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作者:David & Alan Pan | 2014/3/19 5:11:49 | 浏览:3224 | 评论:0

  在几个小时前澳大利亚政府最新公布的消息已经支持了我们计算的MH 370位置区域的结果。如果你能够的话,应尽快向能作出搜索决定的机构来调整搜索方案, 以避免记录飞行工作状态的橙色“黑匣子”耗尽其电池(约30天期限)。因为将需要数天的时间,船舶与飞机才能抵达该地区, ......不幸的是那些在飞机攀升至约14000米 ,约在777飞行高度的上限1000米以上的, 已经缺氧减压昏走过去的人们。

  因为一个地球一圈= 360度= 24小时,则1小时= 15度,因为再我们的地球表面上度和时间的结构是完全平行, 1分钟的时间= 15度分,1秒的时间= 15度秒, ....如果我们知道有关数据:最后一个“握手”由国际海事卫星组织ping通到MH370这两个南北走廊的经纬度,由飞机燃料限定的飞行距离,和来自不同国家的地面雷达的数据范围,再加上我们的理论框架和算法计算出的结果, 我们就可知道有关的坐标。 我们有依据的用在我们所提出的概念说明了我们提出的地图 来确定 MH370的位置:这是把MH 370的位置放在法属阿姆斯特丹(坐标: 30.50 °南, 77.30 °东)东北部UTC +6时区的面积,在澳大利亚珀斯市(坐标: 31.95 °南, 115.86 °东)以西,并受之于飞机向南能穿过地球的纬度线飞多远,飞行高度,最后一个“握手”后8:11 ( MYT)后的飞行的距离,飞机发动机停止后的滑行距离, 等可能偏差。以我们的祈祷祝搜寻好运。

The latest announcement by Australia government a couple hours ago has corroborated with our calculated area of the MH 370 location; I am not sure of whether your office can move our information fast enough to the highest Chinese and/or international authorities to redirect the search effort in order to preserve the flight "black box"in orange color from running out of its battery.  It will take several days for ships with planes to get that area, ... unfortunately those lives has got lost at the time when the plane climbed up to about 14000 meters, 1000 meter above the 777 flying ceiling limit.

Because one earth circle = 360 degrees = 24 hours, then 1 hour = 15 degrees, and because the structure of degrees and hours is exactly parallel on the surface of our earth, 1 minute of time = 15 arcmin and 1 second of time = 15 arcsec, ….   If we know the coordinates of the last “handshake” pinged by Inmarsat to MH370 on these two corridors, delimited by the aircraft fuel range and ground radar data ranges from different nations, plus the advised results calculated by our theoretical framework and algorithm, we are pretty much very confident that the location of MH370 is within what we have proposed as conceptually illustrated in our proposed map.  That is to place the location of MH 370 in the UTC +6 time zone area of north east of French Amsterdam(coordinates:30.50° South, 77.30° East)and west of Australian city of Perth(coordinate:31.95° South, 115.86° East), subject to the deviation of how far south the plane could fly across the earth latitude lines, the flight height, the glide distance after the last “handshake” ping from the airplane at 8:11(MYT).   Good luck with our prayers.

David W. Pan, Ph.D., J.D., PD.B.
Toll Free Phone Number from China:950-4030-5511
US Phone number:918-250-9684

  鉴于目前各种有关MH370下落的猜测,我们有理由相信,这架飞机可能位于以下区域之一。 这是根据由马来西亚政府公布的南北走廊的信息和我们选择的其它数据计算得来的。



  我们的图纸是不按比例,并不代表MH370实际所作出确切的飞行路径,因为我们没有国际海事卫星组织定期从MH370的间隔“握手”的形式中获得的数据,我们也无法对飞机加注燃油的数据量来估算空中飞行的持续时间。我们可以简单地假设用在飞机和国际海事卫星之间的40度角(公布的最终“握手”接触的信息8:11[MYT])是一个常数,并与其他选定的数据合并使用。精确确定 MH370位置需要进一步的数据和大量的额外计算,这取决于飞机在8点11分(MYT)最后的“握手”时的实际的高度,并且在那时刻向在地球表面投射的锥型区域; 这个区域取决于MH370在最后的“握手”瞬间的飞行高度(即,如果MH370的来自地球表面的位置= 0,则投射的阴影面积= 0); 并要考虑777 ER- 200在其双发动机停止工作后可滑翔长达20分钟的距离。我们的命题预测大体步骤列举如下。


  2、2014年3月8日吉隆坡日出的当地时间( MYT )是7时21分。

  3、这架飞机最后一次同国际海事卫星组织在印度洋上空的卫星“握手”是在08:11 ( MYT ),以下我们推断飞机与国际海事卫星最后一次接触(ping)发生在一个从8点11分至9点10 ( MYT)的范围;我们来假定,国际海事卫星组织的“握手“间隔是一个小时计算(实际为半小时)。

