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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网活动公告征文征稿
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2014/8/15 3:03:50 | 浏览:2806 | 评论:5





1  您心目中“世界级”科研突破的标准。

2  近年来,您所从事的研究领域中有哪些“世界级”科研突破?有哪些是中国人(华人)取得的?

3  您对于潘建伟、颜宁、施一公等在中国取得的“世界级”科研突破的看法?

4  您个人在中国或国外的科研经历和感受,意见。

5  如果您回国来从事科研,您最重视哪个方面(如科研环境),请讲一讲您关于此的故事。

6  对于未来中国、中国科学家在科研领域取得“世界级”突破,您有什么判断,为什么?

7  您的其他宝贵想法。




联系人:王文乐      邮箱:sanderpine@sina.com



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varlog说:留言于2015-01-10 10:37:49(第4条)
China’s First National Critique: The 1954 Campaign to “Discuss the Draft Constitution”
Thursday, January 15, 2015
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Bunche Hall 10383
In 1954, as part of the “National Discussion of the Draft Constitution,” Chinese engaged in a surprisingly wide-ranging deliberation about political and social rights, the obligations of citizenship, state symbols, political institutions and ideology. Many asked frank, penetrating and frequently prescient questions about law, class, and political power, and offered provocative suggestions for revision. This talk will delve into the content of this constitutional discussion and examine its implications for the historiography of the PRC and the way we understand Chinese constitutionalism.

Neil J. Diamant is Professor of Asian Law and Society at Dickinson College and Chair of the East Asian Studies Department. He is author of Revolutionizing the Family: Politics, Love, and Divorce in Urban and Rural China, 1949-1968 (2000), Engaging the Law in China: State, Society and Possibilities for Justice (2005) and Embattled Glory: Veterans, Military Families and the Politics of Patriotism in China, 1949-2007 (2009). Before joining the Dickinson faculty in 2002, he taught at Tel Aviv University in Israel.
Howard Bloomberg说:留言于2014-08-28 00:41:16(第3条)
1, 您心目中“世界级”科研突破的标准。


2, 近年来,您所从事的研究领域中有哪些“世界级”科研突破?有哪些是中国人(华人)取得的?

W. Pan, Ph.D.说:留言于2014-08-20 00:22:11(第2条)
Here are my comments:

1, 您心目中“世界级”科研突破的标准。
There would be few event that could be qualified as such because any great discovery is a result of being accumulative and incremental in the eyes of true researchers (note: I purposefully avoid from using the term of scientists here)

2, 近年来,您所从事的研究领域中有哪些“世界级”科研突破?有哪些是中国人(华人)取得的?
First, there is hardly any break-through research qualifying as the "world-class." Please reconsider the usage of this kind of fancy words in scientific inquiry. Second, a publication in a tire-1 or -A journal in one''s own field is a qualifier to measure a contribution made to the research inquiry in a given field. Third, whether a
tier-1 or -A journal publication is a true measure for the so-called world class still remains questionable because most such journals are English language based, subject to somewhat biased review against those studies done and written by people of non-native English.

3, 您对于潘建伟、颜宁、施一公等在中国取得的“世界级”科研突破的看法?
Congratulations to all of them and many others. They all have published in a tier-1 or -A journal of their own field, so have done by many other researchers in their own field. Again, knowledge is
built upon being accumulative and incremental. To put it into
another light, if China can fund any research team who have adopted the same high rigor in research method, procedure, and standard as those three scientists have done (Note: I purposefully use scientists here to give them of my respect), that team will,be able to achieve the similar with a high probability. Research is dependent upon 1% of luck, and 99% of hard work as said by Einstein (?), plus sufficient funding in Chinese context, assuming to be with the high rigor in method, procedure, and standard etc.

4, 您个人在中国或国外的科研经历和感受,意见。
To be truthful in whatever one''s doing. However, being truthfulness is a relative term in locations.

5, 如果您回国来从事科研,您最重视哪个方面(如科研环境),请讲一讲您关于此的故事。
Not only 科研环境, but also 社会大环境。

6, 对于未来中国、中国科学家在科研领域取得“世界级”突破,您有什么判断,为什么?
Using the term of the “世界级”突破," researchers in China (Note: they could include researchers of other nationalities working in China) have done great work in scientific inquiry for many years in the history, and accomplished a lot in fields that have been recognized and benefited by the rest of the world; please let our colleagues in China do whatever they are interested in doing research in their own field, "feed" and "room" them well so to let them not worry too much about their own basic survival need, equip them with sufficient resources by the high rigor in research method, procedure, and standard in scientific inquiry AND social context, the “世界级”突破 will come naturally, although they do not have to be published in the current
tier-1 or A journals of English language. Being truthfulness to oneself, and let whatever one has done judged by time and others. Why need in a hurry to announce we have the “世界级”突破?

7, 您的其他宝贵想法。
Personally, I want my takes and thoughts be invaluable, rather than being measure with a value. :-)

The last statement shows the evidence in a different mentality in academia between China and the mainstream of north America. (1) As the job for a journal, you are supposed to welcome any manuscript that can be classified as pros or cons, or as what you have described as 无论“冷水”“热水.” People take this for granted. And (2) Personally, I don''t think that anyone in the circle of my colleagues on the Scholars'' Ne…
J. Bruce说:留言于2014-08-20 00:10:43(第1条)
1, 您心目中“世界级”科研突破的标准。

2, 近年来,您所从事的研究领域中有哪些“世界级”科研突破?有哪些是中国人(华人)取得的?

3, 您对于潘建伟、颜宁、施一公等在中国取得的“世界级”科研突破的看法?

5, 如果您回国来从事科研,您最重视哪个方面(如科研环境),请讲一讲您关于此的故事。

6, 对于未来中国、中国科学家在科研领域取得“世界级”突破,您有什么判断,为什么?
我认为对中国科学家在科研领域的世界级发展是一个长期挑战的过程,个别或部分优秀人才做出一些突破也是正常的,但是,真正形成一个气氛和一定的规模的人才群,时间还会特别慢长。纵观世界科学发展历史,获得世界诺贝尔科学奖的比例绝大多数在世界一流大学中产生的。从1901年该奖成立以来到2009年的统计,美国大学中前十位大学获得该奖的447名,其它大学获得该奖329名,这些大学都是在美国大学排名前50所大学,,英国总计207位,其中剑桥81,牛津38名,伦敦大学19名,帝国理工18名,爱丁堡9名。其它8所大学共 33名,科学研究机构才 1名,而我们国家的的一流大学和世界一流大学的差距巨大。可以想象,我们国家科研发展的世界级突破还有多么长的时间。

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