such action is a teaching of false history to the young generation and plant enmity and seeds of conflict with its neighbors. Japan must respect historical facts and stop provocations of its neighbors.

  最近日本更改高中課本把爭議中的島嶼劃入領土. 這樣把篡改过的歷史傳受下一代並播種仇恨的種子與鄰邦的關係.日本必须尊重歷史事實並停止挑衅鄰國.

  Meanwhile, the Secretary General of Japan’s Social Democratic Party Mataichi Siji criticized Abe was in an active militarism even though he has proposed to follow an active pacifist road. As we all know:the shrine has been a symbol of Japan’s wartime militarism as 14 class-A war criminals, who were convicted by an Allied tribunal after the war.


  Abe's provocative move would drag Japan's already-fragile relations with neighboring countries into an abyss, and damage the efforts by the international community to dispel the shadow of militarism. This will definitely not be to the interest of our country, United States.

  安倍的挑衅性舉動把日本與鄰國關係推向深淵並顯露出好戰行為. 這對美國的国家利益也極為不利。

  Abe's visit to the shrine whitewashes Japanese aggression and colonial rule. It also overthrows the international community's trial of Japanese militarism and challenges the post-war international order.  Your support to denounce and condemn the worship of the Yasukuni shrine will be highly appreciated.  The international community has every reason to concern the road Japan will take in the future.

  安培參拜行為是淡化日本在二次大戰的擴張和侵佔別國領土行為及挑戰國際社會審判日本帝國主義和維謢地區和平的決心。 希望閣下能支持反對安培的參拜神社,國際社會都極力關注日本將來所採取的政策及方向。

  The Scholars-Net protests against the revitalization of Japanese military adventures and risky nationalism which are definitely harmful and damage the safety of our homeland in the United States.


Yours truly,

Kwan Ming Chan, Ph.D.
CEO, Scholars Net

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