作为商業企業(餐館,超市,專業寫字樓,零售,麵包店,美容美髮店面,公寓,購物中心等等)的老闆或管理經理或者与房地產開發相關專業人士(建築師,承包商,開發商,商業地產代理,律師等等), 您了解美國殘疾人法案吗?您了解加州无障碍通道的法律吗?您知道美国超过40% ADA法律訴訟发生在加州吗(在加州平均每月190个ADA法律訴訟)?您想知道ADA法案会如何影響您的相關業務吗?您想了解如何減少或避免可能的ADA法律訴訟吗?那么就请来参加六月二十八日由OCCSEA在尔湾举办ADA相关法律系列讲座吧。請參閱傳單了解更多讲座信息.
講座中,会串插三個小的讲題:1. 建筑设计与建筑风格, 2. 房屋风水, 3. 在美房地产开发中的贷款问题
Dear Friends,
OCCSEA will hold a series of seminars about American with Disabilities Act and California Accessibility Requirements.
The seminars will be beneficial to architects, developers, property owners, real estate agents and lawyers, and property management staff.
Session 1:California Access Laws and the ADA
Time: June 28, 2014 1:00 pm-1:30pm networking
1:30pm-4:30pm seminar(with snack and drink)
Location: Taylor, 17850 Fitch, Irvine, CA92614
Price: $60 per non-member; $45 per member( member means who joined
OCCSEA 30 days prior to the seminar date)
Mail Address: 1520 Brookhollow Dr. Suite 45, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Paypal Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=K96AKPAM8T7Q2
Topics included in the presentation:
1, Do you know that California outpaces other states in ADA lawsuits(7,188 cases from 2005 to 2013)?
2, What is the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)and how does it apply to my business or facility?
3, Who has responsibility for ADA compliance in leased places of public accommodation, the landlord or the tenant?
4, If I am leasing space from a building owner and the building does not have enough ADA parking spaces to be compliant with ADA Standards, am I obligated to address this or is it solely the responsibility of the building owner?
5, Is my building "grandfathered in" under the older ADA Standards or do I need to comply with the new 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design?
6, If I am doing a renovation on a hotel, how many guest rooms need to be accessible?
7, What are the laws about services animals that apply to my business? Businesses and non-profit organizations are required by the ADA to remove architectural barriers when it is "readily achievable" to do so. How do businesses and non-profit organizations determine what is "readily achievable"?
8, Are there any limitations on the ADA's barrier removal requirements for existing facilities?
9, What funding assistance is available for removing barriers and accommodating customers with disabilities?
10, Why does the new law require that any lease of commercial property executed on or after July 1, 2013, must state whether a CASp has inspected the premises and/or, whether any violations were found?
11, How can a CASp help business owners to reduce unwarranted ADA litigation?
Session 2:New 2013 California Accessibility Requirements
Time: August 2, 2014 1:00 pm-1:30pm networking
1:30pm-4:30pm seminar(with snack and drink)
Location: Taylor, 17850 Fitch, Irvine, CA92614
Price: $70 per non-member; $55 per member(If you have attended Session 1,
$50 per nonmember, $45 per member. Member means who joined
OCCSEA 30 days prior to the seminar date
Mail Address: 1520 Brookhollow Dr. Suite 45, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Paypal Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=K96AKPAM8T7Q2
Topics included in the presentation:
Public Accommodations Overview:
Building and Facility Accessibility
Exterior Routes of Travel
Accessible Parking
Curb Ramps
Detectable Warnings
Walks and Sidewalks
Hazards and Detectable Warnings
Accessible Entrances and Exits
Common Use Areas/Facilities
Restrooms and Sanitary Facilities
Employee Work Areas
Vertical access:Elevators/Lifts, Stairways and Ramps
Scope and Exceptions/Safe Harbors
20% rule and when it apples
Alterations and Repairs -How much is required?
Technically In feasible
Historical Buildings-Overview
State Housing Law Overview
Existing Buildings
Questions and Answers
Philip Yin, CASp-027, SE
Philip is a California Certified Access Specialist(CASp)and founding member of California Access Specialist Institute(CASI). Philip has worked in two largest local jurisdictions in Southern California, and reviewed and inspected numerous commercial and residential projects. Currently, Philip oversees plan check activities in the Department of Development Services in Long Beach and is serving on the Disabled Access Committee of International Code Council(ICC)LA Basin Chapter, representing 89 local jurisdictions in LA region.