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The 13th SABPA Education and Career Development Event(4/22)
2014/4/8 7:23:22 | 浏览:1648 | 评论:2

The 13th SABPA Education and Career Development Event(4/22)

The 13th SABPA Education and Career Development Event

Date:22nd Apr, 2014

Leadership in the Changing World Series:

From Here to There – Your Career

When:5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Where:AMN Healthcare

12400 High Bluff Dr #100, San Diego, CA 92130

Registration: https://www.123signup.com/register?id=dpppg

$10($5 student)until April 18 online; $20 onsite($10 student onsite)

Pizzas and drink will be provided

Weblink: http://sabpa.org/html/2014/04/the-13th-sabpa-education-and-career-development-event/

Summary: Are you in career transition or contemplating the next big move? What are the top qualities HRs looking for? What do you need to do to achieve your career objectives? We are honored to have a senior life sciences HR executive Ms. Betsy Vaughn, an experienced career transition coach Mr. John DeWitt, and a seasoned recruiting executive Ms. Judy Thompson join us at the upcoming SABPA Education and Career Development Forum to address these and other questions you may have. The panelists will discuss job search strategies and career advice, and provide insights on job transition as well as elements essential for reaching the next levels in your career growth.

The 13th SABPA Education and Career Development Event(4/22) Betsy Vaughn:Betsy Vaughn is a Director of Human Resources for Illumina in San Diego. Illumina is a high growth global genetic sequencing company with a vision to advance human health by unlocking the power of the genome. Betsy serves as the strategic Human Resources partner for the Product Development, Research and Corporate Development Functions as well as the Life Sciences Business Unit. Prior to joining Illumina, Betsy served in Human Resources leadership positions for Biogen Idec and JPMorgan Chase. Betsy received her BA degree from Bowdoin College and her MA in Industrial Organizational Psychology from New York University.

The 13th SABPA Education and Career Development Event(4/22)

John DeWitt:John has been involved in the career transition management field for over 25 years, including as a founder of DeWitt Allen Associates. He has extensive one-on-one experience with all levels of employees in transition, from CEOs and Presidents through all levels of staff. His career began with the Carnation Company, progressing through a series of increasingly responsible management roles, then transferring to Herff Jones, a Fortune 1000 company, where he broadened his management and training experience working with franchisees. John has been active in the San Diego business community through the development of our diverse technology industries, giving him a strong knowledge of the history of the biotech, telecom, software, and active sports sectors. His expertise in business and career management has earned him numerous public speaking, radio, and television appearances, as well as publication in several local and national business newspapers. John has a BS degree from Lewis & Clark College. He is active in the business community, including the San Diego Festival of Science & Engineering, BIOCOM, San Diego Venture Group, MIT Enterprise Forum, and San Diego Telecom Council.

The 13th SABPA Education and Career Development Event(4/22) Judy Thompson:Judy Thompson is President of the Thompson Search Group which is comprised of two companies placing mid and senior level accounting and financial professionals in San Diego County. She has been a staple in the local marketplace in this field for over 35 years and has great information to share with you this evening. The sweet spot of her firm’s searches is Controllers, CFO’s and Directors who report into the CFO in functional accounting and finance areas, however, having placed over 700 professionals, her experience should be a great help to you this evening. Judy is committed to advancing the interests of San Diego’s accounting and financial community and does so through involvement in several key professional associations. She is a past President of both IMA(Institute of Management Accountants)and CFC(Corporate Finance Council, she is on the boards of the San Diego State University School of Accountancy, and Corporate Directors’ Forum, and she is a past recipient of the prestigious San Diego Business Journal’s Women Who Mean Business Award, and the 2008 CEO of the Year Award.


5:30-6pm:Registration, Dinner, and Networking

6-7:30pm:Panel Discussion

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Melayxhw说:留言于2014-05-15 13:47:44(第2条)
Introducing The Late Imperial Primer Literacy Sieve, A Digital Tool, with examples from Ming Steles for Shrines to Living Officials

Talk by Sarah Schneewind, UC San Diego

Friday, May 16, 2014
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Bunche Hall 10383

Many late Ming people had memorized a standard primer or two (such as the Three Character Classic) and could read – some. Vernacular literature blossomed, and daily-use encyclopedias, legal documents, scriptures, announcements, shop signs, stone inscriptions, etc., made reading an integral part of life. I will introduce a new digital tool, the Late Imperial Primer Literacy Sieve, intended to reveal roughly what a primer-literate reader could read of a given text. To demonstrate, I will apply the Sieve to steles commemorating shrines to living officials. These inscriptions typically record or invent conversations among commoners, praising some officials and criticizing others. These apparent legitimations of popular participation in politics stood, carved in stone, in public places. Was their potentially dangerous rhetoric safely isolated in the domain of gentry cultural hegemony? Only the classically literate could appreciate a stele in all its allusive complexity, but could ordinary folk read parts of it? If so, what messages might they have gleaned? The Sieve offers a way to begin to address the knotty problem of audience.