  4、因为吉隆坡MYT时区日出为UTC +8:00,最后一个“握手”的MH370的位置应该已95%的很高概率在UTC +6:00时区内,如果扩大的话:在UTC+5:00或UTC +7:00时区的30分钟内。 这受飞机在于上午08时11分( MYT )最后一个“握手”的高度制约。

  5、请使用上述建议时区同已公布的南部和北部走廊相重叠覆盖, 你会通过绘制得到一个近似菱形的区域。这会显著缩小搜索区域; MH370的777飞机一般或许会在保持其结构完整性情况下在大洋的水下,取决于其机身承受水压的能力。

  6、因为我们本来已经知道如果飞机是在北部走廊的某处(大多数国家在北部走廊已公开宣布,他们的雷达系统在该窗口的时间没有检测MH370或任何其他UFO),这给我们留下唯一推断, 777 ER 200 (又名MH370 )应该是在印度洋南部的澳大利亚西部和法国阿姆斯特丹岛东北之间的某处,这是我们唯一选择。


(2014年3月19日上午09时09分25秒, Alan Pan and David Pan)

Where Could Be A Possible Location for MH370?

In light of current speculations in a wide range for whereabouts of MH370, we have reason to believe that the plane may be located in one of the following areas according to the corridors announced by Malaysian government and other data we have selected for calculation. 

  1. The middle of the southern Indian Ocean as encircled in orange in the south corridor, or
  2. The corresponding area in the north corridor.

As the area of north corridor is most covered by land masses and heavily militarized(i.e., stationed with radars), the only high possibility of the alternative is around or within the orange area in the southern Indian Ocean as circled in the map below. Please note that the map is drawn not to scale and not to the exact flight path.  We have made our calculations using our proprietary algorithm and framework.  Our calculation is based upon the published information we have selected from the sources we deem to be relevant and credible.  The fundamental principles in conducting a scientific research have been followed.

Our drawing is not to scale, neither to represent the exact flight path actually made by MH370 because we do not have the Inmarsat data that was periodically received in form of the interval “handshakes” from MH370, nor we have the data on the air fuel amount that could be used to estimate the air flight duration. We simply can assume the published information of the final contact at a 40 degree angle between the plane and Inmarsat to be a constant and used it with other selected data.  Any further pinpoint of MH370 location will require additional data and extensive calculations, depending upon the actual altitude the plane was flying at the last “handshake” at 8:11(MYT)and the projected shadowed area that is drawn on the surface of the earth, depending upon the flight height of MH370 at the moment of the last “handshake”(i.e., if MH370’s position from the earth surface = 0, then the projected shadowed area = 0).  Our projected propositions in steps are listed as follows.

  1. There is substantially strong reason to believe that the plane’s last “handshake” with Inmarsat happened before sunrise.
  2. The sunrise was around 07:21 local time(MYT)in Kuala Lumpur on March 8, 2014.
  3. The plane was last pinged by the Inmarsat’s satellite over the Indian Ocean at 08:11(MYT), hereafter inferring the plane’s last contact with Immarsat has occurred in a range from 08:11 to 09:10(MYT)if the Inmarsat’s “handshake” interval is at a hourly rate.
  4. Because the time zone for the sunrise at MYT is UTC+8:00, MH370’s location of the last “handshake” should be marked within UTC+6:00 time zone with a high probability, if not within UTC+5:00 or UTC+7:00 time zone.
  5. Please use the above proposed time zones to overlay with the published southern and northern corridors.  One will narrow the search areas significantly by drawing the scope of the areas of where the MH370 ‘s 777 can be located.
  6. Since we would have known already if the plane were somewhere in the land area in the north corridor(most nations in the north corridor have publicly announced that their radar systems did not detect MH370 or any other UFO during that window time), this leaves us with the only alternative to infer that the 777 ER 200(a.k.a. MH370)should be somewhere between the west of Australia and the northeast of French Amsterdam Island in the southern Indian Ocean. 
  7. The above has significantly reduced the possible search area and offered the center from which the search should be conducted.(3/19/2014 9:09:25 AM, Alan Pan and David Pan)


Conceptual Rendition of MH 370 Possible Location

Based upon the selected published information using our proprietary algorithm and theoretical framework
(either area of UTC+6:00 time zone intercepting with the published southern and northern corridors as shown)



Adopted from:


  搜索馬航MH370班機的努力20日發生重大突破。澳洲疑似透過衛星資料在珀斯外海發現兩個隸屬馬航失聯客機的物體。澳洲總理艾伯特(Tony Abbott)20日上午告訴國會說,澳洲從衛星影像發現疑似馬航MH370班機的殘骸。美澳機艦都已趕往相關海域查證。


  澳洲海事安全局(Australian Maritime Safety Authority, AMSA)總監楊恩(John Young)在當地時間20日下午3時30分舉行的緊急記者會上表示,根據接收的衛星訊息,發現可能的搜尋目標。「在專家分析衛星影像後,發現這兩項物件疑似馬航MH370班機殘骸」。


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