Sarah Schneewind, a graduate of Columbia University, is presently Associate Professor of History at UC, San Diego. After writing Community Schools and the State in Ming China, which challenged the centrality of the Ming founder, and the more readable A Tale of Two Melons: Emperor and Subject in Ming China, and after editing Long Live the Emperor! Uses of the Ming Founder across Six Centuries of East Asian History, she has finally turned her back on Ming Taizu to research the ubiquitous but under-studied phenomenon of shrines honoring living officials in Great Ming, with a comparison to Chosŏn Korea. She has been President of the Society for Ming Studies and manages the on-line Ming History English Translation Project.

Co-sponsored with the Center for Digital Humanities, Center for Buddhist Studies, and Center for the Study of Religion.

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UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
11381 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Campus Mail Code: 148703
Tel: (310) 825-8683
Fax: (310) 206-3555
Bmklaxiy说:留言于2014-05-08 10:48:12(第1条)

正在無助徬徨之際,恰與一班懂看相的朋友聚會,許久未見的「大師兄」關心地說:「小師妹, 你大小眼得很明顯,去試試針灸吧。」我對師兄一向敬重,深知他出此言必是經過深思熟慮,於是二話不說就約定了人生的第一次針灸治療。

見到針灸醫生,我將病症講述了一遍。醫生聽罷問:「有沒有頸痛、頭痛?」我回想平時的情況答:「頸痛常有,頭痛偶爾有。」醫生繼續 問:「是不是從小就愛翹腳,且經常翹左腳?」我驚:「你怎麼知道?」醫生語重心長地勸:「別再翹腳了,盆骨都歪了。」翹腳不好不算新鮮,盆骨歪了倒夠震撼,但這些和眼睛有啥關係?醫生看出我的心思,繼續解釋:「經常翹左腳,令你左邊身體持續處於拉緊狀態,時間久了 便導致盆骨歪斜,脊椎隨之歪斜,頸椎又隨之歪斜,因此壓迫右邊面部神經,導致眼皮下垂。幸虧你及早發現,若情況繼續下去,可能會面部肌肉萎縮甚至癱瘓。」說到翹腳,醫生嫉惡如仇地說:「任何人翹腳都衰硬,只是早晚的分別。肌肉筋骨強健的人,問題發出來可能晚些,但 到時候年紀大了,治療會更難、見效也更慢。」

做夢也想不到,眼睛問題的根源竟是翹腳,而且後果竟可如此嚴重。我又急又怕:「還有得救嗎?」醫生說:「你還年輕,針灸能令盆骨、脊 椎和頸椎慢慢回復正常位置,眼睛就會隨之好轉。」我鬆了口氣、欣喜不已。醫生見狀,又嚴肅地補充:「每次治療,我只能暫時令你肌肉放鬆、關節正位,但若你習慣不好,錯誤的姿勢和肌肉的記憶會令關節再次歪斜,治療就成了無用功。所以,你必須戒除翹腳,並平躺睡覺。」

翹腳雖難戒,但事到如今,我只有乖乖照做。然而,這平躺睡覺的要求,簡直就是逼我失眠嘛!我不解。原來,在脊椎已經歪斜的情況下,側 睡會加重脊椎的負擔,令情況惡化;平躺不僅能避免脊椎側面受力,更有助於加強和延續針灸的效果。醫生教給我一個此後百試不爽的小秘方:睡前在肚臍下方的腹上,隔著衣服貼個暖包,就能平躺著安睡一夜。不僅如此,在下腹貼暖包,還有暖身、促排泄的輔助功效。

至今,我已針灸治療約十次,完全戒除了翹腳並習慣了平躺睡覺。眼睛的病症逐漸好轉之餘,曾長期困擾的肩頸頭痛也減輕了許多;更出乎人 意料的是,自己的運動表現也有提高,重量訓練時左右力量更均衡,做瑜伽時曾經不可能的動作變得輕而易舉。這一切,很大程度上都來自一副健康平衡的骨架,以及正確良好的姿勢。

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